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-BlueClear-s'..Love Lift Us Up


In the distance lies our love,
great heights we must over see.
One star to watch up above,
together is how we will be.

Over time, how our love did grow,
seperated, but not forgotten.
Everyday, to me, your love, you show,
with beautiful words, softly spoken.

Love like ours, tried and true,
hearts with desires driven.
Each day brings feelings anew,
deep from our soul, love is given.

You lifted me, from a valley of fears,
chased away the clouds of loneliness.
Kissed my face to free it of tears,
wrapped me in your warm caress.

An eternity would not be long enough,
to love you the way I do.
And each day apart is tough,
for TMD, I am in love with you.

For "You, M'Love"

Penned By

Song for your enjoyment

*~Up Where We Belong~*
Joe Cocker and Maxine Green

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April 1st, 2001