Herbert Arthur Sloane
in the Dragon Room at 808 W Central Ave, Toledo, Ohio, in 1970.
Depiction in the background of the Tree of Knowlege with the Serpent giving Eve the apple.
His life-size doll, April Belle, is sitting behind his right shoulder.

"Dr. Sloane is 64, gray haired, about six feet, and sports a thin white goatee. He has been a barber, a card reader and a tasseographist (tea leaf reader)[...] A mild mannered, loquacious man, he is both harmless and helpful, and his home looks more like a child's phantasy world of Halloween, including dime-store masks, than a Den of Iniquity." (Dr. Leo Martello, 1972)

"Not the least of the items on the walls was a brass devil's mask mounted on a black plate, which I had brought with me as a gift to Lord Sathanas' favorite Toledo priest. There were also a small doll which played a certain part in the proceedings, as I was to learn later, and for some reason the large framed picture of a lady wrestler." (Hans Holzer, 1972)

I visited the local mystic, an elderly man who lives in a musty little shop in West Toledo. Kala, as he prefers to be called, is a “cardopractor” who divines the future by reading tea leaves and a deck of playing cards. On the face of each card is a plethora of hieroglyphic symbols. […] I discovered afterward that Kala is more than just a gifted reader. As befits any mystic worth his wands, Kala has other interests. He is, for example, the president of the Rita Atlanta fan Club. Rita Atlanta, for the few who don't know, is a belly dancer. (Toledo Blade, 6 Aug, 1967)

808 W Central Avenue, Toledo, Ohio. Old West End District. 8280 square foot, single family home. Built in 1916. Last sold: Feb 1990 for $9750.

The Satanic Mass
Our Lady of Endor Coven, the Ophitic Gnostic Cultus Sathanas
Doctor H. Sloane, Covenator
Sabbath on the Full Moon, October 14, 1970

[from The New Pagans, by Hans Holzer, 1972, pp. 72-84.]

[Why the night of the full moon for the sabbat? “Tradition,” Mr. Sloane said. “Meeting when the full moon is up goes back to prehistoric times, and our coven continues that tradition.” (Toledo Blade, 5 Dec, 1968)]

Ophitic Gnostics celebrate two high holidays, or esbats, of a thirteen-moon year, Sathanasmas on October 31, and Lilithmas on April 30. New Year's Day falls on November 1.

[Satanic priest, Herbert Sloane, enters the Dragon Room wearing a robe, with horns on his head.]

[It is easy to see, that the entire ritual of Sloane's Satanic Mass that he performs here, is based on the prayers of the Catholic Rosary, and on the Catholic Communion: The Invocation, the Apostle's Creed (or "Credo"), the Lord's Prayer, Hail Mary, and Glory be. The Rosary prayers are something like a shortened version of the Catholic Mass, and so Sloane's ritual here is similar, in the traditional sense, to the "Black Mass", or "Satanic Mass", being an inversion of the Catholic rite - or as Sloane says (below), the Satanic Mass is the original, and the Catholic Mass is the inversion. "Our Lady of Endor", is also an inversion of "Our Lady", referring to the Virgin Mary, and her various appelations, such as "Our Lady of Fatima", or "Our Lady of the Rosary". "Our Lady of Endor" refers to the Medium, or Witch of Endor. Additionally Sloane uses Ophitic (meaning snake, implying that the serpent gave true knowlege to Eve) gnostic elements in his ritual, which also imply an inversion of Christianity, and reads from The Gnostic Religion, by Hans Jonas, which was first published in 1958.]

The Call.
Our Lady of Endor Coven of the Ophitic Gnostic Cult of Sathanas is now in Sabbath, and this will be the order of service: the call, which you've just heard, the invocation, the creed, first reading, announcements, supplication, communion, second reading, sermon, benediction, and social hour. Let's bow our heads for the invocation.

The Invocation.
Lord Sathanas, we invoke into this Covenstead thy sacred presence this Sabbathnight, that thou be with us in understanding, that thou open our ears to hear and understand the things which we should understand, and close our ears and minds to those things which are not pleasing to thee. Thank you, Lord. Nema, Nema, Nema, Nema!

The Creed.
Now repeat after me.
I believe in an infinite intelligence, incomprehensible to all finite beings.
I believe in Sathanas as my Savior, by virtue of the Ophitic Gnosis, booned by him to our Blessed Mother Eve in the garden of Eden.
I believe in Eve as our mundane mother, the blessed Lilith as our spiritual mother.
I believe in Asmodeus, and all the powers and principalities of the celestial realms of Sathanas.
I believe in the communion of the Succubus and the Incubus.
I believe in the Gnosis of the Ophitic Coven of Sathanas, in magic, and in the final release of the souls of all faithful Witches from the powers of the disdained demiurge, unto a life everlasting in Orcus.
All this through the power, the goodness, the guidance and wisdom, of our Lord Sathanas, worlds without end.
Nema. Nema. Nema. Nema.

First Reading.
Let us turn to the first reading of the Sabbath, and let me beg the pardon of some of you that have been so long and so regular in attendance. But again I am using as the first reading that reading that I have so oft used before. But I feel it has a place in the Sabbath, and hence I've taken the liberty of using it. Not that I don't value it as very highly, but I just don't want you to think that I'm using it too often. I want to read from The Gnostic Religion, by Hans Jonas, the very roots of our religion.

