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Two-Level Compensation Structure:

You make $34.00 on every one of your direct sales, and an amazing $17.00 for each sale generated by your own affiliates!

Welcome to the Best Affiliate Program on the Net.

Here you can join up as an affiliate, and get a $34.00 commission on every direct sale, and a $17.00 commission on all of your affiliates' sales!

How It Works - It's Simple....

  • You join up - for free - and get issued your unique Affiliate ID.
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  • Additionally, you may want to cut and paste your affiliate link into any existing E-mail message
    series or advertising campaign you may already be running.
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    snippet of html code to any webmaster who's renting you advertising space on his/her website.
  • When a visitor clicks on the link, or banner - a cookie, with YOUR AFFILIATE ID is placed on his/her computer.
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  • If that person later decides to join as an affiliate, YOU get paid $17.00 for each sale he/she makes, as well!

Here are some reasons why we think this is one of the best Affiliate Programs on the net....

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  • Totally Free to Join.
  • We supply you with the promotional materials, and all you need to do is
    to copy and paste them into your E-mail and/or webpages.
  • Fully Automated System.
  • Super Simple - It takes only 5 minutes to set up.
  • Perform an absolutely invaluable service to society by distributing this life-saving information.

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