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- No alcohol or drugs on the property. Police will be called if you are found with it and you will not be allowed to attend any future shows at Elk Grove Teen Center. $50.00 cash reward for anyone reporting drug use or alcohol consumption ANYWHERE on the property, PROVIDED  we catch them as a result of your information.


- Shows must end by 10:30pm, building cleared by 11:00pm.


- No more than five bands, tho there are always exceptions. Like if a touring band needs a show or if I need a local band to open a show for better draw.


- ONE show per weekend, date determined by my schedule. Again, there can be exceptions. If a touring band needs a date. Or if a show loses their venue and is desperate to find another...things like that.


-You can only book shows up to two months in advance. For example, on Aug 1st, I’ll be booking October. On Sept 1st, I’ll be booking November, etc.


- First come, first served. And I do have a long waiting list right now of bands who have emailed or called asking to host or play a show.


- No crappy p.a.’s! If you don’t have or can’t get a decent p.a. for your show, tell me and I will get you a sound guy. Big Danny Studios does sound for us for $20 per band. John Emerson has done some shows for us for $1 per paid admission. Justin from ApeTrax Studios has done sound there in the past. We've also rented, when there were no other options. Anyone else reading this who does sound for shows is welcome to contact me. I'm always more comfortable having backup.


- Bands can only play Elk Grove once every other month. Again, exceptions have been and will be made for legitimate, logical reasons. But we have a large number of bands who want to use the venue and can’t have some bands monopolizing the venue, preventing others from using it. Thus, the need for a waiting list.


- Band members must keep their pants on! Spectators also.


- No, bands do NOT get free water. If we gave out free water to every band, it'd cost $30 a month or more out of my own pocket. I will give bands water at a discount however, basically what it cost me to buy it, about 25 cents per bottle.


- Any band or band member or spectator violating park district rules will not be allowed to ever attend shows at the teen center again.




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