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Southern Arizona

Research Consultants



Southern Arizona Research Consultants (SARC) offers consulting in the biological, environmental and ecological fields. SARC conducts habitat and environmental assessments, plant and wildlife surveys and lists. We conduct plant and animal population surveys, including monitoring of animal populations with regards to public health. We do environmental impact studies and surveys and prepare Environmental Impact Statements (EIS). We have expertise in wildlife radio-tracking. We also conduct public educational programs and are also Natural History and Wildlife consultants to television and documentary film companies and can provide "animal wrangler" expertise to those companies.








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Recent and Ongoing Studies



Please contact SARC at:

P.O. Box 195

Portal, AZ 85632

Phone: (520) 558-2356


Send E-mail


Copyright 1998 Charles Rau-SARC



SARC Recent & Ongoing Studies



-Population census of a maternity colony of Townsend's Big-eared Bats (Corynorhinus townsendii) Coronado National Forest-Douglas District

-Habitat assessment and maternal roost requirements of the Southwestern Myotis Bat (Myotis auriculus) Coronado National Forest-Douglas District

-Small mammal survey & blood sampling for presence of Hantavirus in the Portal, Arizona area for the Arizona Department of Health Services

-Seasonal fluctuations in local populations of the Deer Mouse group (Peromyscus) and other small rodent population trends.

-Video production with Southeastern Arizona Squamate Ecology Research Group: "Anesthesia and Surgical Techniques for Radiotelemetry in Rattlesnakes"


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