The Gone Birding Newsletter

Vol. 7, No. 2

April 2006



Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoos Show at Aerial Tram

On 29 March, visitors to the Rain Forest Aerial Tram were treated to the spectacle of an army ant swarm working the vicinity of the cemented Bocaracá Trail. In addition to observing the faithful ant followers—Ocellated Antbird (Phaenostictus mcleannani), Bicolored Antbird (Gymnopithys leucaspis), and Spotted Antbird (Hylophylax naevioides)—viewers had the rare opportunity of seeing not one, but as many as three Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoos (Neomorphus geoffroyi) that were attending the feast!

Thanks to Daniel Torres for getting word out to local birders that same day. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to fit a visit into my schedule until 14 April, and by that time it had been nearly a week since anyone had encountered the ground-cuckoos. Nonetheless, various other birders who were able to get over there within a day or so of the initial sightings did have success as the birds continued to forage with the marauding ants for several days in the general area of the tram boarding station. At one point, the ground-cuckoos were even visible from the restaurant/gift shop area!

I also heard from Kevin Easley that, in February, a visiting British birder got looks at a Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoo while birding the trails at Albergue Heliconias above Bijagua de Upala. This is the first report that I’m aware of for this species at the site, but agree with Kevin that it’s not at all surprising, given both the habitat and the location.



Raptor Roundup

During March and April we generally enjoy clear skies over most of Costa Rica, which is conducive to good possibilities for viewing soaring raptors. Even though we did have some wet spells, especially on the Caribbean side of the country, these past two months, numerous rare raptors were reported. Of course, the fact that there are more visiting birders in the country at this time of year may also have helped.

“Raptorfever” began in earnest in mid-March, when Rafa Campos sent out an e-mail with news of a pair of Solitary Eagles (Harpyhaliaetus solitarius) that were building a nest about 500m from the lodge at Bosque de Paz. The opportunity to observe such a rare species generated a lot of excitement. However, within about a week, further observations revealed that the nest-building pair were actually Great Black-Hawks (Buteogallus urubitinga).

This bit of confusion set the stage nicely for Bill Clark’s visit to CR in mid-April. Author of several field guides to raptors, Bill has been preparing an article dealing with the field identification of Solitary Eagle (look for it to appear in the December issue of Birding), and seeing this species was one of his primary objectives.

Accompanied by Jim Zook, Bill spent many hours at middle elevation vantage points in Braulio Carrillo NP, above La Virgen del Socorro, in the vicinity of Bajos del Toro (i.e., near Bosque de Paz), and at the San Ramón Forest Reserve. They had five different sightings of Great Black-Hawk, but not a single Solitary Eagle.

Another species that Bill had not previously seen in the wild was Barred Hawk (Leucopternis princeps). Seeing this proved easier than the eagle and Jim wrote: “Bill had his fill of Barred Hawk by the time we were done and was amazed to see how similar it looked from above to the illustration for Solitary Eagle in Stiles and Skutch (he took some photos that really highlight this similarity), adding yet another species into the possible mix of [erroneous] Solitary Eagle reports.”

Bill freely shared his knowledge and readily shared his enthusiasm for raptors during his visit, and it was indeed a pleasure to make his acquaintance.

* * *

At midday on 02 April, I received a message from Daryl Loth saying, “I'm sending some pictures you might find interesting. These were taken at about 8:45am in terrible lighting (overcast, backlit) by my clients with two different Canon digital SLR's with 300 and 400mm lenses. The bird was in a tree about 20 meters ahead of us at a height of 20 meters or so. It was perched in a tree on the south side of Rio Tortuguero about 75 meters south of the entrance to the caños.

“What do you make of it? It was quite large. Probably twice as massive as an osprey.”

Here is a composite of three of the images taken by Bruce Wise showing an adult pale morph Crested Eagle (Morphnus guianensis), both perched and in flight. Note the black mask effect imparted by the dark lores, the single long crest feather on the bird in profile, and the unbarred wing linings on the bird in flight. I also showed the images to Bill Clark, who, after considering the possibility of a juvenile Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja), concurred with the ID.

