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The Mortals:


Just as much of a part of Oz are it's regular mortals who cross the threashold into fairyland. It seems as if it's mainly girls whom make it to Oz, though Button Bright and Cap'n Bill are two exceptions. These people have traveled, either to or around Oz, and have made it their home. They all play some role in my forthcoming book.



Who has it nicer than Dorothy? After visiting Oz four times, on the fifth time she stayed, and moved in with her Uncle Henry and her Aunt Em. Dorothy is the second most powerful person in the land, though she doesn't act like it. On her second arrival, she was made a princess, and currenly lives in the palace. She has short, blonde hair, and sometimes wears a silver crown. Dorothy has a strong spirit, and never sucombes to despair. Once again, the age diease strikes, this time making her look older, then get younger again, then older. It's confusing. I see her as about the same age as Ozma, maybe 11-1/2 to 12. My favorite picture is the one of her holding Toto. There are many more picture of her in the group section.



Girl number two to come to Oz. She was shipwreked with her mule Hank near Oz. She's got an adventure streak to her, and likes to do as she thinks is best. She's got short, brown hair darker than Dorothy's, but lighter than Ozma's), and likes to wear big floppy hats or bonnets. She's a side character in my story.


Trot & Cap'n Bill:

I finally managed to scan in Sky Island & The Sea Faries! Two people, but inseperable. Where-ever you find one, you're certian to find the other. Cap'n Bill is an old sea captain with a short, fuzzy beard and a peg leg. Trot is a small girl with dark, black, colored hair. They both typically wear sea-type clothing, and they love the ocean. Watch out for Cap'n Bill's accent, it's murder to type. :p (P.S. Cap'n Bill is the old one)




Button-Bright is a boy with a tendency to get lost. Frequently. Kind of like Ryoga from Ranma 1/2, in a way. Well, he looks like a boy. Brown hair. That's about all I can say. His looks kind of change as the books go on, and I'm using the 'older' Button-Bright. In one picture, he's being scolded by Glinda for getting lost again. :p


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