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Saturday Activities

Prior to the Egglympics, folks found all kinds of things to do.

Saturday morning

Here's a photo of folks waking up for a big day of fun on Saturday morning: Sue, Sandi, Dave, Peter and Deb. The other aspect of this photo that's of interest is that it shows the interior of Kiya cabin, which was the place where the protagonists of this event met on that first ski trip.

Egg decorating

Here's Rachel decorating eggs at the egg-decorating table in Laughlin. We had a lot of psanki-making equipment (the fancy Ukranian eggs) thanks to the efforts of Joanna and Andrea, who both brought lots, and people made a lot of beautiful eggs with it (some of which you can see in this picture of the cake). We saved them, and Art blew them with his special egg-pumping technique, (unrelated to his egg-sucking technique) and they'll be decorations for us in future.

Playing outdoors

Here's Bob with his kids Emma and Aiden, and Sophie's kid Adam (in red sweatshirt) making airplanes on the slope behind Laughlin on Saturday.

Lake fun

There were plenty of trips out on the lake in the various canoes and the rowboat that was available. Here's Dad, Martha, Andrea and Colin demonstrating their expertise.


Some folks preferred to practice their conversational skills; here's Andrew and Becky chatting on the porch of Laughlin...

Spectators 2

And here's Phil and Alan in a similar mode.

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