"Now in the same oppositional vein is the gnostic view of the serpent, and its role in inducing Eve to eat of the tree. For more than one reason, not the least of which was the mention of "knowledge", the biblical tale exerted a strong attraction upon the Gnostics. Since it is the serpent that persuades Adam and Eve to taste of the fruit of knowledge and thereby to disobey their Creator, it came in a whole group of systems to represent the "pneumatic" principle from beyond counteracting the designs of the Demiurge, and thus could become as much a symbol of the powers of redemption as the biblical god had been degraded to a symbol of cosmic oppression. Indeed, more than one gnostic sect derives its name from the cult of the serpent ("Ophites", from the Greek ophis; "Naassenes" from the Hebrew nahas--the group as a whole being termed "ophitic"); and this position of the serpent is based on a bold allegorization of the biblical text. This is the version found in the ophitic summary of Irenaeus: the transmundane Mother, Sophia-Prunikos, trying to counteract the demiurgic activity of her apostatical son Ialdabaoth, sends the serpent to "seduce Adam and Eve into breaking Ialdabaoth's command." The plan succeeds, both eat of the tree, "of which God [i.e. the Demiurge] had forbidden them to eat. But when they had eaten, they knew the power from beyond and turned away from their creators." It is the first success of the transcendent principle against the principle of the world, which is vitally interested in preventing knowledge in man as the inner-worldly hostage of Light: the serpent's action marks the beginning of all gnosis on earth which thus by its very origin is stamped as opposed to the world and its God, and, indeed as a form of rebellion." [The Gnostic Religion, by Hans Jonas,p. 93]

Susan Roberts gives another "First Reading" at the service she attended with Sloane:

"When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire or that useth divination or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out before thee."
Another likely First Reading would have been from a work of the Yezidees, as Sloane discussed them in his talks.

Thus endeth the first Reading of the Sabbath.


We'll now have the supplication for all the benefactors of the Coven, and for the souls of the faithful departed.
And let us make this supplication in a manner like we did the Credo.

Salutations, O Sathanas, who are in Orcus.
We of this Coven hallow thy name.
Let ever thy powers and principalities come, that thy will may be made manifest among thy faithful Witches in this mundane sphere, even as it is in Orcus.
Give us this moon the guidance of Asmodeus in our vocations.
Salutations, O Lord.
Help us in our enchantments.
Sathanas, inspire our souls to demonstrate gratitude, as the highest of thy directives.
Allow us not to fall into demiurgic paths, but keep us ever under the mystical shadow of thy Trident.

Hail, Eve full of wisdom.
Blessed art thou amongst Witches.
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Cain.
Hallowed Mother Eve, receiver of the Gnosis, most gracious Mother Eve, grandmother of Enoch, petition for us now, and at the hour of our disincarnations.
So be it now and forever more, worlds without end.
Nema. Nema. Nema. Nema.

The hallowed part of our Sabbath, the memorial to our blessed Lord Sathanas, when we take communion symbolic of the first Gnosis, which was in our first reading of this Sabbath. I will go counterclockwise with this chalice, and you will stand to take communion.

[Communion using apple juice, symbolical of the apple that Lord Sathanas used to seduce the Blessed Mother Eve in Eden.]

Second Reading.
[From a book which mentions Sloane's work]


by Dr. Herbert Sloane, 1966

[Most of what follows was printed in Sex and Satanism, by Brad Steiger, 1969, pp. 16-21. The compete version below is verbatim from a digital scan of Sloane's 1968 letter which appeared recently on the internet]

(Herbert Arthur Sloane is Covenator of Our Lady Of Endor Coven, The Ophite Cultus Sathanas. Has been a fellow of this theological position for over 57 years and a priest of the Coven for over 35 years.)

[Sloane saw the Horned God Sathanas when he was 3 years old, in 1908. In his 1968 letter he says he will be 63 on September 3, 1968, and that his Covenatorship dates back 38 years (which would put the year he started his Covenatorship at 1930). So at the time of writing this outline of Satanism, it had been 57 years since he had seen Sathanas in 1908, and 35 years since he started his Covenatorship in 1930. This would put the writing of this typed information on Satanism to the year 1966.]

What is Satanism?
Satanism is the position opposed to the worship of the force that brought the cosmos into existence as mind and matter out of the realm of pure spirit.

Do Satanists Worship Satan?
No, not as such, because the word Satan does not specify a being, but rather a movement or state of mind. What Satanists do worship is a Being--- a Spirit Being commonly known as Sathan in English and Sathanas in Latin.

Do Satanists Believe Sathan is the Supreme God?
No, they believe His to be the messenger of God in that He brought to Eve the Knowledge of God: that there is The God above and beyond the "god" that created the cosmos.

Do Satanists Worship the Godhead?
No, not in the sense of prayer or supplication, because they believe that God takes no part in the affairs of "the world" and is concerned with himself--- a part of him being the spirit, (not here to be confused with the psyche), imprisoned in matter and the returning of this part of him unto him: He does this work through the call or as more commonly termed the Gnosis and this was carried by Sathan to Eve at the foundation of the world. But in the deepest mystical sense all Satanists reverence God both as the Godhead and as the element, (the spirit), which is incarnate in all flesh; man and beast, bird and fish, reptile and insect.

