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About Misting

Used for many years to cool outdoor spaces such as patios, pool areas and walkways, mist is an ultrafine spray produced by forcing water at high pressures through specialized nozzles. As the mist evaporates, heat is absorbed. Newly created cool air is heavier than warm air so it floats down to the ground, reducing the temperature by as much as 30° F.

TrueFog® Misting Systems not only produce mist but are also engineered to refine the texture of mist to look, feel and linger exactly like fog. Using precision stainless steel nozzles with smaller orifices and higher water pressure than other systems - between 1,000 and 4,000 pounds per square inch (PSI) - the mist is atomized into droplets of about 10 microns, or 1/10 the diameter of a human hair.

TrueFog® Misting Systems are designed to make it easier to create a variety of atmospheric effects which are both pleasing to the senses and sensible to the budget.

Architects, engineers, and builders of custom homes, resorts, shopping malls, amusement parks, zoos, stadiums, transportation facilities and government facilities have consistently chosen state-of-the-art TrueFog® Misting Systems where reliability, safety, flexibility, and long-term performance are essential.

For over a decade, we have set the standards for quality misting systems.