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The Junkyard Character List

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Character Name





Special Powers/Magic


2-d tom 2 Best friend to Murdoc Russian Blue Rubber Bubble
Afra tom 2 Damia's best friend a golden tone, with brilliant green eyes


he has found Damia
Alarielle queen born 6/6/99 daughter of Nick & Similyn; sister of Quennel, Sarai; lifemate of Troubador ginger tabby (looks like Nick) resist magic


Angel queen 1 none ???
Angel is a very conservative queen. She grew up in a victorian house only to be thrown out after 1 week. She had gotten into a fight with the fish.
Anika queen 1 none Green eyed, brown tabby with an "m" on her forehead
Anita queen 1 cousin of Jemima and Chloe red kitten
likes to flirt very much
Ansem tom 1
He has green eyes and sandy light brown fur
Ansem has a mysterious past, he keeps to hiself mostly and at times can be very nervy at times.
Aryk tom Born 12-15-00 Mother: Damia, Father: Afra, sister: Aryn, Uncle: Taggi, Cousin: Starlight Orange unknown
Aryn queen born 12-15-2001 Mother-Damia; Father-Afra; Brother-Aryk; Cousin-Starlight; Uncle-Taggi dark with cream colored markings unknown
Athenos tom 1 none Black Shadowing, Static Somewhat proud, though he tries not to be full of himself. He wants to keep the peace wherever he goes, and tries to oppress anyone with evil intent. Kind of a goody two shoes, though not extremely. He originally lived with his parents, in a human household, and left because it was, plainly put, getting old. He's looking for more freinds and a good place to live.
Atlina queen 1 yr 6 months
a small mix~breed. Tawny silver fur, green eyes. calico strips- widely spaced and even.
A very short history with Macavity, was captured by him for a short time. Mother was killed when I was 8 months old. Never knew father.
Aurelia queen 1 year half-sister of Frazzelspitz, although neither one knows it yet Mostly black with flecks of white all over her body and face
Aurelia was raised by evil cats, but questioned their ways. When she turned one year old, she decided she'd had enough of the abuse and the hatred and left home in search of a better place, and happened to stumble upon the junkyard.
Avian tom 4 mate of Jemima A tom who has spent keeping himself with good form. He is not a super cat in any way though his face is kind and conciderate. He is adorned in a short coat of mixture soft rust red with white patches.
Baron tom 5 possible relative of Nepenthe Dark grey tom with green and gold eyes. Black flecks in fur and black paws. Darkness May be seen with a temporarily unknown evil tom once and awhile... this tom shall be revealed later in time.
Baskin tom born 01/21/00 mate of Jenna-Lyn medium sized tom, white with black feet, ears and tail tip. Slick T.L. is his role-model, he met him in the city and was introduced to Jenna-Lyn, T.L.'s sister.
BearPaw queen one year abandoned red, black, brown, white, gold, gray cat; honey colored eyes that when it's night shine a gold topaz light.
She acts a lot like Bomba; likes attention from many of the older toms (tugger, Munkustrap, etc *no pun intended*). Abandoned by her owners, she lived on the street for a while...very protective of things she cares about.
Bratzy queen



smokey black kitten


Was a spy for a hideous creature! She escpaed from being treated badly, she is hoping she will be accepted by the jellicles
ButterBall tom 2 years older second cousin to Mistofelees


He lives in Australia and has moved to England because of death of his human
Cat_nip_cat queen 1 year


very pretty gray tabby, white and orange patches



Carbon tom born 10/9/00 son of Mirage, Sillabub; brother of Kailee, Kyoto; half-brother of Nathaniel, Jenna-Lyn, Track white stomach, face and legs with grey black and red tabby markings wall of fog


Cassandra queen 2 none A sleek abyssinian with round, golden eyes. Darkness, Empathic, Phototelepathy Hm...well, no, because she's the Mysterious Cat.
Catnip tom kitten
cute, fuzzy
adventurus kitten
Cemus tom 7 months Brother of Wisp. Calico. Half of his face is ginger, while the other half is black.
Cemus is pretty much your average, playful kitten. the only thing is that at one minute his happy and the next he's shy and scared. He's very protective of his sister. They no almost nothing about their past. He and his sister were recently kidnapped and then abandoned by the side of the road. He has no idea what became of his parents.
Cheshire queen 6


all black with white chest, 2 front paws, tip of tail Giant large, tough queen; is leader of own pollicle/wolf pack; is very strong and intelligent
and will always stand up to any challange given to her; stole the Irish Stone from arch-enemy Janus
Chloe queen 7 months best friend of Jemima white and black (mostly white little black fur)
Chrychaesa queen 2 lifemate Soren Troi, sister of Joshua, Kesstiane, Orion, close like Jo Bingham as Etcetera illusionary song, telepathy key to Soren's prophecies
Clepsida queen 2 1/2 years sister of Rum Tum Tugger Clepsida is very similar in apprearance to Tugger, but with blue eyes, and of course a more feminine look.
Has been wandering around for a while and stumbles across the Junkyard, and later meets up with her brother. She is very hot-headed and quick-tempered.
Colt queen 6 months
A small,white and grey cat with bright green eyes and soft fur.
Coricopat tom 2 Twin of Tantomile looks just like his sister (except with more masculine features) Doppleganger, Telepathy Receiver Coricopat and Tantomile were separated for a long time by reasons known only to them, and they have finally found each other.
Damia queen 2 younger half sister to Taggi black with yellow stripes


special tracking ability, like Taggi's
Demeter queen born 8/31/96 lifemate of Alonzo; cousin of late Bombalurina;
mother of Adrian, Aislen, Jey, Reubus; daughter of Desdemona
black & yellow tabby



