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Association of First Nations Women
204 - 96 East Broadway Ave. Vancouver, BC V5T 1W4
Phone: (604) 873-1833 Fax: (604) 872-1845

Circle of Eagles Lodge
1470 East Broadway Ave., Vancouver, BC V5N 1V4
(604) 874-9610 Fax: (604) 874-3858

Assisting Aboriginal people to make the transition from correctional facilities to the outside world.

Healing Our Spirts AIDS Project
319 Seymour Boulevard North Vancouver
Phone: (604) 983-8774 Fax: (604) 983-2667
Outreach Office: 212 - 96 East Broadway Vancouver, BC, V5T 4N9 Phone:
(604) 879-8884 Fax: 879-9926 Toll Free in BC: 1 800 336-9726
Mailing Address: 415B West Esplanade St. N. Vancouver, BC V7M 1A6

Prevention education services are delivered to communities and groups across the province, for all groups, including women, prisoners, youth, elders, community groups, chief and council, health professionals and paraprofessionals. Healing Our Spirit provides services for Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS, their families and communities. The Vancouver office offers counselling, peer support, healing circles, cultural activities, housing advocacy, nutritional supplements, and referrals. Healing Our Spirit hosts an annual Aboriginal HIV/AIDS conference.

Helping Spirit Lodge
3965 Dumphries St., Vancouver, BC V5N 5R3
(604) 872-6649 Fax: (604) 873-4402

A 33-bed transition house for Aboriginal women and children in a cycle of domestic violence. Offers Choices, a 16-week pre-employment program for Aboriginal women, with an emphasis on life skills training.

Indian Homemakers Associationof B.C.
251 East 11th Ave. Vancouver, BC V5T 2C4
(604) 876-0944 Fax: (604) 876-1448

Assisting women and their children, on and off reserve in B.C., in the struggle for the restoration of aboriginal and women's rights. The Association provides information to reserve and urban First Nations women about issues that affect these women and their families. In turn, it presents these concerns to governments and the general public. We are struggling to achieve social justice to obtain economic independence, to preserve the integrity of the family and to live in harmony with nature.

Lu'ma Native Housing Society
301 - 7 West 7th Ave. Vancouver, BC V5Y 1L4
(604) 876-0811 Fax:(604) 876-0999

Cooperative housing for Aboriginal people.

Native Courtworkers and Counselling Association of BC

Assistance for Aborginal people in the court system, as well as drug and alcohol counselling services.

Native Education Centre
285 East 5th Ave. Vancouver, BC V5T 1H2
(604) 873-3761 Fax: (604) 873-9152

British Columbia’s largest Aboriginal private college. The facility is a beautiful West Coast longhouse which holds up to 250 students. The Native Education Centre began with the Adult Basic Upgrading program encouraging urban Aboriginal people to achieve grade twelve. Skills training and university transfer programs have evolved over the last twenty years and our present programs include: Aboriginal Adult Basic Education, Office Administrative Training, Family and Community Counseling, Early Childhood Education, Native Criminal Justice, Aboriginal Tourism Management, Aboriginal Land Stewardship, Sun Mask Tours, First Host, Digital Video Production

Provincal Residential School Project
911 - 100 Park Royal South West Vancouver, BC V7T 1A2
(604) 925-4464 Fax: (604) 925-0020
Toll Free Survivor's Line: 1-800-721-0066

Assists First Nations in B.C. to be empowered from the generational effects of residential schools.

The Red Road HIV/AIDS Network
415B West Esplanade. North Vancouver, BC V7M 1A6
(604) 983-8774 Fax: (604) 983-2667

Information, education, and research on HIV and AIDS.

Urban Native Youth Association
1640 East Hastings Vancouver, BC V5L 1S7
(604) 254-7732, Fax: (604) 254-7811

UNYA helps Native youth in the urban setting. UNYA’s goal is to be a safe place for Native youth to find out about other services in the community. Programs and Services include alternate education, pre-employment training, outreach and prevention, a safehouse, two-spirit support, a drop-in centre, school support, and one-on-one assistance.

United Native Nations
626 Bute St., 2nd Floor, Vancouver, BC V6E 3M1
(604) 688-1821 Fax: (604) 688-1823 TF: 1-800-555-9756

Vancouver Native Health Society
449 East Hastings St. Vancouver, BC V6A 1P5
(604) 254-9949 Fax: (604) 254-9948
(604) 255-9766 Clinic Fax: (604) 254-5750

Community Health Clinic, Positive Outlook (HIV/AIDS Outreach Program), Sheway Project (Pregancy Outreach program), Youth Safe House Project
Pre-Recovery Employment Lifeskills Program, Inner City Foster Parent Program, Community & Inter-Agency Liaison

Warriors Against Violence Society
2621 Cambridge St. Vancouver, BC V5K 1L6
Phone: (604) 622-8937 Fax: (604) 622-3831

Helping to understand and prevent domestic violence in Vancouver's Aboriginal community.

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