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Webdesign by:  Sean Bandawat


FAQ Section
Frequently Asked Questions



Q: What is a small arm?

Q: Did Northerners have more small arms?

Q: What type of ammunition was most common?

Q: How were small arms designated?

Q: Which two muskets/rifles were most popular?

Q: What was the most common revolver used by both sides?

Q: What is the difference between muzzles and breech loaders?



Q: What is a small arm? top
A: A small arm is any weapon smaller than a cannon that was carried by a soldier.


Q: Did Northerners have more small arms? top
A: The Union held an overwhelming advantage in the amount of small arms used in the war.


Q: What type of ammunition was most common? top
A: Mini-balls were the most common type of ammunition used in small arms during the Civil War.


Q: How were small arms designated? top
A: Small arms were designated by caliber, loading model, and their make.


Q: Which two muskets/rifles were most popular? top
A: The two most popular muskets used during the Civil War were the Springfield Musket (.58 caliber) and the Harper's Ferry Rifle (.69 caliber).


Q: What was the most common revolver used? top
A: The Colt Revolver was the most common revolver used during the Civil War (.36 and .44 caliber).


Q: What is the difference between muzzles and breech loaders? top
A: The difference was that muzzle loaders were slower and did not create a need for an abundance of ammunition.  Breech loaders were faster and needed more ammo.