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Arguably among the loveliest of South American cities, Quito enjoys a spectacular setting surrounded by mountains and several snow-capped volcanes, including the still active Mt Pichincha. The origins of the city date back to the first millennium, when the Quitu tribe occupied the area. In Quito's beautiful and charming Old Town, you'll find blocks of colonial architecture dating to the early 1500's when the Spanish founded the city, now a UNESCO World Heritage site. Vintage facades line the streets and large open plazas are surrounded by cathedrals and stately public buildings. Even more breathtaking than the exteriors are the interiors of some of the buildings, particularly the churches, many of which gleam with real gold leaf. Visit the Monastery of San Francisco, Quito's oldest church. Built in the 16th century, the monastery is an exact replica of the Escorial Palace of Madrid. Conclude today's tour with a stop at the Equatorial Monument, the Mitad del Mundo, commemorating the exact place where Charles Marie de la Condamine established the Equator, where we can stand with one foot in the northern and one in the southern hemisphere. Hotel Puerto Lago @ Laguna San Pablo.


Today we experience Otavalo, whose beauty lies in its people, the Otavaleno Indians, and their market. Unlike other indigenous people who have given up their traditional dress for jeans and t-shirts, Otavalenos are still easily identified by their distinctive dress: women wear intricately embroidered blouses and a wealth of beaded necklaces, while men have long braided hair and wear calf-length white trousers, ponchos and sandals. Enjoy the cacophony of sounds as Spanish, Andean pipe music, and Quichua, the native language of the area, mix together and the explosion of color from the many fabrics, fruit and other stalls that line the plaza and the side streets. Later this afternoon, visit Cotacachi, another small town famous for its leatherwork; and Peguche, known for its weavings. After lunch, travel along the Andes Mountain Range to Papallacta, a small town tucked away in a high Andean valley at the entrance to the Amazon jungle. Hotel Termas de Papallacta with hot thermal springs right outside my room.


Set out for the Amazon along a scenic stretch of road that overlooks lush green valleys and sparkling waterfalls. Arrive at Punta Ahuano, a tiny port town on the north bank of the Napo River, where canoes await us for a short ride downstream to our lodges @ Casa del Suizo. Check out traditional Quechua ceremics and balsam wood carvings at the nearby village.

Next day, explore the wonders of the Napo River area starting with a hike deep in the woods and discover diverse floras and bugs. Visit Amazoonico, a rescue center for wounded and displaced tropical rainforest animals, including coatis, tapirs, monkeys, anacondas, and birds. Enjoy a relaxing float down the river in inner tubes.

Later in the day, visit a local Quechua family who will explain various aspects of their traditional culture, including a special lesson on making the local beverage chicha, shooting with blowdarts, and traditional dance demonstrations.


After breakfast, set out in piraguas (canoes) to return to La Punta. Continue to Puyo, the most important city in Ecuador's Oriente region. En route, ride in a cable car to view the spectacular Rio Verde falls, better known as El Pailon del Diablo (the Devil's Cauldron), and try ziplining across the canyon.

Then head to nearby Banos, a small town famous for the hot springs that give it its name. Sparkling waterfalls, rolling hills, and scenic bridges complete this picturesque setting. Drive to Patate, known for its pastoral location on the Patate River, its excellent grape cultivation, and the production of some of the best auuardiente liquor in the highlands. Overnight @ Hacienda Leito Llaganates, converted from an 18th-century Jesuit monastery and decorated with Spanish art pieces.


Visit the local market in Pillaro.

Excursion to Cotopaxi National Park, home to the highest active volcano in the world (19500 feet above sea level). Spanning an impressive 84000 acres, this natural reserve protects a diverse array of flora and fauna, including llamas, deer, wild horses, as well as many species endemic to the region. Keep your eyes peeled and cameras ready for a lucky sighting of the mythical Andean condor. Return to Quito this evening for a farewell dinner with our travel companions.

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