P-Fit Program
a very personal fitness regimen

The Program

These exercises can provide several benefits. They can make your penis longer, straighter, and thicker. They can give you more frequent, stronger and longer-lasting erections. They can help you last longer during sex - delay your orgasm - and reach more intense orgasms. They can even improve the function of your urinary system.

Some exercises require the penis to be completely flaccid (soft); others require a partial erection. Should the penis become erect during an exercise, stop doing that exercise and move on to another one where an erection is beneficial.

You may find yourself becoming aroused during exercise. That's to be expected. You may even choose to masturbate during or after exercise; no problem. In fact, the penis may be even more cooperative for exercise after you have an orgasm.

You are doing these exercises with nothing but your own hands, so it is unlikely that you will go to far and hurt yourself. However, if you experience any discomfort, stop exercising until it goes away.

Be patient: results take time. I worked at this program for several weeks before I noticed any measurable results. Also: keep at it. Even if you can only spend a few minutes a day, and can't keep up with all the exercises you feel you should be doing, do some. Some is better than none.

Enjoy this exercise program and the extra centimeters it will provide you!

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