Are Witches and Satanists then One and the Same People?
Properly speaking, Yes; but in common parlance No, not always. The words Wicca and Gnosis are oft confusing and separated: the former meaning Wisdom and the latter Knowledge, of course in both cases in the purely religious sense rather than material. It is the position of the true Satanist to oft suppose that many Witches have fallen into error by worshiping a Fertility God--- and hence a devotion to and a reverence of matter....This can appear to hold chiefly true of Witches in many Coven of the British Isles. The largest existing body of Witches Who Are True Satanists would be the Yezedees of the near east.

Is Satanism an Old Religion?
The Oldest. The one and only that by doctrine lays claim to having its origin in The Garden of Eden. The oldest by the finding of the science of archeology which has discovered drawings of The Horned God, (Sathan), in caves of Europe going back far far into prehistoric times.

Do Satanists Believe Theirs is the Only True Religion?
Yes, insofar as revealed religion to mortals can be concerned, but in an Absolute sense this can Not be said, because Satanists Know of the Good God, but they do Not know about the Good God in the sense that creator worshipers know about their god: in other words we may simply say that Satanists can Not psychoanalyze The God Head and for that reason they can Not say what constitutes All of the God Head's Plans to Return His Parts unto himself. To this we Satanists can do little more than say: No other way of salvation is open to us, for none such has been revealed or rationalized.

May Satanists Take Part in Inter-Religious Services?
No, of course not. But they can visit the services of creator worshipers either as students of comparative religion or simply out of good fellowship with those to whom The God-Head has not as yet revealed His plan of salvation.

Do Satanist "Parody" Creator-Worship Rites?
While many Non-Satanist writings so accuse, the Satanist would be more inclined to think, if anything, the picture should be reversed because Cain celebrated the First Satanic Mass and the findings of science first point to worship of The Horned God. In the final sense it matters neither one way or the other to the Satanist, because he is Not worshiping the same being as are the creator worshipers in any event or type of ritual.

Is Their an Earthly Head of the Satanist Faith?
No, not in the sense that there is a Pope in Catholic Christendom, for example. Fantastic conception of a Satanic Pope has been woven into the writing of some Non-Satanist authors, but likewise even Non-Satanist authors plainly state that No man is individually responsible for the founding of the Cult of Sathan, and this alone shows the total lack of need for an earthly headman to carry on His work of salvation.

Who is the Satanist Priesthood?
Liberally speaking the Satanist priesthood could be compared with the Protestant concept of "a priesthood of all believers", because any lone Satanist Can Celebrate A valid Mass if the occasion arises, and in times too myriad for calculation it has arose. In the case of established groups (Covens) then an ordained priest performs the office of the liturgy.

Can an Ordained Satanist Priest Forgive Sin?
In the first place gnostic Doctrine-the theological speculation in which Satanism is rooted-has no conception of sin, but rather puts ignorance (the lack of the Gnosis) in the place of sin; and out of this comes our answer that the Satanist priest can Not forgive sin.

Does the Satanist Coven Forbid Intermarriage?
Human psyches being what they are in this expression of life, it is more or less considered that Two Minds in One Accord would work for the greater production of compatibility; But, because salvation in the Satanist sense and salvation in the creator worshiper sense are, of course, Not one and the same thing, a quite different picture comes into view than what would in a so-called mixed-marriage of two creator worshipers. Religious intermarriage Has gone on since Cain went into The Land Of Nod, and there took unto himself a wife and, since Cain was the First Satanist priest, no Satanist since would assume that a mixed-marriage is an actual error, because the reverence of Cain is too great in the Cult Of Sathan.

Do Satanists Hold a Position on Birth Control?
No. Birth control as we know it in present civilization is but a mere flux in the psyches of mortals, and is of no final importance in the End of Time and the Endurance of Eternity. To be in style, or out if one chooses, is purely the privilege of each individual Satanist.

Is a Satanist Permitted a Divorce?
Certainly. But equally true is the fact that Satanists can marry under any number of arrangements: for so many moons, until cancellation is the objective of one or both, until death parts them, or for this mundane plane and planes to come. Satanist marriages are different, too, in that the Satanist may marry a spirit being, some other species of animal life, or even a tree or plant.

May Satanist Priests and Priestesses Marry?
Yes, theirs is the same status as above outlined. Cain married.

What is the Attitude of Satanism Toward Gaming and Intoxication?
The Satanist, like other men, is living in this world and its social orders and he is quite at liberty to seek such hedonistic pursuits as his/her personality decrees and this, of course, embraces the cups and bones if so desired.

Are Certain Books Forbidden Reading for Satanists?
No, the man-made arts of reading and writing have but very recently arrived on the scene and can only be considered as just one more of the great fluxes of the river of life, and NO Satanist who has once received the Call (has the Gnosis In the Gnoes) is in any danger of being basically swayed or of Forfeiting his/her claim to salvation either by reading anything they choose or by reading absolutely nothing at all.

