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When I Am Gone

When I am gone, release, let me go.
I have so many things to see and do.
You must'nt tie yourself to me with tears,
But  be thankful for our beautiful years.

I gave you my love, 
But you could only guess
How much you gave me in happiness. 
I thank you for the love you each have shown,
But now it's time I traveled alone.

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So grieve awhile for me, if grieve you must, 
Then let your grief be comforted by trust.
It's only for a while that we must part, 
So always remember the memories within your heart

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I'll never be far away, for life goes on, 
And if you need me, call and I will come. 
Though you can't see or touch me, I'll be near, 
And if you listen with your heart you will hear.

All my love around you soft and clear, 
And then when you must come this way alone,
 I'll greet you with a smile and say, "Welcome Home".

Author Unknown

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Original Composition Composed and Performed
Margi Harrell

Llerrah Music 

Used here with full written permission

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Created by Sherrel Crabtree-Arredondo
  June 13, 2003