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MAT 122 / Spring 2005 (16 week session) ANTONIETTI

Here is a little ditty
I wrote for my online 122 classes.

It's a play pretend film noir spoof on Chapter 6.

It's purpose?
To give you a different angle on square roots,
cube roots,
and so on...

Hope you enjoy it.

Posted 4/6/05

Exam 2 has been fully graded.
And so have all the quizzes.

The quizzes should be winging their way home to you.

Email me if you want to know your scores NOW.
I will be happy to email them back.

Posted 4/6/05

Problem 13 on quiz 4 is now extra credit.
Here is big hint: See page 396, Example 7.

Posted 3/16/05

Hello everyone,

Just a quick update to tell you that all the quizzes and exams have been graded.

The quizzes should be winging their way home to you via snail mail.

The test scores will also be reported via the US postal service. The scantrons however will remain with Student Services.

Email me if you are growning impatient waiting for your scores.

Lastly: The class average was 76% and the high score was 105. There were 4 A's and 1 B. Currently we have 14 active students in this version of MAT 122.

Posted 3/05/05

Please note that I have a new email:


Posted 2/27/05


Here are the answers to the function quiz (given below):

1) C --> f(0) = 4

2) B --> f(2) = 11

3) A --> f(-3) = 7

4) A --> f(x-1) = x2 - 4x + 6

5) A --> f(25) = 1

6) A --> yes

7) B --> no

If you think I made a mistake on one of those. I may have.
Email me so I can get the correction posted.

Posted 2/19/05

Hello again.
I've got a sweet update for you this time:

If you downloaded the Study Guide you might have
noticed I dropped a hint about some possible extra credit.

Exam 1 will in fact contain
five extra credit problems worth 2 points each.

You will want to make good on these.
As it is very smart create some early wiggle room.

These 5 questions will be on the most
important new thing in Math 122: functional notation.

If you can do well on the practice quiz
you have a great chance at going 5 for 5 on the extra credit.

I hope the quiz works for you.

Angelfire has gotten a little more rabid with their advertising.
They are now splicing their code into every page.
That may have crippled the answers from appearing.

Email me if that is so... and I will send you an email with the attached quiz MINUS their rude intrusion.

Posted 2/2/05

I'd like to show you my slope-finding technique again.

You'd be amazed at how many times you will be asked to find the slope from two given points
Especially in College Algebra and Calculus.

I created this technique to try to eliminate those killer errors that creep into the calculation.

We all know how to find slope, and we all probably have the formula memorized, but what's TRULY the best way to set up the calculation?

Here is how I do it. Everytime:

(Plese pay special attention to the second example. Note the green circles. I don't write them in, but that is how your mind should see the numbers.)


You will recieve a Test 1 Study Guide in the mail.

They haven't been sent out yet.
However I thought you might like to get a headstart on it, thus the above link.

I will be posting some information on Test 1's extra credit in a few days.

Posted 1/23/05


Welcome to the class!

As you can see...I am not the person on the videos.
But I am your instructor.

What will I do with this space?

  • How about present and review problems and ideas that I know cause student problems?

  • Maybe I could concoct some sort of extra credit exercises here too?

  • about some buttons to click on to goad you to remember things?

    For example...

    Here is the link to a rather remarkable
    piece of code that will generate a factor tree for you.
    (Note: it can't do too high a number. is a remarkable bit of programming.)

    This is a skill you should be able to easily do.

    Another example...
    If everytime you come to this click on these buttons...
    eventually you will remember these essential ideas:

    By no means are visits to this web site required or even necessary.
    It is just another means of communication that exists...and I thought I might as well take advantage of it.

    One more thing: those ads at the top of the page. Angelfire puts them there to generate revenue.
    They provide me with this space as an equivalent in return.
    But know this: I can't vouch for any of the services listed on that banner ad.
    Let the clicker beware!