Are There Satanist Saints?
No, not in the sense that Christendom and other creator worshiping cults have saints. People such as Eve and Cain who were the early Satanists are, of course, held in the highest esteem.

Are there Satanist Missionaries?
Yes, but their labor is only to assist those who have Already in one way or another been called into a Desire for the Path of Satanism. Never to set out purely to seek converts.

Do Satanists Have Sacred Books?
No, not in the way that Jews-Christians have their Bible, the Moslems their Quran, the Hindus their Vedas, etc., etc. Satanism has been with us for ages and ages ere the flux that issued in the arts of writing and reading that Satanism has lived long without books------but, of course, so did the elder cults of creator worshipers. Different individual Satanists and various Covens have accepted books that are deeply appreciated. However, in a sense allied to that of the afore mentioned creator cults, Satanists do have a book which to them could be considered as "THE BOOK."

Is Psychism a Part of Satanism?
Psychicism as understood by the present institute's research in that field is Not an element of Satanism as a religion. While it is accepted that Our Lady (The Witch) of Endor was a medium in the same way that mediums are among us today and that we can totally rest in assurance that She, too, was a Satanist; we would only be confusing issues to assume that she had to be a spirit medium in order to be a fully bonafide Satanist.

Is the Satanist Priesthood Supported by the Congregation?
No, absolutely Not: not from Eden until now, and having operated through these ages so, we can assure it never will be. All Satanist priests, including Cain and since Cain, have supported themselves by some secular occupation. Cain was engaged as a horticulturist.....Let us, however, Not confuse horticulture with agriculture.

What is the Essence of Satanism?
The realization that the universe is negative to man; incarnate life. The realization that there is a Good above and beyond anything that mortal mind has conceived.

Letter by Herbert Sloane
written June 3, 1968


MON. 3 JUNE 1968

Dear brother

Yours of yesterday received. It was kind of Dr. La Vey to speak so well of me. He errors in saying I have been a devotee of SATANISM for 30 years: it happens to be twice that span of years as I will be 63 years of age this Sept. 3rd and SATHANAS extended THE CALL to me the summer I was 3 years old. My Covenatorship dates back 38 years.

So far as I am concerned SALVATION is the purpose of any and all of the religions ------ and in SATANISM THE CALL is the ONLY approach; because a Gnostic is the approached and not the approacher. I certainly can take no exception to your intellectual approach, Brother.

As the next SABBAT of Our Lady Of Endor Coven, The Ophitic Cultus SATHANAS my sermon will be "WHO ARE THE TRUE WITCHES?". We will SABBAT in The Dragon Room, 808 W. Central Av. Toledo, Ohio, at 9 PM. Monday 10 June ----- one week from tonight when the moon will be full. While this is NOT a service of the Church of Satan presided over by Dr. La Vey your are invited to attend if you care to.

Should questions crop up in your mind I will, if I can, supply the answers; however I do not have a lot of time to devote to correspondence and would have to ask you to visit me in person AND BY APPOINTMENT ONLY and I would set aside a couple hours or so just for spiritual consultation with you. Fair enough?

Enclosed is a brochure that you may gain something from.

Blessed Be,

Dr. Sloane

Dr. S/my
encl. 1

[Black Magic, Satanism, Voodoo, by Dr. Leo L. Martello, 1972, pp. 31-34.]

Dr. Herbert Sloane of Toledo, Ohio, is the Covenator of Our Lady of Endor Coven, the Ophite Cultus Sathanas, and highly recommends the book The Gnostic Religion by Hans Jonas. Dr. Sloane writes: "The Old Religion seems to stem from the Stone Age; specifically from the Paleolithic period and I feel a little over half safe in venturing to say that there is just NOBODY around today who knows what the religious of the Paleolithic period did or did not believe in, (See The God Of the Witches by Margaret Murray), and my conjecture stems from 'priest' of that period being drawn on a cave wall wearing ritual HORNS and we commonly know that in primitive religions the priest/priestess BECOMES THE GOD INCARNATE and a few such cults flourish in 1970 too. My feeling is, however, that this Horned God appeared to some person or persons during Paleolithic times even as he did to me back in the woods in 1908...and he simply had to be a Devil (that name only means Little God), as he assuredly was not a GODHEAD. Now at no point do I confuse/accept/understand said Devil to be the one advanced by Christians: My Devil is good, O! SO GOOD, at least unto His own!"

Dr. Sloane is 64, gray haired, about six feet, and sports a thin white goatee. He has been a barber, a card reader and a tasseographist (tea leaf reader). He considers himself both a witch and a Satanist, but is quick to point out how he differs from others. "So far as Ophitic Gnostic Satanism is concerned" he says, "only those called by the DEVIL Himself are in it and public opinion along with that of other sects of Witches are of no concern. Remember that it is the Devil and not the Coven Leader who confirms or initiates a Witch of our sect."

In a letter sent me dated Sept. 9, 1970, Dr. Sloane writes: "Howbeit, Dr. Martello, that even G. B. Gardner who was the 'Luther' of this new surge of Witchcraft did not throw up his hands in horror about the worship of THE DEVIL by witches. True such is 'beat around the bush' in his PUBLIC consumption books, but NOT in PRIVATE correspondence between he and me while he was yet on this earth plane and I still have HIS OWN LONGHAND TO PROVE IT."

