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Welcome to the Ceremony!!

Commencement exercises were held in the Phoenix Civic Plaza Grand Ballroom on Sunday, May 4th, 2003, at 10:30 in the morning. The undergraduate ceremonies graduated several hundred students in 18 different degree programs. Kim's degree was in Business, with an emphasis in Electronic Business. She was one of the first 32 graduates in this program as she was in the first group to enter this program after it was offered by the University.

Two Kims and a group partners for the majority of the program...happy and RELIEVED grads!!

Kim and three of her biggest fans...Mom and Dad, and Jessica

Kim and three of the most wonderful people in the world...Tammy, Kim's "sis" and best friend, and Deb and Whit, two of the biggest hearts of gold anyone could ever know.

The Spirit of Scotland Pipe Band, who performed both the processional and recessional, and the graduates in the Accounting program.

She's fuzzy, but there she is, walking down the aisle to her seat!!

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