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We Highly Recommend
The Above Link

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A fully featured Database Program with a 230 Character Description Input Box to Type or Paste a brief description about the location for which you want to bookmark.
Or should we say:

The jBMarks Search Tool will allow you to search (Query) back over years and thousands of bookmarks
Or should we say:


After you find the bookmark your looking for, just push the "GO" button.  If your Web Browser is open it will immediately navigate you to the jBMarks selected location.  Or, if you are not Online, jBMarks will open your *Web Browser and navigate to the selected  location.

What Will They Think of Next!

*Free ISP and jBMarks Info

For the Serious Internet Enthusiast or Web Professional

If you think your "Favorites" is an acceptable way of  remembering where you've been or how you got there.  Then you haven't tried:      

If you think "Bookmarks" is the only way to record important information and locations of where you've made purchases or where you might make future purchases.  Then You Haven't Tried:

Screen Shot
For those of us who spend hour after hour, day in and day out surfing the Internet, there is now a serious tool that offers more than a single line of text that will guide us back to that place we've been but forgot how we got there or the name of the web site.

And That Tool is:
Free 30 Day
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Download Today and try it for 30 days.
If your not completely satisfied simply uninstall it!
Price $29.95

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Most Free ISP providers require an Infomercial to be viewed prior to the launching of your Web Browser.  If this is the case then you must wait until you are online and your Web Browser is open to push the "GO"
button.  We are working to resolve this but there could very well be no solution.  One of the many Cost of "Free".