Desoto tom 1
white kitten with black spot towards the tip of his tail, on all four of his paws, and covering his right eye and right ear accross her back.
He like's keeping to himself bt he doesn't mind company. He can be pretty hard to keep up with. He hardly ever runs from danger unless another life is on the line. Desoto also like to impress females.
Disaster tom 9 months
Black cat with 2 white paws and a white line accross her back.
Ditto queen 6 months Sister of Mia Green eyes with dark gey fur but with black stripes and a black nose.
Durst tom born 2/2/02
black with a bit of white on face, white stomach, white paws. Green eyes, medium length coat Giant Illusion
Echo tom 7 months
A white cat with 3 black paws and a black spot on his back.
Enigma tom 1 Lived in Tarulla, then travelled here Silvery-grey with silver and grey dappled tail that reflects light. fade Usually acts rogueish having lost his mate to human pets on the loose, but is friendly.
Felina queen 2
Calico; tannish face w/dark brown fur down the middle & sides; mostly dk brown body; white forepaws; white chest; golden-brown eyes
Friendly, just looking around for new friends.
Frazzelspitz queen 8 months
runtish calico whose face and body are covered in cuts and scars
Two months ago, her mother and siblings were killed by an evil, unknown cats, rumored to have worked for Macavity at one point or another. Ever since, she's been trying to make a life. She's been running from place to place and finally finds the Junkyard.
Gabrielle queen born 5/27/99 daughter of late Bombalurina & Minstrel younger Bombs


Gareth tom born 5/13/99 lifemate to Sarai; brother of Troubador and late Katline, half brother to Mattahew black on top, fading to grey underneath; green wolf eyes telepathy receiver mind was around bend; martial arts master
Giselle queen 4/30/2000 none black and white patches, green eyes. Speed Giselle is a 2 year old cat, she is has no known relations and will not divulge much about her past. She is rather arrogant and can be very snobby at times.
Hayden queen 8 months sister to Sorra Black with her front left paw white. none Seperated from sister Sorra at birth. Knows she has a sister but Sorra does not.
Imurai tom 2 mate of Tabetha, father of Signar A relativly large cat with a powerful equivalent in speed and power. His golden tan coat shimers in the day light and envelops him in darkness. Beguile, Harm, Stealth A member and leader of the small 3 member cats gang from London known as 'Renegade'. His partners of Daien and Semmura team up into one powerful and all too evil unit. Being cunning, manipulative, and dangerous he is a force not to be taken lightly. In London it was unbeknownst but he killed many toms and queens by tricking them into following him before they never returned. Only known to Daien and Semura that Imurai used his harm ability, draining their life then leaving them somewhere not to be found.
Jango tom 4 none Large Russian blue w/black stripe running across his eyes and down to his nose none Seems amnesiac
Jaramis tom 11 Sarafina's ex-mate; Jemima and Scarlett's father brown fur on his body, black furn on his paws Parachute Knows nothing about Jemima, Scarlett, or Sarafina still being alive. Is a very kind father-like tom.
Jasiko queen 16 none mostly black with some white
Jasiko wandered into the junkyard one late night, not knowing where she came from. Her earliest memory was of wandering the streets of the city and being hungry. She hopes she has found a place where others will accept and love her.
Jemima queen 4 daughter of Sarafina and Jaramis; identical twin to Scarlett; mate Avion Greyish white
Orphan looking for a mate to settle in with and have a family.
Jenna-Lyn queen born 11/13/99 Daughter of Sillabub and late Tyler, sister of Nathaniel, Track Liam brown tabby with a little white on face and feet
Jennyanydots queen 12 looking for a husband, has a thing for Bustopher Jones fat, Orange
can tell if something is not clean or not; can tap dance!!
Kaileigh queen born 10/9/2000 daughter of Sillabub and Mirage; sister of Kyoto, Carbon; half sister of Nathaniel, Jenna-Lyn, Track Liam Pic


Kandy queen ?? none She is a small, orange queen
She loves attention. But she also loves her time alone to think
Kato tom 1 None A purely white tom with a good athletic build. He has soft emerald eyes that are very caring. Short hair and a well groomed coat. Light Beam, Levitation A very calm and well mannered tom. Some would call him a queens cat despite the fact he is just trying to be polite. Very calm and sought out in his descisions and will stick by them unless extremely provoked.
Ken tom 2/28/91 none
Kitana queen ?? none She is a reddish-brown queen
She starts off with a bad loss of memory. Her only wish is to get it back...and soon
Kyo tom kitten


all black; with a white crecent moon on his chest shadowing


Kyoto tom born 10/9/2000 son of Mirage, Sillabub; brother of Carbon, Kaileigh; half-brother of Nathaniel, Jenna-Lyn, Track brown/grey tabby, wht stomach, chin, paws


Kyra queen 1 Twin sister of Leene light orange with dark orange stripes, green eyes.
Always with her twin.
Leene queen 1 Twin sister of Kyra light orange with dark orange stripes, green eyes.
Always with her twin.
Lil' Misto
a.k.a. Lil
queen 3 months Sister to Mistokitten; Stepsister to Mistoffelees and Nattie White; blue eyes Still working on it... Orphaned Her mom died when he was 8 weeks old.
Lola queen 1
She is a calico with white paws.
Luna queen kitten


picture here


unusual connection to the

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