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          Eating Disorder Information and Referral ~ The Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. We provide information and treatment resources for all forms of eating disorders.

          Welcome to the Help Page! ~ Resourceful site about eating disorders designed to help teenage girls help themselves and others. :)

          Standing in the Shadows ~ Nicely designed site also about helping teenages become educated and overcome not just eating disorders, but also other illnesses such as depression.

          Anorexia Nervosa: Judy's Story ~ Great site! Judy tells her story of her battle with the vicious anorexia plus gives a lot of handy links.

            The Long Road Back, A Survivors Guide to Anorexia ~ Hey, Judy also has a book out! It has gotten rave revews so check it out. :)

          Montreux Counselling Centres ~ Yup, it's true -- Montreux has a site up! It is still under development, but go here for info. on Peggy Claude-Pierre's book, for good reading material suggestions, and to find a lot links to great sites. :)

          Kathy-On-The-Edge ~ A comprehensive news, stories, resources, support about eating disorders and anorexia plus treatment centers and special topics of such as body image, athletics osteoporosis, poetry and insurance.

 ~ Great FAQ and more stats :o)

 ~ Wonderful page on eating disorders that has sections for binge eating disorder, as well as facts on what eating disorders are, how you can help, books and treatment options, and more.

 ~ Fantastic page! Has a memorial site, a diary of someone suffering from an eating disorder, links, and tons more.

          ADOL : Adolescence Directory On-Line ~ This is a good place to visit if you are a teenager or a parent with a teenager. Will link you to other sites on violence, proper nutrition, drinking, ect.

 ~ Another great site for information on eating disorders.

 ~ Wondeful site to see that deals with many family issues including eating disorders.

          ~ CyberGuide To Stop Overeating and Recover From Eating Disorders I hope you visit this site because it includes many tips on how to recover from binge eating, bulimia, and anorexia :o)

          Links to more ED Sites ~ This is a link to another page filled with links to other great ED sites.

          CNN's In Depth Health Stats On Eating Disorders ~ Will give links to wonderful pages relating to Anorexia and Bulimia as well as provide statistical information

          The Secret Language of Eating Disorders ~ This is a site set up by Randome House books, the publishers of Peggy Claude-Pierre's book, and will give you insight into her remarkable treatment.

          Cheryl Wildes's touching story ~ This site inspired me to set up my own eating disorders page because of an incredible story of a woman suffering from anorexia for over 15 years. Cheryl goes tells the story of her sister, Stacy, the sufferer. Please see as it has great links as well!

          Grant Me the Serenity... ~ Extensive resource for those in or seeking recovery from various addictions, obsessions & compulsions.

          Doctor's Guide to the Internet ~ This is a great site with all sorts of medical information and links regarding not only eating disorders, but other things such as insomnia, hair loss, heart failure, and so on. Please visit!

          The Center Inc. - A place of Hope ~ A site that provides several FREE reports of use to individuals dealing with eating disorders. The Center, Inc. is a full treatment center. =)


 ~ Wonderful site dedicated to MALES with EDs.


          Eating Disorders Counseling ~ This site is run by a certified professional counselor and certified specialist in treating eating disorders. She will help you battle your eating disorder through email for a modest price, so please contact her if you are interested!

 ~ ANRED is an organization providing therapy for the treatment of anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. Please see this site for more info.

          Nada Mangialetti, Ph.D. ~ Ms. Mangialetti is a psychiatrist that specializes in treating eating disorders. Please visit her site if you are looking for treatment options or you would like some info/other help with an ED. (Or for someone you know that has an eating disorder)


          Better Health Message Boards ~ Tons of message boards, including one for Eating Disorders. =)

          WBS Health & Support Plaza ~ You can enter the Eating Disorder chat as a Guest, or you can register a Screen Name for free. :) They also have other great chats.

          The ED Association of Australia ED Chat

          Something-Fishy's Chats ~ Lots of different chat rooms related to Eating Disorders, courtesy of the Something-Fishy site!

          Something-Fishy's ED Message Board ~ The Something-Fishy message boards.

          Want to find more eating disorder chats, message boards, or just anything else relating to an ED? Try a search! :)

          Find it on Mental Health Net:


 ~ Great site for those that are suicidal, or have loved ones that committed suicide...
          Borderline Personality Disorder Sanctuary ~ I know a lot of us anorexics and bulimic suffer from other things like depression, MPD, bipolar disorder, etc., so I thought this was a great link to add. Awesome site so please check out! :)


          Please help support the 'Adopt A Guardian Angel' program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment!

          Children Are Worth Saving Web Site
          Adopted October 28, 1998

          Princess Diana Tribute ~ As most of us know, Princess Diana suffered from bulimia and anorexia. This lovely site is dedicated to her.

          My friend Andrea's page on EDs ~ This is my friend Andrea's page and she also suffers from bulimia -- I think her site is great so please visit it and sign her guestbook. :o)

          Free banners and web graphics! ~ Ok, ok, I know. Not a site relating to EDs, but this wonderful author of this site can design absolutely beautiful banners for you for FREE, as well as provide graphics and other things for web sites. Please visit her page!

          Pat's Web Graphics ~ All of my pretty flower backgrounds came from this lady's nice page. :)

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          "I'll show you why

            you're so much more than good enough..."