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Kent Branch
of the Ontario Genealogical Society

Genealogical and Historical Research
Reference Library and Bookstore


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!!! NEW !!! We get mail. Have a look at it

Kent (Ontario) mail lists & message boards

Message Board - give it a try, let us know what you think

subscribe (no charge) to a mail list which will let you know when changes are made in Web sites pertaining to Kent Branch OGS - especially our main page, also our meetings page and our publications pages, and perhaps a few others; also occasionally perhaps other annoucements pertaining to Kent Branch. It is anticipated e-mail of announcement normally will be not more than once a week and probably not that often.

20th Anniversary Celebration has been held

Some Multi-Threaded Search Engines:
another multi-search engine
Welcome to Dogpile
go2net | MetaCrawler | search
Inference Find! -- Home Page and Resource Center

Our web-site visitors in March included people from Australia, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Finland, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA, and Canada.

Our web-site visitors in April included people from Australia, Belgium, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, United Kingdom, USA, and Canada.

Please view/sign our Guestbook

Kent Branch's Postal Address
Kent Branch O.G.S.
P.O Box 964, Chatham

Ontario N7M 5L3 Canada

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Kent Branch's Library

. . . Our Library, staffed by volunteers, normally is open 1 pm to 5 pm Monday through Saturday. Genealogy researchers and the general public are invited to do "hands-on" research. We are located upstairs in the Chatham Public Library, Chatham, Ontario, Canada. Their schedule changes take precedence over our usual hours.

. . . Summer Hours Friday & Saturday 12:30 - 4:30; other days 1:00 - 5:00 [July & August]. Also, remember sometimes special arrangements can be made in advance to help one-day visitors to the area by opening extra hours for them.

. . . Immediately behind the Chatham Public Library there is a metered parking lot. One block to the West you will find the Chatham Public Library's unmetered parking lot.

For questions of a general nature concerning Kent Branch's Library and Holdings, E-Mail to Donna, Librarian.
Please do not send to her requests for specific research.

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Kent Branch's Holdings

. . . The holdings of our Branch Library include a number of family histories [ranging from a single page to large volumes] -- and we welcome donation of other family histories. We have exchange newsletters from the other branches of the O.G.S. and exchange of newsletters with some other places.
. . . In our collection we have considerable materials relating to Kent County and the various townships thereof. Also we have materials on several counties/districts of Ontario, and of several of the Provinces of Canada. Not to be missed are the items from some of the States of the U.S.A. and from other countries [including considerable general materials relating to Scotland, England, and Ireland].
. . . Also, in our holdings, we try to maintain copies of Kent Branch's publications. An useful set of microfilms are the indexes to Ontario Births, Marriages, and Deaths as originally released to the public through Ontario Archives.

. . . Updated Feb. 1998: In addition, the Chatham Public Library has a genealogical collection and have compiled some book lists. We created a temporary web page with three of them:  Tracing Your Roots In Kent County (updated Feb. 1998); Black History In Kent County; and First Person Re-Enactment Reading List.

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Kent Branch's Publications

Publications' prices are expected to change first of June.

. . . Publications available for sale include transcriptions of Kent County Cemeteries, Census Returns of 1851, 1861, 1871, & 1881 and many other useful and informative items.
. . . The 1891 & 1901 Census Returns are a current project. Chatham City 1901 Census is now available.

E.&O.E. - and prices subject to change without notice

1891 Census Village Of Wallaceburg, Kent County, Ontario with SURNAME Index
 ISBN 1-55116-359-4 - $18.00 plus handling & postage
1891 Census Township Of Chatham, Kent County, Ontario with SURNAME Index
 ISBN 1-55116-361-6 - $22.00 plus handling & postage
Extracts From The Thamesville Herald 1942-1951 - $12.00 plus h&p
   Events extracted from the newspapers on microfilm.
Extracts From The Thamesville Herald 1952-1961 - $12.00 plus h&p
   Events extracted from the newpapers on microfilm.

Publications Price List available on the web or in print.

E-mail questions & comments to: Wilson - Publications Committee

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Kent Branch's Meetings

Since January 1998 normal place of meeting is at the W.I.S.H. Centre, Chatham-Kent.

For announcement of future meetings please visit our Meetings page.

