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Frequently Asked Questions



1.  What happens if I want to leave?


You are free to leave at any time, with our blessing. We will of course expect you to keep all information regarding the group and its members completely confidential.



2.  How do I know if this is the right group for me?


Generally speaking this is a matter of intuition. You will probably ‘just know.’ But as you work through the study course it will soon become clear whether or not this is the right group for you. You will also find it helpful to have read some of Gareth Knight’s and Dion Fortune’s work beforehand, as this will give you a good idea of the general feel of the group. We maintain our path on the ‘threefold way’ of hermetic/pagan/Christian magic, and you will need to be open to working with all three traditions in balance.



3.  How much time will the meditation and study take?


You will need to set aside 10 – 30 minutes each day for meditation. The reading and written work takes approximately 2 – 3 hours a week to begin with, but you may wish to spend longer on it as you progress.



4.  Can I be a member of the Avalon Group and still continue my other esoteric practices, studies, beliefs, groups etc?


Yes, we won’t tell you to give up your other esoteric practices. But you may find in time that if you are studying in two different disciplines this produces a ‘divided loyalty’ within yourself which makes it necessary for you to choose one or the other.



5.  Is there any age limit?


There is no upper age limit. But many of the lessons of the ‘Lesser Mysteries’ have to be experienced and worked through in the outer world before you are in a position to undertake magical work, and it is unlikely that you will have done so before the age of 25.



6.  Who will supervise my work and what is their role?


Your work will be supervised by one of the experienced members of the group. Their role is to support, assist and guide rather than to teach: there is rarely a right or wrong answer in this type of work, and students are encouraged to develop their own individual understanding of the work and their relationship to it. If you stray from the path this will be pointed out to you, but our general approach is that ‘the course is the tutor.’



7.  Can I study the course as a standalone correspondence course?


Unfortunately not. We are a practical working group rather than a training school, and we don’t have the resources to offer the course on a more general basis. It serves solely as an induction course for those seeking group membership.



8.  What happens if for any reason I’m not able to study or meditate for a period?


This will be discussed with you and any decision made will be appropriate to your circumstances.



9.  What ritual work will I be eligible to take part in when I attend meetings?


Everyone who attends a meeting participates in all of the work. There is no separate Lodge for initiated members – students take part in the full range of work alongside experienced members. This is an important part of the Avalon Group ethos, as we work as a 'Round Table' in which all members are treated as equals. This can be a little overwhelming for the first couple of meetings, but those who have an aptitude for the work soon adapt to it! The only ritual from which non-initiated members are excluded is the Greater Mysteries Initiation – for the very good reason that they will get the most from it when they're ready to go through it themselves!