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Sect and Pack Rules

Sabbat Justice Sabbat punishment is swift and harsh. The accused is brought before a tribunal of prelates who do not personally know the Sabbat member on trial. The accuser presents the case against the accused. The accused is then allowed to state his case. If found guilty, the accused is punished severely. If found innocent, the accuser often receives the punishment. Sabbat are generally free to do as they please as long as their actions have no adverse effect upon the sect, but the Sabbat is not at all lenient to those who act in a disloyal fashion. Below is a listing of various crimes and their punishments.

Justice and Punishment in the Sabbat
"Whatever is not forbidden is permitted."

The Sabbat protects itself from its members' wrongdoing through the use of a special tribunal. The tribunal is made up of at least four prelates, selected from among the members of the Inner Circle and the Arch-Bishops, with at least one of those members being of Cardinal rank or higher. The accused is brought before the tribunal and the accuser or another prelate presents the case against him. The accused is then allowed to state his case. The tribunal meets in private thereafter and makes its decision. If the Sabbat is found guilty, she is punished severely. If she is found innocent, the accuser often receives the punishment the Sabbat on trial would have. Sabbat punishment is swift and harsh. The nature and degree of the punishment is based upon the actual crime. The Code of Milan is used as the basis for Sabbat law. A tribunal will only be called upon in extreme circumstances, such as treason and situations that cannot be worked out by one leader alone. The decision of the tribunal will be final and all involved will agree before the onset of the trial to abide by that decision. Members of the Sabbat are generally free to do as they please, as long as their actions have no adverse effect upon the sect as a whole, but as it can be clearly seen, the Sabbat is not at all lenient to those who act in a disloyal fashion.

Treason: Torture and dismemberment, followed with death by fire or "walking the plank" off the top of a skyscraper.

Murdering of a Fellow Sabbat: Death by diablerie.

Stealing from another Sabbat: Permanent mutilation.

Deceiving sect leaders: Severe burning or a bath in lye.

Running from the enemy: Death by acid or permanent imprisonment in the catacombs beneath the local Sabbat temple or cathedral, with only enough blood to keep the offender undead.

Divulging a Sabbat secret to anyone: Death by fire.

Failure to respond when called by leader: Branding.

Slave ghoul disrespectful to a Sabbat: Drawing and quartering of the ghoul and the beating and blinding of vampire master.

Slave ghoul divulged secret: Death by fire of both ghoul and vampire master.

Refusal to participate in a Vaulderie: Humiliation before the pack and denial of blood for a month.

Striking a Cardinal, Priscus or Archbishop: Blinded and multiple bones broken.

Associating with Camarilla Kindred:Stern warning on first offense, good beating on second, concrete boots on third.

Failure to accomplish minor mission:Humiliation in front of pack through beating and electrical shock.

Any display of cowardice:Blood Feast for fellow pack members, but usually left undead.

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