Given the location of the sighting, I imagine that this is probably one of the same birds that has been reported in Tortuguero by Mariano Cruz (see the previous two GBNs).

* * *

In early March, Abraham Gallo, of Bosque del Río Tigre, was looking for cotingas near the bridge over the Río Rincón. He and his clients had walked a few hundred meters down the road past the restaurant on the corner (where there’s a mangrove on one side of the road and a forested hillside on the other), when he looked up the slope and spotted a perched Harpy Eagle! The way I heard the story, one of the clients “filmed” the bird with a video camera, only to later discover that there was no tape in the camera!

* * *

On 23 March, while accompanying Bob Quinn and a group of birders from New Hampshire, we stopped in at El Tapir (just below Braulio Carrillo NP on the highway to Limón) to check for hummingbirds—which were present in good diversity, with ten species sighted in 30 minutes. As we stood on the circular cement floor where the restaurant was to have been, Bob noticed a pale raptor soaring in over the large clump of bamboo. It was a totally overcast morning and the light wasn’t great, but fortunately the bird wasn’t too high up. Lots of things were wrong for a White Hawk (Leucopternis albicollis), but then, as the black mask and long, barred tail added up in my mind, I realized: Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle (Spizastur melanoleucus)! The bird slowly circled around three or four time as it drifted east and over the highway. On its final circle before disappearing behind a hill, it banked enough to show its black back and wings. Cool!

* * *

A Merlin (Falco columbarius) was seen repeatedly this spring at Rancho Naturalista. While birding from the balcony with Jim and Nancy Whitehead on the morning of 12 February, we had the bird fly by twice, giving quite nice looks on the second pass. Then, late in the afternoon on 28 March, upon arriving at Savegre Mountain Hotel, another Merlin flew in and landed atop an oak tree behind the cabins. Unfortunately, it was a private showing for another visiting guide, my driver, and myself, as the rest of my group was in the process of settling in to their rooms.

* * *

Drivers seem to have been having good luck with raptors at Savegre lately. On 14 February, “Niño,” who was driving for Mark Garland’s New Jersey Audubon group, found a Pearl Kite (Gampsonyx swainsonii) in the camping/picnic area downstream from the lodge. As far as I know, neither Marino nor Melvin, the local guides at the hotel, ever saw the bird; but apparently some other visiting guides and tourists saw it, as well as the NJA group. This represents a much higher elevation (2100m) for Pearl Kite in CR than any other previous sighting.



Slate-colored Seedeaters Sing in Carara

As of some time around mid-March, reports began circulating of several male Slate-colored Seedeaters (Sporophila schistacea) singing in Carara. It seems that most of the birds were spread along several hundred meters of the Quebrada Bonita, but there were also one or two singing from the forest edge near the entrance to the cement loop part of the Universal Trail. On 23 April, the birds were still singing regularly from their perches, as was confirmed independently by both Julio Sánchez and Steven Easley. I never heard anyone mention seeing females, but you’d think that with all that singing there ought to be some around.

Pieter Westra also sent word of seeing a male Slate-colored Seedeater, on 23 March, in the forest on the property of Hotel Villa Lapas, upstream from the hotel.

* * *

Jean Jacques Gozard informed me of a small flock of Yellow-bellied Seedeaters (Sporophila nigricollis) that he saw on 01 February, just at the first curve going up the Peninsula road by the Arenal Dam. I’d never heard any reports of this species so far north on the Caribbean side of CR, but Kevin Easley said he once had some along Lake Arenal.

That same afternoon, while birding the Peninsula road, Jean Jacques also had the fortune of seeing three Keel-billed Motmots (Electron carinatum) perched on the same branch!



More Caribbean Species Appear on Southern Pacific Slope

In late January, Jan Westra, of Talari Mountain Lodge, left a message that he had seen two Plain-colored Tanagers (Tangara inornata) on the grounds of the lodge. As I was just about to leave on a trip, I didn’t have time to return his call and question him about the sighting, which seemed rather improbable and, I assumed, might have been just a Palm Tanager (Thraupis palmarum) seen in poor light. However, during that aforementioned trip, I ran into Kevin Easley on the Oxbow Lake Trail at Carara, and when he asked, “Hey, Richard, guess what I saw at Talari the other day?” I was able to surprise him with the reply: “A Plain-colored Tanager.” Kevin admitted that he, too, was a bit dubious about the birds when Jan told him, but sure enough, there they were!

