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First Friday Forum Industry Sector
An Economic/Cultural Series by the Taos County Chamber of  Commerce  and  the Taos Business Alliance

Construction/Construction Services 
February 4, 2005
David DiCicco David DiCicco: Owner of Viviendas, LLC, a local company producing modular housing. Dave has been a Taos resident for almost 10 years. He has been working on affordable housing in one form or another for 35 years. 
Click here to view David's presentation
Summary Points
        * We need a complete paradigm shift on how housing is produced from permitting to financing to construction. 
        * The traditional construction triangle is Good-Fast-Cheap. It is said you can only do two out of three of these. It is possible to do all three, but we need to look to different methods to make it happen. 
        * Viviendas goal is to have their employees only use safety glasses, gloves and a wrench to finish a house on site.
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Roundtable Reports

An Economic/Cultural Series by the Taos County Chamber of  Commerce  and  the Taos Business Alliance
 Prepared by Glenn Pike