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v0.7 + BETA
800 x 600 rez.
The Slug Cult




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  05|31|01   All of the mp3s for In the Dumpster Behind the Clinic are now up.

  05|29|01   Cancerslug are in the process of setting up shows for the summer. So far one show has been set in AL but more should be on the way so keep checking back.

  05|23|01   Sex Crime Victim, In Dreams, Deaths Call, and Your Problems have all been added to the Mp3s section. Also, take a minute to acknowledge the people who make this site what it is, here.

  05|22|01   A new message board has been installed along with a whole new design for the site. This version should stick for good now (how many times have I said that before?) so I hope everyone likes it!

  05|18|01   The pictures are back up and a winamp skin has been added to the downloads section courtesy of Robert Bisi.

  05|14|01   Here is the "new" design. All of the content will be the same for the most part it's just a different layout for those of you who prefer frames.

  05|10|01   A "Downloads" section has been added. Right now the only downloads available are a screen saver and a flyer but if anyone could make any Cancerslug related winamp skins, browser skins, screen savers, flyers etc. we'd put 'em up. Also, the Message Board has a bit of a new look... an "Other Bands" section has been added so if you want to promote your band go there and post.

  05|01|01   The lyrics section is now finished and completely up to date.

  04|30|01   The Official Cancerslug website now has it's own official URL. To access the page now make sure you go to:

  04|29|01   The Biography section has been updated (which it desperately needed). The Lyrics and Audio sections are still being worked on. I will let you know when they are finished but for now just keep checking back for updates.

  04|25|01   As you can see, the page is undergoing some changes. Please be patient as the changes are worked out. Also, a new audio section will be up soon so hopefully downloading the Mp3s will be faster and more reliable. IMPORTANT: The show @ The Bandito Burrito, on May 5th, has been canceled.

  04|06|01   A new section has been added to the message board for all of you who despise the Slugs... so if you hate the Slugs, well, we've made a special 'lil area just for you!

  04|04|01   Sign up for a Cancerslug E-Mail address!

  03|29|01   I've changed the layout once again. I got a lot of complaints about the colors and the layout of the last design (If you even saw it in the few days that it was up.) so I re-did it. This should be the last time the page changes dramatically. Thanx to those who gave me their opinions.

for past news and updates click here
Copyright © 2000 - 2001 Cancerslug
A l l   r i g h t s   r e s e r v e d .
Last updated: 05/31/01 @ 10am EDT