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GreenDay.Net - Picture Archive

bio. tour. tour journal. merch. messages. pictures. links.
  GreenDay.Net - Picture Archive
discography. multimedia. contact. fun fun. home.



posted by micaela

the show at the musician's warehouse went gooood. it went from 12 noon to 12:30 [pretty darn fast w/ a few drum solos then two bands]. my drum instructor says that we're definitely going to be playing at another recital sometime in the early summer around june. hooray.

i updated the band bio. check it out.


posted by micaela

we're going to be playing at a drum recital at the musician's warehouse off of quimby. it's going to be a non-stop rollercoaster ride of thrills and chills. i hear we're going to be headlining this little event...SO BE THERE. we're going to be selling merch there, too. buy a shirt and dance your pants off like nobody's business. it's what all the kool kids will be doing.

by the way, we're going to be performing under the name "The MDU" because "the" bands are in now. just like beige was the new black.


posted by micaela

nd band night is this saturday, the 29th. it's sponsored by SADD. $5 at the door and $4 presale. i believe the doors open at 6:30pm. come have some good, clean fun. hooray.


posted by micaela

i put our pictures up in the bio section. we all look quite stunning, to say the least.


posted by micaela

mdu is now hiring! send all applications to or submit them in person. i posted eight new pictures in the pictures section. celebrate. oh yea. uh i believe we're performing at the ND band night on the 29th.


posted by micaela

happy valentine's day, jerks. mdu is now hiring!


posted by micaela

band war. tentative valentine's day show. planning show @ christine's. have not practiced. end.


posted by micaela

i finally redid the bio stories. they're not the same as before, but they'll do. i saved them on word this time, just in case i decide to go stupid again and erase the entire page. i took more pictures today, namely one of ozma holding up our official MDU sign of support. i spotted them today at a shoe store on haight. now to find a scanner...


posted by micaela

i meant to update this yesterday, but the webshell wouldn't load, EVER. so angelfire - you're FIRED! i put up a different guestbook that michelle had arranged and stuff, you can access it at the top of this page at the part where it says, 'tell us how much you LOVE us...'...i kind of started to re-do the bios. i still have to rewrite the stories. we've also been taking lots of pictures, so when i get those suckers scanned, they'll be up...someday. i even took some yesterday at the gallery. man, that place was PACKED. i know for sure when we perforn there, it'll be even more crowded. for sure.


posted by micaela

i just checked the message board and it said it'll be down for three hours to upgrade. eh, whatever.

we're going to be working on more shirts. probably in black instead of light pink. yay... i think they'll be selling at the exclusive top secret 'social' on a certain friday in february. where a certain 'tragedy andy' band is playing. hmmm. sounds exciting, no? i know there'll be some mdu band members at this 'social', too. if you're lucky, they'll say hi to you and let you ask them for their autographs. hmmm...

i was just about finished with the bio section and guess what? i accidentally delete it. i must now redo the entire bio. great. as in i am a great big loser.


posted by micaela

i just checked the message board and it said it'll be down for three hours to upgrade. eh, whatever.

we're going to be working on more shirts. probably in black instead of light pink. yay... i think they'll be selling at the exclusive top secret 'social' on a certain friday in february. where a certain 'tragedy andy' band is playing. hmmm. sounds exciting, no? i know there'll be some mdu band members at this 'social', too. if you're lucky, they'll say hi to you and let you ask them for their autographs. hmmm...


posted by micaela

i'm working on the bios again. they aren't exactly complete yet, but i'll probably get them finished tomorrow. we also have practice tomorrow. i don't really know what exactly we're practicing, since we don't have any songs, really [or talent for that matter]. sooo. hopefully we'll come upon a magic lamp tomorrow morning and wish for some musical skill...back to the bios. i don't know anything about my bandmates, which shows how close we are, so i'm going to have to interview them tomorrow, too. or i can just make everything up, like i usually do.