This report now makes me wonder about a supposed sighting of Plain-colored Tanager at the Wilson Botanical Garden back in early March 2004. While visiting there with a group of birders, I was approached by two other birders, who were traveling on their own, and asked about the possibility of Plain-colored Tanager there. I told them that it was a species confined to the Caribbean slope of CR and suggested that perhaps they had gotten a less-than-adequate view of a Palm Tanager. They felt sure that it wasn’t a Palm Tanager, but given the unlikeliness of plain-colored and the fact that neither I nor any of my group members saw the bird in the time we spent near the banana feeder, I just dismissed the sighting as an unresolvable mystery bird.

Plain-colored Tanager does occur on the Pacific slope of Panama, but normally much farther east of the border with CR. Do any readers in Panama know of this species spreading west towards CR?

* * *

Readers may recall my surprise at seeing three different Black-cowled Orioles (Icterus prosthemelas) during the Fila Costera CBC on 03 January 2005. Well, now there’s a report of this Caribbean slope species along the Tarcoles River! While doing the Mangrove Birding Tour on 10 April with Geoff and Heather Lightfoot, Leni Martin, and Luis Campos, my son Leonardo spotted a Black-cowled Oriole feeding in a Cecropia—near the spot where a pair of Double-striped Thick-knees (Burhinus bistriatus) have been seen for several months now and, according to Luis, recently nested. About a week later, Luis called to say that he has seen a pair of the orioles on subsequent boat trips.

Another distributional head-scratcher.



A Couple of Pelagics Seen from Caribbean Coast

While visiting Tortuguero on 06 March, Rafa Campos observed a Brown Noddy (Anous stolidus) near the beach by the Caribbean Conservation Corporation’s facilities. At dawn the following day, he saw several individuals of this species flying farther out from shore.

On 15 March, Luis Sandoval and Gustavo Flores saw a dark morph Red-footed Booby (Sula sula) perched on one of the rocky islets around Isla Uvita, off the coast of the port of Limón. The bird was with four Brown Boobies (Sula leucogaster) and its red legs and feet were quite evident.



Migrant Reports and Mangrove Update

Not much news of rare migrant sightings has reached me these last few months. In fact, the only “goodies” I have heard about are Black-throated Blue Warbler (Dendroica caerulescens) and Nashville Warbler (Vermivora ruficapilla).

On 03 February, Daniel Martínez wrote to inform us of sightings of at least two adult male Black-throated Blue Warblers in Kéköldi, near the field station used by the Talamanca Hawk Watch observers. One or two birds were seen almost daily as of 21 January, with many observations of the birds in open areas, often feeding on fruits of Quassia amara (hombre grande) and joined by Olive-backed Euphonias (Euphonia gouldi) and Red-capped Manakins (Pipra mentalis). There were also sightings of birds forraging on the ground and giving a characteristic chip-chip.

The Nashville Warbler was seen and photographed in mid-March at the Tirimibina Forest Reserve.

* * *

John and Maureen Woodcock finished another season of bird banding at several sites along the Guanacaste coast. In summing things up, John wrote that “895 birds were banded this season. There were 39 species banded, the five most abundant species banded (in descending order) were Tennessee Warbler (Vermivora peregrina) 183, Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea) 168, Northern Waterthrush (Seiurus noveboracensis) 130, Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia) 122, and Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) 63, all migratory species that will soon fly back to North America to breed. Many individual birds that were banded in previous years were recaptured in the same locations this winter. Perhaps during this coming spring migration some of our birds will be encountered by other bird banders and we will learn something about where these birds come from. We’ve learned that many of these birds utilize two habitats each day, foraging in the Tropical Dry Forest, and using the mangroves for roosting.”

