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Images around Kayenta

Click on a link and it will take you to an image.

NEW: Many new images from around town.

Images from the premiere of Windtalkers
A dust storm
Black Mesa
Golden Sands Restaurant
Kayenta Township Office
Snow on the road
Fina gas station
Additions to the outside of the Chevron
Homecoming 2002 images
Burger King at night
The Toes at sunset
A shot of the mural on the Trading Post
The Kayenta Carnival
Movie ticket to Windtalkers as shown in Kayenta.
A panoramic of Kayenta
Kayenta from the North
An ambulance
The helicopter
A sign
Laguna Creek
The Wetherill's grave
The Hampton Inn
New house
Traffic lights
Monument Valley High School
A very old sign
My favorite picture! An airplane.
The new post office
A red light
Teeh' i ndeeh shopping center
More scenery
The town
Another shot of the town
Another shot of the town
Another shot of the town
The Township's sign
The Kayenta Trading Post