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Kent Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society

Link to Schedule of the day's events

Kent County Branch, O.G.S.
20th Anniversary Celebration!!

"Where The Past Meets The Present"

A great opportunity to revel over our past accomplishments, renew old friendships, bring along any pictures and other memorabilia to share, and view the displays on exhibit. New friends are welcome too; come see the work we've done over the years and join us in our plans for the future. A full outline of events will be sent to you with your tickets. Please register by June 5, 1998 by submitting cheque or money order to: 20th Anniversary, Kent Branch O.G.S., P.O. Box 964, Chatham, Ontario N7M 5L3. For registrations sent after June 1, tickets will be held at the door.

To Be Held:
DATE:   June 13, 1998
TIME:   10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (lunch at 12 noon)
PLACE:  W.I.S.H. Centre, 177 King Street East,
        Chatham, Ontario
COST:   $15.00 - includes lunch
Remember When????
April 1978 - The speaker for the meeting was Eileen Richards and she spoke to the novice transcribers on the proper methods of indexing cemeteries.

April 1979 - Of the known 110 cemeteries in Kent County, 33 have been indexed.

January 1980 - A day trip was planned to Weldon Library, University of Western Ontario for March 15 at a projected cost of $5.00 per person.

November 1981 - The guest speaker for the annual meeting was Joan Griffin of San Jose, California and her topic was "Irish Genealogy".

January 1983 - Kent Branch O.G.S. can boast of 172 members.

September 1984 - Membership for the branch stands at 294 members.

November 1986 - Kent Branch celebrated the O.G.S. Silver Anniversary by meeting at the home of Joan Griffin in Plymouth, Michigan - called "Hands Across the Border".

June 1989 - Twenty branches of O.G.S. submitted entries to be judged for the Marion Keiffer Newsletter Awards. The Kent Branch newsletter won the awards for Best Newsletter and Best Visual Newsletter.

May 1995 - Kent Branch hosts the "tween the lakes" Seminar at the Wheels Inn Conference Centre. Those registered numbered 780!!

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To Register, submit:

Name(s) ____________________________________

Address: ___________________________________

City: ____________ Province/State __________

Postal Code _________ or Zip Code ________-______


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Email to attention of Pat Bedford

 9:30 a.m.  Registration and Coffee
             Renew old acquaintances and meet new people
              Browse - Market Place
10:00 a.m.  Welcome
10:05 a.m.  Greetings from the Municipality of Chatham-Kent
10:10 a.m.  The Origins of Kent Branch
10.20 a.m.  Cemeteries - Kent Branch being the first in Ontario
              to finish transcribing it's cemeteries
10:30 a.m.  Publications - And the list goes on!
10:40 a.m.  Kent Branch O.G.S. Slide Show of 1979
              A Look Back In Time
11:10 a.m.  Recognizing Kent Branch O.G.S. Past Chairpeople &
              Region One Directors
11:15 a.m.  Remembering Seminar'95
11:20 a.m.  In Memoriam - Members who have passed on
11:30 a.m.  Break - Browse Market Place - view displays

12:00 noon  Lunch
               Special Guest:  The Story Teller Lady
 1:30 p.m.  To Seek The Truth - Some of Chatham's Early Families
 2:00 p.m.  Kent Branch O.G.S. Today!
 2:15 p.m.  An Update On Region One & report on APOLROD
 2:30 p.m.  Greetings From O.G.S. & The Future of Genealogy
              in the Next Century
 2:55 p.m.  Draw for "Kent Branch Chatelaine Tomarkin Volunteer
              of the Month Award" & Draw For Prizes Donated by
              Marketplace Vendors
 3:00 p.m.  Farewell - Marketplace

Marketplace Vendors:  Kent Branch O.G.S. Publications
                      Kent Historical Society Publications
                      W.I.S.H. Centre
                      Past Presence Originals
                      Crafts From The Past
                        --Plus others

first posted on 4 April 1998; addational info on 1 May
this web space provided by

reset 16 April 1998