However, of just as much interest to me has been the “coincidental” data that their banding efforts have generated. I’m referring to the confirmation of the presence of several resident species that were previously not known to occur in the mangroves of the upper Guanacaste coast. Perhaps you will recall the discussion of the Mangrove Hummingbird (Amazilia boucardi) vs. White-bellied Emerald (Amazilia candida) that took place a year ago. Well, this year John and Maureen twice caught possible Mangrove Hummingbirds at Estero Tamarindo (Parque Nacional Marino las Baulas) and sent these photos. From the view of the rump and dorsal side of the tail in the lower image, this bird definitely appears to be a female Mangrove Hummingbird as it nicely fits the description in Stiles and Skutch: “above uniform bronzy-green, including central rectrices … tail notched, blackish lateral rectrices tipped with pale gray.”

Interestingly, they have not encountered Mangrove Hummingbird at either of their other two banding sites in mangroves at Playa Naranjo or Estero Iguanita.

Somewhat similarly, John reports, “Mangrove Yellow Warblers (Dendroica petechia erithachorides) are scarce at Estero Naranjo and Estero Iguanita but common at Estero Tamarindo. We banded 14 this season, 18 the year before, and 22 in 2003/2004. I haven’t summarized this season’s recapture data yet but I’m sure we re-captured at least 10 that we banded in previous years. They were just beginning to sing when we left.” This local race of Yellow Warbler is “apparently absent from outer Península de Nicoya to N,” according to the field guide. Thanks to John and Maureen’s work, we now know differently.

Finally, John mentioned, “We have seen and heard Gray-necked Wood-Rails (Aramides cajanea) and Rufous-necked Wood-Rails (Aramides axillaris) at all three mangrove swamps.” The latter species is mostly known from mangroves, but again the field guide gives its local distribution as “mangroves around the Golfo de Nicoya.”



Finding Crakes the Easley Way

In a recent telephone conversation with Kevin Easley, he told me of his exploits at the El Tigre field (a.k.a. Pinnated Bittern (Botaurus pinnatus) site) during a Birdseekers trip that he was leading in late March. The main gate to the field now has a chain and padlock on it, so the group was standing along the edge of the fence, peering in to the field. At one point, Steve Bird thought he saw a Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) make a short flight before dropping back down into the grass. This was during one of the rainy spells on the Caribbean side of CR and the field was nearly flooded, but Kevin had his rubber boots on and decided to go in after the bittern.

After tromping around without flushing the bittern, or anything else, but thoroughly waterlogged, Kevin began walking back to the fence. He hadn’t gone far when a small rail flushed in front of him, giving a brief, but sufficient, view: a Yellow-breasted Crake (Porzana flaviventer)! Signaling to the rest of the group to get their attention, Kevin then proceeded to flush the bird two more times. On one of those short flights, the bird flew across in front of Kevin, allowing him a great look at the bird from the side.

Add another species to the El Tigre list, and let’s hope they don’t decide to turn the field into a pineapple plantation!

* * *

In early April, Steven Easley, was birding on the road to Durika—near the Rosy-Thrush-Tanager (Rhodinocichla rosea) site—when he heard a crake calling. Though the bird was never seen, based on the habitat and location it was most likely an Ocellated Crake (Micropygia schomburgkii). Definitely another bird to keep in mind when visiting this area! And by the way, a four-wheel-drive vehicle is a must if you are considering venturing up the road much beyond Buenos Aires.



Invasion Updates

Southern Lapwing (Vanellus chilensis), Tropical Mockingbird (Mimus gilvus), and even Rusty-margined Flycatcher (Myiozetetes cayanensis) all seem to be well-established in CR now and are hardly seem newsworthy anymore, yet it’s still interesting to keep track of their status and distribution. So, here is some additional information on each of these species:

Southern Lapwing: On 13 February, Pieter Westra spotted a single bird near the mouth of the Tarcoles River, while doing the Mangrove Birding Tour. This may well be the first report of this species for that area.

Tropical Mockingbird: Following up on the report in the previous GBN of a mockingbird across the road from the Montaña de Fuego Hotel, near Arenal Volcano, it turns out that there is actually a pair inhabiting the same field where a pair of Southern Lapwings nested last year. When I visited the area with my family on 09 April, it was a strange sensation to be standing along the road looking at Tropical Mockingbird, Southern Lapwing, and Melodious Blackbird (Dives dives) all in the same field. Things certainly do change!