"As for the Craft; well, everybody from Gnostic Satanists like me to Christian Science practitioners are using it" Dr. Sloane states, "so that it's anybody's baby so far as I'm concerned. Of course I've been far far more involved with the CULT (in my case Ophitic Gnostic) than with the Craft."

[...]A mild mannered, loquacious man, he is both harmless and helpful, and his home looks more like a child's phantasy world of Halloween, including dime-store masks, than a Den of Iniquity. A self-educated man, given to rambling sentences, his brand of Satanism is uniquely his own: It lacks the intellectually thought-out premises of Anton LaVey or the anti-intellectual emotionalism of secretive devil-worshippers. He too is open and aboveboard, at times child-like, and unlike most witch covens generous in permitting reporters to attend his services. Recently the Maid of his Coven died of cancer. Her son barred Dr. Sloan from attending her funeral services. Yet it was his Our Lady of Endor coven that helped make her last years and days on earth easier. Despite what anyone thinks about him Dr. Sloane didn't deserve this "unkindest cut of all." She was a very close friend.

It's sometimes difficult to follow Dr. Sloane's thinking. However, without going into the religious aspects of witchcraft, he does make the following valid observation: "The Craft I understand to be the regulated application of MIND POWER (Magick in other words), and this was incorporated into religion (for me the cult of SATHAN the Horned God) back in the Stone Age and was 'discovered' again about a century ago by Mary Baker Eddy and reentered the scope of religion OUTSIDE the Witch cult. To me Christian Science, Unity, New Thought, Science of Mind, are using the same CRAFT that the witches do under another name and modus operandi."

Of Warlocks and Devils
[The New Pagans, by Hans Holzer, 1972, pp. 72-84.]

"A week later, Herb brought me up to date on what to expect on my Toledo visit. Proceedings would be held in the Dragon Room, which also double as Herb's living quarters and their covenstead. [...] As for the Dragon Room, it looked best in semidarkness. With candles flickering, the "icons" (as Herb called the various pictures, photographs, and designs on the walls) looked rather impressive and gave the small, elongated room the feeling of a secret hiding place. Not the least of the items on the walls was a brass devil's mask mounted on a black plate, which I had brought with me as a gift to Lord Sathanas' favorite Toledo priest. There were also a small doll which played a certain part in the proceedings, as I was to learn later, and for some reason the large framed picture of a lady wrestler."


"I then turned the meeting back to Herb, who for the benefit of myself and Bill Gill explained once again why the life-size doll was sitting on the bed. April Belle, as he called her, wasn't just a toy. He had read about a similar life-size doll in a book some years before and become so obsessed with the idea of owning such a doll that he got a friend in Cleveland to make him one. As time went on, he became convinced that there was telepathy between April Belle and himself."

"As early as 1930, Herb Sloane had decided to be a coven priest, although at that time he had no coven and was more of a missionary in the cause of Lord Sathanas than someone with his own community. But when the doll joined him in 1946, it seems, things fell into place. She has even 'materialized' for Herb through a local medium, sort of misty but clear enough for him to make her out. Melinda, one of his covenites, also noticed the manifestation. Herb Sloane credits April Belle with his present coven. He thinks it was the doll who brought them all together."

Our Lady of Endor Coven
[Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 5th Ed., J. Gordon Melton, editor, 2001.]

Our Lady of Endor Coven was an early semipublic Satanic group, which grew out of the appearance of "Satanas, the Horned God," to Herbert Arthur Sloane of Toledo, Ohio. Sloane was a child at the time. He later saw the same entity pictured on the dust jacket of a study of witchcraft, The God of the Witches. When Sloane was 25 years old, Satanas appeared again.

In structuring Our Lady of Endor Coven, Sloane was heavily influenced by his reading of The Gnostic Religion, a scholarly treatise on gnosticism by Hans Jonas. In gnosticism, the creator God (of the Christians), is considered a lesser deity than another God. Satan is that God's messenger. Satan brought knowledge of God to Eve in the Garden of Eden. That God takes no direct interest in this world, except for his concern that the sparks of deity trapped in this world return to their origin. This return occurs through gnosis, occult wisdom.

Sloane taught that this gnostic form of Satanism was the oldest religion, dating to the worship of the horned god pictured in the ancient cave paintings of Europe. As developed by Sloane, the religion emerged in the context of the neo-pagan revival of the late 1960s. It differed from Wicca by refusing to turn the Horned God into a fertility god.

The coven dissolved following Sloane's death in the early 1980s.

[Satanism Today, James R. Lewis, 2001.]

Although not many contemporary groups would identify themselves as Gnostics in the traditional sense, one often finds that modern Satanists have carried out a similar inversion of values. God, particularly the God worshiped by Christians, is actually repressive and evil, whereas Satan is good. One of the few groups to explicitly make use of Gnosticism was Our Lady of Endor Coven, the Ophite Cultus Satanas, founded in 1948 by Herbert Arthur Sloane. Sloane drew from a number of different sources to construct his religion, including the speculative scholarship of Margaret Murray – one of the same sources utilized by Gerald Gardner, founder of the modern Wiccan movement. Sloane was also heavily influenced by Hans Jonas's classic study of Gnosticism, The Gnostic Religion, which provided him with his basic understanding of Gnosticism.

