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MaYa's Retreat

links to other pages

My poetry
My artwork
More artwork
My pottery
More Pottery

Boudicea's homepage - lotions and potions
Boudicea's homepage - forest house
Running Deer's homepage
Dragonslayer's homepage
Ash's homepage
Ash's Pokémon Page
Dianne's homepage

Welcome to my retreat...
please browse....
return again....
and PLEASE sign my guestbook!!*L*
Seems its time to get serious and put more work on here!
I will shortly be putting up a Faery section for the Fae Folk
And of course, adding some more artwork
as I have been very neglectful of this site lately.
For that I apologize, my friends have waited too long.
Remember....friends are forever and I love each and everyone of you.....
very big hugs...
Blessed Be!!!!