And even more interesting was Rafa Campos’s report of a Tropical Mockingbird coming to the feeders at Bosque de Paz. Rafa saw the bird on 12 March, but local guide Vinicio Porras told him that it had been coming to the feeders for about three weeks. At an elevation of about 1600m, this represents a significant elevation record for the species in CR, where I’m not aware of it occuring above 700m, as at San Isidro de El General.

Rusty-margined Flycatcher: I finally had the opportunity to add this species to my CR list when, at midday on 26 March, Bob Quinn, his group, and I spent an hour birding the La Gamba road. We got great looks at a pair of the flycatchers along a wide drainage ditch, about 100m beyond the first wooden bridge you cross after coming in from the PanAmerican Highway. At one point, both birds perched within half a meter of a bulky straw nest that was built on the branch of a low shrub hanging out over the water. Though neither bird entered the nest during the brief time that we watched, this observation would indicate that this species is in fact breeding in CR.



La Selva CBC Results

Better late than never, here’s the outcome of the Christmas Bird Count held at La Selva on 30 December 2005. A respectable total of 326 species was achieved by the 67 birders who took part in the activity. The total number of individual birds logged for the day was 6372. Thirteen of the seventeen routes covered were on the La Selva property, but the two new species added to the twenty-one-year running tally were seen on off-site routes. Blue-headed Parrot (Pionus menstruus) was seen at El Plástico de Selva Tica, and Black-and-yellow Silky-Flycatcher (Phainoptila melanoxantha) on the Braulio Carrillo 1070m route. These two additions bring the cumulative count total to 493 species.

And we might expect another new species for the list this coming year: Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao). On the afternoon of 22 March, while visiting the station with the Bob Quinn group, we heard the squawking of in-coming macaws and were surprised to look up and see eleven Scarlet Macaws flying over the main compound! The local guides told me that the group of macaws had been seen regularly in the area for several weeks.

Apparently, this species of macaw used to inhabit the region, but it has been decades since any have been sighted. It will be interesting to see if the Scarlet Macaws remain in the area and, if so, how they interact with the semi-nomadic Great Green Macaws (Ara ambigua) that frequent the area seasonally.



In Memory of Paul Slud

On 20 February 2006, Paul Slud died of cancer at age 87. From 1964 until his retirement in 1983, Slud was Associate Curator of Birds at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History. Prior to that position, he had been a research associate in the Department of Ornithology at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

Paul Slud’s The Birds of Costa Rica: Distribution and Ecology, published in 1964, is a major contribution to the knowledge of Costa Rica’s avifauna. The monograph treats 758 species and is based largely on the author’s seven years of experience in the country between 1950 and 1962. The species accounts are wonderful narratives reflecting the writing style of the times. As an example, here’s an excerpt from the account of Great Jacamar (Jacamerops aurea):

“I met it usually alone, sometimes in pairs. It is a true inhabitant of virgin forest, occurring from somewhat below medium heights to fairly high in the trees, apparently perching preferentially on slender branches and horizontally strung vines. It strays rarely to the well-shaded semi-open beside the forest border, where I have seen it at shrub height, or lower, in the sort of place in which to expect the other jacamar, Galbula ruficauda. Not only is it larger than the similarly plumaged Galbula, but it is heavy-bodied and big-chested and has a curved and arched, thick-based, relatively shorter beak. Like Galbula it sits “actively,” that is, with its beak pointing distinctly above the horizontal, its head looking about alertly on an immobile body, as do trogons, puffbirds, and motmots. Also, it has the habit of suddenly about-facing on its perch. It makes sudden wing-whirring dashes for prey to and from leaves, as does a motmot or puffbird, rather than fly-catching in the air like Galbula, nor does it return to the original perch.