Sloane was briefly associated with Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, although it did not appear to significantly change his teachings. Our Lady of Endor Coven did not survive Sloane's passing in the 1980s.

Rev. H. A. Sloane, Spiritualist Reading and Consultation, 1932

Sloane apparently used to tell people that when he was 25 years old (that would have been in 1930), Sathanas appeared to him a second time (based on the Encyclopedia article quoted above). Holzer also mentions that "as early as 1930, Herb Sloane had decided to be a coven priest, although at that time he had no coven and was more of a missionary in the cause of Lord Sathanas than someone with his own community." He himself writes in the letter quoted above, that his covenatorship, or position as a priest in the coven, began in 1930. Apparently something happened to Sloane around this time. Based on newspaper clippings from Mansfield Ohio in 1932 and 1933, Sloane was a Reverend in the Spiritualist Church, and was performing readings and séances to contact the other world. In 1932 he had a sign on his house reading: "Rev. H. A. Sloane, Spiritualist Reading and Consultation". In 1933, he was traveling from Mansfield as a reverend to assist a female partner in conducting services on Sunday evenings at the Spiritualist Church of Truth, in another Ohio town.


Sex and Satanism, by Brad Steiger, 1969, pp. 16-21.
Witches U.S.A., by Susan Roberts, 1971, Chapter 13, pp. 200-216.
The New Pagans, by Hans Holzer, 1972, pp. 72-84.
Black Magic, Satanism, Voodoo, by Dr. Leo L. Martello, 1972, pp. 31-34.
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 5th Ed., J. Gordon Melton, editor, 2001, "Our Lady of Endor Coven" entry.
Satanism Today, James R. Lewis, 2001, "Gnosticism" entry.
Herbert Arthur Sloane, by Catherine Yronwode, 2012.
From the Church of Satan Archives, by Peggy Nadramia, 2016.

There were also a small doll which played a certain part in the proceedings, as I was to learn later, and for some reason the large framed picture of a lady wrestler. (Hans Holzer, 1972)
He is, for example, the president of the Rita Atlanta fan Club. Rita Atlanta, for the few who don't know, is a belly dancer. (Toledo Blade, 6 Aug, 1967)

Hans Holzer actually knew Rita Atlanta (originally from Austria) well, beginning in 1964, and had a chapter about her problem with a ghost in her trailer in Peabody, Massachusetts, called "The Haunted Trailer", as the second chapter of his 1968 book "Psychic Investigator". He writes there: "The war years were hard on the family. Her father, a postal employee, had a gift for playing the numbers, allegedly upon advice from his deceased spouse. But the invasion by Germany ended all that and eventually Rita found herself in the United States and married to an Air Force Colonel.

Sources and Developments for Our Lady of Endor Coven

The following table is an attempt to place various pieces of information mentioned on this page and in the bibliography, together into an historical framework, in order to produce a clearer picture of the development of Sloane's Coven and the beliefs and events surrounding it. Particular mention should be made of the detailed outline already created by Catherine Yronwode, 2012.

