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[Roll of Honour]

[Flute Notes]

This new flute band is a joint venture between Republican Socialists in Strabane and Derry. The band had it's first practice session during the first week of January 2004, with over thirty young people turning up to get involved.

This was a very encouraging beginning for the committee members, who were also impressed at the skills that have been made available by experienced flautists and drummers.

Some of those present are only beginning to learn their chosen instruments, and it will obviously take time for them to become accomplished musicians in their own right, but with experienced musicians in attendance, hopefully in the not too distant future this band will be on the march at various events across the country.

As with any such venture this band needs funds for instruments and uniforms. It also needs members, both beginner and experienced, so if you can help out then please get in touch with the IRSP in Strabane or Derry and they will put you in touch with a committee member, or alternatively click here to apply online.

Christmas Draw Winners 2003

1st: Joey Hoynes, Camus Park   2nd: Colum McNicholl, Summerhill Court   3rd: T. Friel, Evish Grove   4th: C. Reilly, Ballycolman Estate,   5th: B Rouse Jr.,Lisnafin Park.

  The Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who sold and bought tickets, and we hope for your continued support in the coming year.

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[Irish Republican Socialist Movement]  [Teach na Fáilte]  [Derry IRSP]