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Moesup & Monkeyman's President lyrics
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    Site Updates

    23/6/01 - It has been a while scince an update as if you care but I have changed something on this site since my last visit see if you can work it out.
    From moesup.

    5/6/01 - I changed the colour of the site. I think it looks heaps better. If you don't like the new colour you can email me at
    Bye for now.

    23/5/01 - Hello. I'll keep it short. Added pic of the Peaches single. Look under 'Album Covers'.

    22/5/01 - What up! Put Pure Frosting lyrics up!!!!!!!!!! Cool, hey? I'll get them to look nicer in the next few days but right now you have only words. Enjoy! I was going to put some more tabs up but my hotmail stuffed. I'll try again later.

    21/5/01 - Hello! Added new section called "Album Covers". If you're looking to purchase any of the cds mentioned on this web site head on over to "Album Covers" and get a fair idea of what the cds look like.
    Keep that feedback coming, moesup

    20/5/01 - I got my clock fixed. Yesterday was the 19th but the year on my clock said 2000 not 2001 so that's why I was a day behind. When I checked, Pure Frosting wasn't that expensive so I bought it. Lyrics for Extra Frosting are up and I should start typing on Pure Frosting in the next week. It's gonna be a big job but I have 3 weeks of holiday coming up so you can expect to see them up in the next 4 weeks, 3 if we're lucky.
    Remember I'm cool, moesup

    19/5/01 - Is today the 19th? It's Saturday today but my clock's telling me it's Friday. I need to get that fixed. Anyway, what I was gonna say was that I put up some tabs. Hopefully it's what you wanted, seeing you want more stuff. I didn't spend much time on it so don't cry if you don't like it.
    That's all for now. Bye, moesup

    15/5/01 - Yo whats up dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's been a lot of good feedback but I think the site can look beter. So when I get the time I'll start working on that.
    Just giving you something to look forward too, moesup.

    25/4/01 - I've just finished putting up lyrics to Freaked Out and Small. At the moment they're a little un-tidy but I should be working on that throughout the week. We've also changed the picture. It's alright but for now it's only temporary.
    Freak out, moesup.

    23/4/01 - It's been less than 2 days and there's already been another name change. Us here at this very professional web site have decided that Mini Madden has to go and in his place will be Monkeyman & I. We hope you are not to disappointed to hear of Mini's departure, but remember, Monkeyman & I are working twice as hard to make you happy as we realise we cannot deliver the same charm as Mini did.
    Goodbye everyone, moesup.

    21/4/01 - I have changed the name of the site but it may only be temporary. Other good news - I've just got hold of a copy of 'Freaked out and small', the Presidents new album. Look forward to lyrics very soon!

    4/4/01 - It's been 3 days since an update and I've finally updated it. And may I say, what an update it is! I've changed the complete look and feel of the site, but more importantly I added lyrics to not only the first 2 albums, but also added lyrics to Wake Up and Monkey River. (Please excuse the punctuation)
    Look for more updates in the near future, Mini.

    1/4/01 - April Fools! Got rid of the Wake Up pic, it was grossing to many people out. Mini.

    31/3/01 - Added Guestbook. If you have a liking for the Presidents, sign. Thanks.

    30/3/01 - Stuffed around.

    29/3/01 - Added pic and lyrics to WAKE UP

    28/3/01 - Created site

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