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Player's Lounge Monday Night Jam Night!!!

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An evening of rockin' good jammin' times!


JaM NiGhT at Player's Lounge is an open-improv jam at which anyone can join and play tunes with us.

We invite everyone to come and join the fun. There are instruments there that you can play if you don't have your own or don't want to bring your own to the bar. If you do want to bring your own, we have plenty of amps and monitors to plug in and rock!

If you wish to play - it's a simple matter of going up after a song, grabbing an instrument and rockin' from there. You can also speak to Andrew or PJ, that you can find easily, about going up to play. If you need help finding either one of them, please find the girl with the camera that answers to the name Mary, she'll direct you to the right peeps to talk to.

We do sometimes have bands that will play as a "featured artist" of our jam night. To do so, you have to contact Andrew in advance. We do not accept bands showing up and requesting to be featured on that same night. This is an open-improv jam so this is only something that happens occasionnaly.

If you are a band and are simply looking to play a few songs, we do sometimes accept for bands to show up and play a 2-3 song set, but again, you would have to speak to Andrew upon arrival at the jam.

If there are ever any questions or comments about the jam or anything related to monday nights at Player's Lounge, let us know...

We hope to see you all there very soon.


Monday evenings

Player's Lounge

Main St, Moncton.

10pm - 2am