we [meaning christine and i] and theresa, tara, and amy went to a show at the gaslighter again today. i think i'll have christine write the review for that one [even though she doesn't know how to use a keyboard]. hooray.


posted by micaela

it's 12 am. christine and i just got back from a fun show at the gaslighter. hooray. it's also christine's birthday today, so if you see her you have to spit on her 18 times. or punch her. i'd rather see saliva though. it's funner.

i'm going to put stupid pictures up in the bio section, just as soon as i take some during practice on saturday.


posted by micaela

i'm in government class...shh! so i think i broke the guestbook. that piece of crap. i'm going to get a new one. i hate technology.

all right. i just got a brand spankin new message board all purty and ready to use. it's at or, if you're itchin to get there right NOW, you can click here. now i've got to change all the links on all of the pages.


posted by micaela

not much going on. my drum teacher, francine, says she'll help us out with getting videos up. DIGITAL videos. because analog won't work when putting it into the computer and all. too bad i only have an analog camera. i'm an analog girl - in a digital world. i should be working on a government project right about now. but no. i am sitting here giving useless updates [what do you care about me attempting to get videos up?]... sorry ms.desilva! i promise we'll have that government song for you!!! if we don't, you can blame christine for being a dirty dirty liar...take it out on her next semester.


posted by micaela

today we kidnapped jared, threw him in the trunk and unpacked our equipment. we're also doing the preliminary planning for our show at christine's. more info on that TBA.


posted by micaela

our show yesterday was...bearable. my guitar string broke during our first song and christine electrocuted herself with it [it was an electric guitar]. i guess it wasn't horrible...i guess. we still need to unload all of the equipment from the van, too. ROADIES, WHERE ARE YOU?...we did, however play at golfland afterwards in exchange for a free game of 'speed golf', as i call it. read about the details of yesterday's adventure here. or just click on tour journal.

i just updated the fun section, discography, contact, tour, and tour journal.


posted by micaela

i am now in the school library and it's 9 am. the show yesterday was fun, except for when we almost got jumped by a hobo and michelle and christine ran away and left me for dead. thank guys. we're practicing today from 5-whenever at the hotel. hooray.

we're also thinking of actually having a show at christine's garage like it says in the tour section.


posted by micaela

all right!!! i finally got the pictures up [that i scanned last week]. it's not all of the pictures i have, but hey, it's better than nothing. the rest of them will be up when that good-for-nothing michelle realizes that she needs to start scanning and stop studying.

we practiced some more today. it's going pretty well, and i think we're actually going to pull off a decent performance on saturday, considering we've only been practicing since monday. on a side note, i think i'll be putting a bio up for jared on a scooter soon. hooray.

tomorrow we're going on a band field trip to a show at slim's. i made promotional flyers today to give out tomorrow night, but christine is a dirty dirty liar and did not get copies of them. BOO!!! i'm glad i didn't get you that irish drinking cd, sparky. hahahaha...where's that ten minutes i lost? huh?


posted by micaela

we just got finished with practice today for lezell's cotillion. we've got a tentative list of songs we're going to play, and we actually practiced playing them, too. we've almost got swing, swing by the all-american rejects down in two days. that's pretty good for a bunch of losers like us. okay, okay, like THEM. ha. jared on a scooter's going to be playing some guitar for us, too. just on some of the songs, like swing swing - i'm playing bass and michelle is taking over keyboard and rice-tupperware shaking. hooray for practicing. oh yea, i got a couple more pictures up today. it looks like the school email isn't a complete piece of crap. look at those suckers here.