Winner of Chatelaine Florist Tomarkin Volunteer of the Month Award
[selected by draw from names of volunteers]
Jan. - Marilyn Wild; Feb. - Herb Todgham; March - Richard Prout; April - Jay Smith; May - Stan Wild; June - Donna Reinhardus; Sept. - Angela Kerr; Oct. - Bert Wees; Nov. - Diane French; Dec. - Jean Attridge

Jan. - Jean Zimmer; Feb. - Donna Reinhardus; March - Ida DeBusschere; April - Evelyn Farquharson; May - Jean Zimmer; June - Angela Kerr; Sept. - Marjorie Toll; Oct. - Ruth Wade; Nov. - Helen Clark; Dec. - Jean Attridge

Jan. - Marilyn Doyle; Feb. - Jean Smith; March - Gloria Scott; April - Marilyn Wild; May - Helen Reaume; June - Vic Miller

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Kent Branch's Newsletter
Roots Branches & Twigs

Volume 20 Number 1 - 1998 - Contents include: Editor's Message (1p}; Financial Report {1p}; Just Two Stones - That's All / The Holmes Burying Ground by Muriel Smyth {3p}; Trade Conditions on the Thames (A letter to John Askin Esquire by Hugh Holmes.) {2p}; Seminar '98 - From Settlers to Satellites {1p}; letter from Mary M. zurBurg (re information in the Library of Michigan's genealogical collection) {1p}; letter from Ryan Taylor (re "Books You Need to do Genealogy in Ontario") {1p}; letter from Fallsbrook Publishing Inc. (re The "Gentle Johnston/es") {1p}; info re Johnston/e Clan in America {1p}; info re Kelly Clan Association Newsletter {1p}; Plaques Project / Historic Chatham {1p}; photo of Mrs. Wm. Henry Traxler c. 1880 {1p}; Union Memorial Service held Thamesville Presbyterian Church 1901 {1p}; Dowswell/Shepley family Bible mentioned {1p}; Canadian Militiamen Granted Medals for the Capture of Detroit by Wilfred R. Lauber {5p}; At The Museum by Dave Benson {1p}; Township Papers From The 3rd Edition of Genealogy In Ontario: Searching The Records {1p}; Letter from Russ Waller re a new series of books entilted Immigrants From England, 1800-1900 {1p}; Message from the Chair by Pete Woodcock {1p}; Queries {3p}

(Also see a list of articles appearing in previous Kent Branch Newsletters)

The Quarterly Newsletters are a benefit of membership in Kent Branch O.G.S. and by policy of the Provincial O.G.S. we are not allowed otherwise to sell them for a year from date of publication.

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Can You Tell Us?

Seeking information about:
1. Catholic orphanage near Ridgetown during 1930's; does anyone know of it?

Please reply to: webmaster

8 June 1998 we received the following lead from TOLD7175@:
I became interested in the Catholic orphanage in or near Ridgetown Ontario
I have checked sources and the latest that seems to hold merit and they may be able to help out is the Johnston Family of Ridgetown. They lived on the East side of Ridgetown and had a bus service that operated from Ridgetown to Chatham. The orphanage was suppose to be a very small building on the outskirts of Ridgetown.

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Queries are published in the Newsletter with the hope that other readers might be able to answer or help.  Queries should not be confused with requests for "research" [the Branch is{?} preparing guidelines for such].

Members of Kent Branch: Queries of reasonable length {at discretion of the Branch} are published free for Members of Kent Branch. They may be sent by E-mail to Jay.

Non-members of Kent Branch: Queries of no more than 75 words may be accepted by snail-mail (i.e. postal system) when accompanied by $2.00 per query and have a relevance to Kent County.

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. . . The Chatham Public Library opened their new Community Internet Access Centre (CIAC) to the public on 27 June 1996 -- available [since 1 Jan. 1998] for use by residents of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent and paying members. This should provide opportunity on site to search telephone directories, gazatteers, newsgroups, etc.
. . . "CIAC is part of a national network of community access sites, funded by Industry Canada under Community Access Project. It lets you browse the World Wide Web via Netscape, connects you to Yahoo, Lycos and Webcrawler, and offers Internet seminars, demonstrations and hands-on instruction."
. . . Information seems to indicate it does not include E-mail, newsgroups, or Telnet.

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Links To Other Sites
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E-mail addresses for the Branch:
Joan - Membership Secretary Donna - Librarian Wilson - Publications Committee Jay - Queries for Newsletter Les - webmaster Kent Branch OGS

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Our Menu

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Kent Branch O.G.S. information:
Kent Branch Postal Address
Queries | Email addresses | Library | Holdings | Publications | Meetings | Awards | Newsletter | Branch Membership information
Seeking information about ...

Other Internet information: Usenet / newsgroups

not currently available from this location:
Finding People (present and past) | Places

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