P-Fit Program
a very personal fitness regimen


About a year ago I began researching penile enlargement, primarily through sites on the Web. I found numerous approaches, dismissed most as quackery, stayed away from some that seemed too expensive and/or dangerous, and tried some others.

This site presents an exercise method that is based on several programs I found. This method has made a dramatic difference for me. Not only has my penis grown longer and thicker, but my self-esteem has received a boost as well.

A larger penis is not necessary for an enjoyable sex life. A small one can provide plenty of pleasure both for its owner and its recipient. Remember: the first two inches of a woman's vagina contains almost all of the sensitive areas for sexual pleasure.

However, enlarging your penis can change how you feel about yourself. For the first time in my life I no longer feel ashamed when I disrobe at the gym, and I am finally able to shower there without embarassment. Believe me, that is a very big change in my attitude about myself.

I share this with you, my Kallmann's Syndrome brothers, in the hope that you will enjoy the same benefits that I have.

PLEASE NOTE: This information is intended only for subscribers to the KS-LIST. Please DO NOT share this site with others outside our list.

Good luck -- and please let me know how it works for you!

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Site updated 7/4/00

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