Date and Location Sloane's History Events/Movements Comments
Sloane is strongly influenced by a family of American spiritual movements which all refer to the idea of an “Infinite Intelligence”
By the 1930s, he is a minister in the Spiritualist Church of Truth
1905 Rowsburg, OH Born New Thought (c1850)
Christian Science – Mary Baker Eddy (c1875)
Unity (c1889)
Science of Mind (c1927)
Spiritualism (c1840)
Spiritualist Church
"The Craft I understand to be the regulated application of MIND POWER (Magick in other words), and this was incorporated into religion (for me the cult of SATHAN the Horned God) back in the Stone Age and was 'discovered' again about a century ago by Mary Baker Eddy and reentered the scope of religion OUTSIDE the Witch cult. To me Christian Science, Unity, New Thought, Science of Mind, are using the same CRAFT that the witches do under another name and modus operandi."
"As for the Craft; well, everybody from Gnostic Satanists like me to Christian Science practitioners are using it, so that it's anybody's baby so far as I'm concerned. Of course I've been far far more involved with the CULT (in my case Ophitic Gnostic) than with the Craft."
1908 Rowsburg Sees Horned God Sathanas in woods (3 years old)
Sloane says this happened when he was living with his parents on a farm in Canada. (Susan Roberts)
1926 Cleveland, OH Attends Moler Barber College in Cleveland, 21 years old. (Susan Roberts)
1928 Akron, OH Marries first wife, Lillian Mae Harris
1930 Zanesville, OH He is 25 years old and sees Sathanas again, which causes him to begin studying. (Susan Roberts)
1932 – 1941 Mansfield, OH
Spiritualism and Margaret Murray’s Books
The Yezidiz
1932 Studies cardiology through Villa Nova Interstate University, Cleveland, and adopts the name Kala as cardiologist. Also studies hypnotism, and in his late 20s joins the F.E. Gooding Carnival in Mansfield, OH, traveling with them for one summer as a card reader. Also at some point, gets the title of "Doctor" from Haleys Psychic Self Improvement Institute of Chicago, for proficiency in cardopractic and tasseography. (Susan Roberts)
1932 – 1941 Mansfield, OH Minister in the Spiritualist Church, and Numerologist 1919 – Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz (Isya Joseph)
1921 – The Witch Cult in Western Europe (Murray)
1926 – Sorrows of Satan (movie)
1933 – The God of the Witches (Murray)
Reads Margaret Murray’s books and realizes he saw Sathanas, the Horned God, in the woods.
Sloane and Gerald Gardner would be reading Murray’s books.
Gardner comes up with Wicca, while Sloane comes up with a gnostic version of Satanism.
1938 Pittsburgh, PA Lillian Sloane involved with prostitution ring. Lillian Sloane (his wife) charged with involvement in a ring transporting prostitutes from Pittsburgh, PA, to Alliance, OH. She is acquitted.
1944 Scottish Spiritualist and medium Helen Duncan In 1944, well-known spiritualist Helen Duncan was one of the last people convicted of Witchcraft in Britain, before the British Witchcraft Act was repealed. Known for her life-size spiritualist doll Peggy.
1941 – 1945 Huntington, WV U.S. Army
On April 30 (Lilithmas), 1942, Sloane was in the Gilbert Islands in the Pacific. (Susan Roberts)
Could Sloane have become acquainted with Ernie Yost, in Fairmont, WV, during this time?
1945 – 1953 Cleveland, OH
Sloane has his doll April Belle made, apparently for his Spiritualist interests.
But he also says the doll is what brought his Coven members together by 1948, when he founds Our Lady of Endor Coven of the Ophite Cultus Sathanas.
1946 Cleveland Friend in Cleveland makes April Belle doll for Sloane Shaver’s “The Return of Sathanas” story first publish in “Amazing Stories”, November 1946 While there shouldn't be any apparent connection with the science fiction writer Richard S. Shaver, Catherine Yronwode points out the unusual coincidence that Shaver's book "The Return of Sathanas" was published the same year that Sloane says he founded his coven.
1948 Cleveland Founds Our Lady of Endor Coven of the Ophite Cultus Sathanas Shaver’s The Return of Sathanas book published, 1948
Devil Worshiper Ernie Yost, Fairmont, WV
August 7, 1948
"He had read about a similar life-size doll in a book some years before and become so obsessed with the idea of owning such a doll that he got a friend in Cleveland to make him one. As time went on, he became convinced that there was telepathy between April Belle and himself."
"As early as 1930, Herb Sloane had decided to be a coven priest, although at that time he had no coven and was more of a missionary in the cause of Lord Sathanas than someone with his own community. But when the doll joined him in 1946, it seems, things fell into place. She has even 'materialized' for Herb through a local medium, sort of misty but clear enough for him to make her out. Melinda, one of his covenites, also noticed the manifestation. Herb Sloane credits April Belle with his present coven. He thinks it was the doll who brought them all together."
(Hans Holzer)
1951-1957 South Bend, IN
1951- The British Witchcraft Law is Repealed
Wiitchcraft covens appear throughout England; Gerald Gardner’s books on Wicca are published.
The Gnostic Religion, The Satanic Mass
1953-1957 South Bend, IN Barber
Corresponded with Gerald Gardner
Sloane married his second wife in 1954, divorced in 1957, never having any children. (Susan Roberts)
1954 – Witchcraft Today, by Gerald Gardner, introduction by Margaret Murray
1954 The Satanic Mass, by HTF Rhodes
1958 – The Gnostic Religion, by Hans Jonas
1959 – The Meaning of Witchcraft, and especially Chapter 13, on the Black Mass and it's relation to Witches
1964 – Gerald Gardner dies
"Howbeit, Dr. Martello, that even G. B. Gardner who was the 'Luther' of this new surge of Witchcraft did not throw up his hands in horror about the worship of THE DEVIL by witches. True such is 'beat around the bush' in his PUBLIC consumption books, but NOT in PRIVATE correspondence between he and me while he was yet on this earth plane and I still have HIS OWN LONGHAND TO PROVE IT."
"It is the position of the true Satanist to oft suppose that many Witches have fallen into error by worshiping a Fertility God--- and hence a devotion to and a reverence of matter....This can appear to hold chiefly true of Witches in many Coven of the British Isles. The largest existing body of Witches Who Are True Satanists would be the Yezedees of the near east."
1960-1975 Toledo, OH
Vatican II ends in 1965, reforming the Roman Catholic Church and ending the nearly 1800 year-old tradition of the Latin Mass.
Satanist groups make their appearance in public media in the United States immediately afterwards.
Rituals are directly in counter to Roman Catholicism.
1960 Toledo, OH Buys his barbershop in Toledo. (Susan Roberts)
1966 (at least) Barber
Writes his Outline of Satanism
1967 - Toledo Kala, Card and Tealeaf Reader, President of Rita Atlanta fan club
(Toledo Blade, August 6, 1967)
The Black Arts published by Richard Cavendish
1968 - Toledo January: Contacts Anton LaVey and joins the Church of Satan
Writes letter to Richard Cavendish
(Toledo Blade, Dec. 2, 1968)
“Herbert Sloane was an early correspondent and member of the Church of Satan. He approached Dr. LaVey in January of 1968 after seeing him on The Alan Douglas Show and reading about the Church of Satan in FATE Magazine.” (Peggy Nadramia) (“Sloane's other all-pervading interest was young women and cunnilingus.”)
Richard Cavendish says that in the middle of 1968, he received a 3 page manifesto and letter from a Satanist Lodge in Toledo, OH (Toledo Blade, Dec. 2, 1968)
1970 - Toledo Performs Satanic Mass, recorded by Hans Holzer.
1971 Sloane tells Susan Roberts in her 1971 interview that on the date October 13, 1988 he expected to die, and see Sathanas for a third time. A few months later he writes her a letter saying that he saw Sathanas for the third time on Easter Sunday in a seance at a Toledo Spiritualist Church. He tells her that Sathanas told him then that the mission he wanted him to perform in Toledo was completed.
1975 - Toledo Barber
Herbert Sloane dies