“A bird of reserved, generally silent demeanor, it nevertheless makes interesting sounds. The most frequent is an essentially one-syllable, protracted, hawklike “kee-éee-eeeü.” The listener hoping to gain sight of the invisible author usually waits in vain for the cry to be soon repeated. Once I heard several times a longer, more involved call when two birds were together. It began with a slow, catlike “wahaaoww meowww,” the second note pitched higher than the first, followed by a long whistle, hawklike as the above-mentioned cry, with a slur or break in the middle that made it sound two-parted and two-leveled. Also given is a prolonged descending whistle similar to the sighing note of the woodhewer Xiphorhynchus erytropygius.”

Slud also wrote The Birds of Finca La Selva (1960) and The Birds of Cocos Island (1967).

He died at his home in Catlett, Virginia.



Seen a Rare Bird in Costa Rica?

If you think you’ve seen a rare bird in Costa Rica, especially if it might be a species that would be new for the country, the Asociación Ornitológica de Costa Rica would like to hear about it. They have prepared this rare bird report form, which they would appreciate receiving from anyone who might have seen something unusual. An effort is currently underway to revise and actualize the country list, and this type of information is vital to the process.

I have posted a link to the form on my home page, also. Unfortunately, for the moment, the form is not in a format that allows one to fill it out and submit it online, but rather it has to be downloaded and filled out using Word, or some word processing program, and then sent as an attachment to either Gerardo Obando or Roy May, whose e-mail addresses are on the form.

Of course, I’d also be interested in hearing about any such sightings for future newsletter material!



Mystery Bird Photo Quiz

Congratulations to Patrick O’Donnell and Paco Madrigal, who correctly identified the mystery bird from the previous edition of the GBN. Patrick wrote, “The primary projections are so short they look very Seedeater-Grassquit like to me. Also, I can't detect any edging to the feathers in the wing, so I'm not calling it an Ochre-bellied Flycatcher.” But he did call it a Yellow-faced Grassquit (Tiaris olivaceus), and I think you will, too, after seeing this about-face view.

Ready to try again? Can you find and identify the bird in this image? The answer will be announced in the July 2006 newsletter. Good luck!



Thanks to everyone who contributed news of rare sightings and good finds. I hope that you've enjoyed this newsletter and welcome any comments at or if you're in Costa Rica, feel free to give me a ring at 293-2710.

Wishing you all great birding,

Richard Garrigues



January 2006

CBC reports, Tropical Mockingbird, Keel-billed Motmot, Scaled Pigeon, Crested Eagle, Yellow-margined Flycatcher, Long-billed Curlew, Cave Swallow, Prairie Warbler

October 2005

Shiny Cowbird, Pale-breasted Spinetail, White-winged Dove, Crested Eagle, Solitary Eagle, White-tailed Hawk, Ocellated Poorwill (not), Tricolored Munia, Rusty Sparrow, Buff-breasted Sandpipier, Golden-cheeked Warbler, albino hummer, Rosy Thrush-Tanager

July 2005

American Pipit, Cocos trip report, Cedar Waxwing, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, Red-throated Caracara, Black-chested Jay

April 2005

White-crowned Pigeon, Lark Sparrow, Cedar Waxwing, Northern Harrier, Long-billed Curlew, Dunlin, Warbling Vireo, Crested Eagle, Rusty-margined Flycatcher, Southern Lapwing nest, Mangrove Hummingbird study

January 2005

Red-billed Tropicbird, Pink-footed Shearwater, Arctic Tern, Black Storm-Petrel, Masked Booby, Herring Gull, Parasitic Jaeger, Cory’s Shearwater, Yellow-breasted Chat, Golden-cheeked Warbler, Dunlin, CBC results, Eurasian Collared-Dove, Blue-tailed Hummingbird, Greater Ani, Red-throated Caracara

October 2004

Black-vented Shearwater, Sabine's Gull, Brown Noddy, Brown-chested Martin, Cerulean Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, Connecticut Warbler, Violaceous Quail-Dove, Rusty Sparrow

July 2004

Dr. Skutch eulogy, Shiny Cowbird, Crested Eagle, Cinnamon Woodpecker, Warbling Vireo, Keel-billed Motmot, Rufous-necked Wood-rail, White-throated Magpie-Jay

