P-Fit Program
a very personal fitness regimen

Shaft Stretch
Penis Exercise

What will it do:

make the penis longer
How does it work:
stretching the tissues of the penis shaft makes it longer on both the flaccid and erect states
How do I begin:
Your penis must be completely flaccid (soft). Lie down flat on your back, sit down or stand upright.
What do I do:
Hold the head of your penis tightly between the thumb and fingers of your left hand.

With the right hand, slid the loose skin of the penis shaft back toward your body. Then, allow the skin to slide back up the shaft slightly as you grip the penis tightly between your fingers at the base.

Now pull the shaft in opposite directions with your hands, feeling it stretch as you do so.

NOTE: You want to stretch the SHAFT, not the SKIN. If the skin is stretching or feels very tight, adjust the grip with your right hand to allow some of the loose skin to be between your hands.

This exercise is quite stressful on the penis, so go easy when you start.

Begin by doing ten seconds the first few days. After three days, do ten seconds with the left hand holding the head, then another repetition of ten seconds with the right hand holding the head.

Every few days, add another five seconds to each repetition, until you reach a maximum of thirty seconds with each hand.

Build up to two repetitions with each hand of thirty seconds each.

Personal Note:
This is a quick and easy (and very beneficial) exercise to do whenever you have thirty seconds to spare, even on the toilet.

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