posted by micaela

i put two more pictures up in the pictures section [i would have gotten them up yesterday, but angelfire's webshell thingie was not working]. they were emailed to me from michelle. i WOULD thank her for them, but no. for almost a week already, i have been struggling to get pictures scanned, uploaded, sent, etc. at school and here at my house, and wouldn't you know it? michelle has a scanner. at her house. the reason why she didn't help me out? she did not have any pictures to scan. bull shit, one-legged bobby. you saw the pictures that were developed on thurday. even the emo one of you that you stole. i've been complaining about my difficulties with the school computers. see? that is why you're fired and you don't get to borrow my cd. MICHELLE AKA ONE-LEGGED BOBBY [DIRTY DIRTY SOCKIE] IS OFFICIALLY DEMOTED FROM BASSIST/SUCKY-NO-SHOW-VIDEO-OGRAPHER TO ASSISTANT MERCH GIRL/TAMBOURINIST. how about them apples, michelle?

oh yea, we're practicing here today [they'll be over in about ten minutes]. first time this year. we have to because we have a gig on saturday. hooray.


posted by micaela

my attempt to get the pictures up was a huge failure. the email did not get mailed, the files did not upload, etc. i will have to somehow either save all of the pictures onto a disk on wednesday morning or find my scanner software. CURSES! on top of this picture debacle, i had to go to saturday detention this morning then go straight to work afterwards. so now i smell like cinnabon. all is NOT right in the world. actually, emokid michelle sent me the url to ashley's picture of us in front of our mdu poster at the yfc talent show, so i have that ONE picture up at least. check it out here. at least we all know that michelle is good for something [not much though].


posted by micaela

i am now in the school library trying to figure out how on earth i'm getting those pictures up. i scanned them in this morning, formatted them, and then tried to upload them into the webshell before i got kicked out of the yearbook room, but there was some sort of stupidass error. i attempted to email the pictures to myself, but i really don't have much confidence in the school's server or hotmail. whatever. i have to start my senior service project now and do some community service. BOO!


posted by micaela

i just took a nap, but who cares...i'm planning to scan pictures in tomorrow morning at school, provided the computer lab is unlocked. i don't even know what day it is today anymore. WHAT'S GOING ON??? hey band members...if you guys ever feel like updating or doing something useful, there's this thing called email. you lazy-asses. not you, michelle - you're right, i don't trust you with the password. dirty dirty sockie. check out the review of the show at the gaslighter [even though we did not exactly perform there] here.


posted by micaela

sparky and i went to a totally tubular show yesterday evening [first thing the ticket dude said when we walked in, "stop!!!"... me: "oh yea, my last name is go."... dude:"sorry i HAD to." no you didn't, you bastard]. we did some promoting, as usual. we took lots of pictures, and will get them developed today after school. i will then get my grubby little hands on a scanner and everyone will cheer and cry tears of joy because there will finally be pictures up. note to christine: without asians, you'd never have your rice and soy sauce. i just drank a snapple. it told me fish cough.

i just put up the navigation bar thinger on all of the pages but now everything is centered. eh whatever.


posted by micaela

i am in the process of getting some pictures up. if anyone has any, just send them to me or whatever. on a side note - how can we NOT graduate for not passing the senior service project??? aaaaaaaaaah. good times.


posted by micaela

i added to the bio, links, and fun sections. i plan on working on the pictures tomorrow or something. whatever. went to work today and felt like i was going to keel over. at least i tried my hardest not to get phlegm into those godforsaken cinnamon rolls. i took the liberty to call michelle and tell her that this website exists - but her phone[s] are always either busy or not being picked up so i left a message [so did christine]. i also told her to let dianne know because i was too lazy to find the number. boo hoo. long live [your name here].


posted by micaela

wrote the biographies and called christine and she read them. christine didn't go to school today because she's a dumb slacker. get'r, dean, get'r!!! on an unrelated topic, master d. got her oil changed.


posted by micaela

christine came over. ate rice. and soy sauce. no irish water, though.


posted by micaela

stayed home from school today [because i feel deathly ill] and finished up some of the stuff i started yesterday - which is most of this website. added a place for loyal fans and other cool people to leave messages and what-not. still have to work on getting some pictures up. hooray.

go back to the ol' main page.