Sloane's Satanic Mass and the Catholic Rosary

It's not so difficult to see how Sloane may have merged Spiritualism and Gnosticism in his system, both of which talk about an invisible world of Spirit. The doctrines of the Yezidis, somewhat similar to some forms of gnosticism, also could fit in without too much difficulty. What is more difficult to see, is how Sloane merged the ideas of Margaret Murray and Gerald Gardner, of witchcraft and the Horned God, into his system. And the final step Sloane took seems to be a mystery: how did he come up with the name "Sathanas" as being the representative of the True God? And how was it that he chose the prayers of the Catholic Rosary, specifically, to invert into the prayers of the Satanic Mass of Our Lady of Endor Coven?

Sloane's Satanic Mass Prayers The Catholic Rosary Prayers
The Invocation
Lord Sathanas, we invoke into this Covenstead thy sacred presence this Sabbathnight, that thou be with us in understanding, that thou open our ears to hear and understand the things which we should understand, and close our ears and minds to those things which are not pleasing to thee. Thank you, Lord. Nema, Nema, Nema, Nema!
The Sign of the Cross
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Creed The Apostles' Creed
Now repeat after me.
I believe in an infinite intelligence, incomprehensible to all finite beings. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Sathanas as my Savior, by virtue of the Ophitic Gnosis, booned by him to our Blessed Mother Eve in the garden of Eden.
I believe in Eve as our mundane mother, the blessed Lilith as our spiritual mother.
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third day He arose again; He ascended into heaven,and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in Asmodeus, and all the powers and principalities of the celestial realms of Sathanas. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church,
I believe in the communion of the Succubus and the Incubus. the communion of saints,
I believe in the Gnosis of the Ophitic Coven of Sathanas, in magic, and in the final release of the souls of all faithful Witches from the powers of the disdained demiurge, unto a life everlasting in Orcus. the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.
All this through the power, the goodness, the guidance and wisdom, of our Lord Sathanas, worlds without end.
Nema. Nema. Nema. Nema. Amen.
We'll now have the supplication for all the benefactors of the Coven, and for the souls of the faithful departed.
And let us make this supplication in a manner like we did the Credo.
Sathanas Lord’s Prayer The Our Father
Salutations, O Sathanas, who are in Orcus. Our Father, who art in heaven,
We of this Coven hallow thy name. hallowed be Thy name:
Let ever thy powers and principalities come, that thy will may be made manifest among thy faithful Witches in this mundane sphere, even as it is in Orcus. Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this moon the guidance of Asmodeus in our vocations.
Salutations, O Lord.
Help us in our enchantments.
Give us this day our daily bread:
Sathanas, inspire our souls to demonstrate gratitude, as the highest of thy directives.
Allow us not to fall into demiurgic paths, but keep us ever under the mystical shadow of thy Trident.
And lead us not into temptation: but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Eve The Hail Mary
Hail, Eve full of wisdom. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee:
Blessed art thou amongst Witches. blessed art thou among women,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Cain. and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Hallowed Mother Eve, receiver of the Gnosis, most gracious Mother Eve, grandmother of Enoch, petition for us now, and at the hour of our disincarnations. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Glory Be to the Father
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
So be it now and forever more, worlds without end.
Nema. Nema. Nema. Nema.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.
Apple juice.

Susan Roberts gives a slightly different reading of Sloane's Creed, that she says she was given a copy of:

I believe in an Infinite Intelligence, incomprehensible to all finite beings.
I believe in SATHANAS as my Savior by virtue of the Ophitic Gnosis, booned by Him to our Blessed Mother Eve in the Garden of Eden.
I believe in Eve as Our Mundane Mother, the Blessed Succubus Lilith as Our Spiritual Mother.
I believe in Asmodeus and all the Powers and Principalities of the Celestial Realms of Sathanas.
I believe in the communion of the Succubus and the Incubus.
I believe in the Gnosis of the Ophitic Cultus Sathanas, in Goety and in the final release of the soul of all faithful witches from the powers of the disdained Demiurge, until a life everlasting in Orcus.
All this through the Power and the Goodness, the Guidance and the Wisdom of our Lord Sathanas ... world without end.
Nema. Nema. Nema. Nema.

Synagoga Satanae