April 2004

Rusty-margined Flycatcher, Striated Heron, Red-billed Tropicbird, Masked Yellowthroat, Black-headed Grosbeak, Cape May Warbler, MacGillivray's Warbler, Bullock's Oriole, Crested Eagle, Uniform Crake, Paint-billed Crake, White-rumped Sandpiper, Maroon-chested Ground-Dove, Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoo, Tropical Mockingbird, Blue Seedeater

January 2004

Christmas Bird Count results, American Bittern, Gray Kingbird, White-eyed Vireo, Brewster's Warbler, Great Swallow-tailed Swift, Unspotted Saw-whet Owl, Maroon-chested Ground-Dove, Worldwide Ornithological Literature website

October 2003

Cory's Shearwater, Swallow-tailed Gull, Black Tern, Gray-breasted Crake, Gray Kingbird, Orange-crowned Warbler, Blue-headed Vireo, Bobolink, Lincoln's Sparrow, Peg-billed Finch, Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge, rare raptors

July 2003

Greater Ani, Green Heron, Bat Falcon, Orange-breasted Falcon, Swallow-tailed Kite, Keel-billed Motmot, Spot-tailed Nightjar, Black-whiskered Vireo, Lincoln's Sparrow, Yellow-breasted Chat, Mouse-colored Tyrannulet, Strong-billed Woodcreeper

April 2003

Large-billed Tern, Green Heron, Golden-cheeked Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Keel-billed Motmot, Red-throated Caracara, Pheasant Cuckoo, Wattled Jacana, Tropical Mockingbird

January 2003

Christmas Bird Count results, Southern Lapwing , Short-tailed Nighthawk, Lanceolated Monklet , Sunbittern, Magnolia Warbler, Prevost's Ground-Sparrow, Tricolored Munia

October 2002

Golden-cheeked Warbler, Migrant monitoring, Southern Lapwing, Harpy Eagle, Violaceous Quail-Dove,Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch, Rusty Sparrow

July 2002

Dr. Skutch update, Veraguan Mango, Pearl Kite, Red-breasted Blackbird, Tody Motmot, Mourning Dove, Red Knot, Pinnated Bittern, Black-and-white Owl

April 2002

Harpy Eagle, American Avocet, Pacific Golden Plover, Ruff, Cave Swallow, Southern Lapwing, South Polar Skua, Maroon-chested Ground-Dove

January 2002

Southern Lapwing, White Tern, Chipping Sparrow, Black-headed Grosbeak, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Migrant warblers, hummers and more hummers

October 2001

South Polar Skua, Pomarine Jaeger, Sharpbill, Long-billed Curlew, Lovely Cotinga, Black-banded Woodcreeper, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, White-tipped Sicklebill, Bicolored Hawk, Lanceolated Monklet

July 2001

South Polar Skua, Silvery-fronted Tapaculo, Scaled Antpitta, Pearl Kite, Scarlet Macaw, Mystery hummers, White-eyed Vireo, Nashville Warbler, Masked Duck

April 2001

Crested Oropendola, Rosy Thrush-Tanager, Wattled Jacana, Brown-throated Parakeet, Lanceolated Monklet, Black-banded Woodcreeper, Lovely Cotinga, Cinnamon Teal, Silvery-throated Jay, Migrant wood-warblers, Violaceous Quail-Dove

January 2001

Crested Oropendola, Lark Sparrow, Oilbird, Double-striped Thick-knee, Pheasant Cuckoo, Y2K CBCs, Ochre-breasted Antpitta, Crested Eagle, Rufous-necked Wood-Rail

October 2000

first migrants and rare warblers, disappearing migrant shorebird habitat, Mallard (sic), Rufous-necked Wood-Rail, Scaled Antpitta, Black-and-white Owl

July 2000

Blue-tailed Hummingbird, Prairie Warbler, Tiny Hawk, Red-throated Caracara, Western Slaty-Antshrike, Red-breasted Blackbird, Clapper Rail, Swallow-tailed Gull

April 2000

Green-winged Teal, Painted Bunting, Green Ibis, Western Slaty-Antshrike, Pearl Kite, Southern Lapwing, Lanceolated Monklet