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Chase's Tears of Joy
I love you

The following article may touch your heart--very gently through "Tears of Joy."

Chase's Tears of Joy

A really good cry can sometimes ease heartaches and cleanse hurt feelings. Yes, there are those certain special times, and this could possibly be one of them.There are many different kinds of tears.

Do you remember that first scrape as a little child--how you cried when you saw him just stay there and weep? It broke your heart and you wanted so much to stop his tears. Then, a very short time later, you experienced his warm and genuine smile of appreciation when you promised him that it wouldn't hurt too much longer, but in your heart you knew it was tearing you apart. You smiled through your tears, because you loved that little one and you truly wanted everything to be perfect for him.

On another special occasion, you saw the teenager at the prom--sitting all alone--and crying by herself in the corner--because no one had asked her to dance. A few years later, you cried at her wedding because she was the happiest gal alive and you knew that she was truly in love.

It seems like only yesterday when the neighbor's son came home; he was so badly scarred from serving his country and he had encountered much loss from battle; you cried because you knew his mom and dad were your closest friends. Through tears, you smiled and you hugged them and told them that you were praying for their entire family. Though your heart was breaking, you shared in their anguish and was fully there to support them.

As time moved forward, you cried when you heard the shocking and sad news that another drive-by shooting had taken the life of such a young person, but you knew that you had to keep plugging away and to really appreciate those loved ones who are so close to you.

Then, one day, you received a gift of love from someone you had never met before. She was a stranger, but she told you that something you had shared with her loved one had saved him from tragedy, and you cried. You made a difference in someone's quality of life, and you knew that it could never have occurred if you had not been there.

You read an article about unconditional love, and you related to it. It was as if you had written it yourself, and you finally realized that you had mastered loving those who society might neglect and ignore. Then the "Tears of Joy" spilled, and you knew in the core of your being, that you had grown and God's blessings were beyond measure.

You are now in the glow of life, because you can share your feelings with someone who has never faced them before. Marvel in the gifts that only tears can bring.

I may be crying a few tears as I write this little story of compassion, but I feel the rewards from starting to become the person God always wanted me to be. A person who is fully alive gains much joy and satisfaction in observing miracles. Some of those miracles are preceded by tears. After the tears, the release is wonderful. Tears help us deal with grief, loss, compassion and most of all: love.

May your tears be the opening of your heart to receiving much love and many wonderful surprises that are waiting for you.

I heard this story about a person who died and went to Heaven. At the gates of Heaven and looking inside, there was such a glorious sight. There were all kinds of wonderful gifts in various sizes and all wrapped in pretty wrapping paper with very beautiful bows. When Saint Peter was asked what those gifts were, the response was: "My dear and precious friend, those gifts were all for you--every single one of them. The only reason you never received them is because you never asked for them."

"Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery; today is a precious gift for you and for me--that's why they call it the present." I don't know who created that quotation, but I gratefully share this present with you.

May your times of sadness be turned into "Tears of Joy." Enjoy the rest of today and every today. It means a lot to me to share some of my thoughts with you. I hope that you could identify with some of the people in this story. That little child of yesteryear might just be the adult you meet today.

Copyright © 1998-2024--Chase ( All rights reserved.

My Christmas Story from 2011
from Chase

On Thursday, December 8, 2011, I was returning to Walgreens, because I had left my credit card there and was anxious that I hadn't lost it. About an hour earlier, nobody was ringing a bell for Salvation Army, but this time, a young fellow was standing in front of the store. Between rings of the bell, I thanked him for being there for all of us. He pleasantly responded. After retrieving my lost credit card and feeling relieved, I exited the store and commented to him that what I put into the box was meant to have been done anonymously. He said, “It is, because I don't know you and in a few minutes I will forget you.” I said, "Don't go that far," teasingly.

He then made me realize that there was a definite purpose for my return to that store. He said, "Personally, I don't care about the money at all; that's not my motive for being here. The reason I enjoy being here is when I can do something like I did with you. You smiled and I knew I made your day a little better." He went on to say, "It's a gift that when you give it away, you get it back. Two people are both given the gift. The gift; the gift is a smile."

I was almost in tears when I got back to my car, because before this, I wasn't wanting to back-track where I'd already been and was worried that I wouldn't locate my lost credit card. The realization of the gift I received was priceless, and God had been providing me with yet another God-incidence (not co-incidence). I told the young fellow to keep sharing his gift and I would start sharing it, too.

Merry Christmas!!

Copyright © 2011-2024--Chase ( All rights reserved.

UPDATE: I was informed that my above Christmas story went into seven different languages and a number of Countries. My friend (thanks to Micheal) who told me about this also added: "It is very inspiring to all who have read it [and those who know me have verified this]."

I love you

I encourage you to feel the spirit of love, and I am delighted that you are here. These following three prayers have brought hope, joy, and light to me during certain times that seemed quite heavy and dark. Sometimes I just needed that little extra boost, and other times I needed to really feel something very, very special:
"Tears of Joy."



God grant me the
to accept the things
I cannot change,
to change
the things I can
to know the difference.

Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time,
accepting hardships as a pathway to peace.
Taking, as Jesus did
this sinful world as it is
not as I would have it.
Trusting that you will make all things right
if I surrender to your will
so that I may be reasonbly happy
in this life
and supremely happy with you in the next.

~~Author: Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)~~



Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, harmony;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may seek not so much
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

~~also known as "Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace" Prayer of which the author is actually unknown~~


"Footprints in the Sand"

~~Author: Mary Stevenson (Zangare) (1922-1999)~~

Because of various authors claiming ownership to
this poem, I am referring my visitors to the
following website for this prayer/poem:

RIGHT Click here for "Footprints in the Sand" and select: Open link in new window.


Dear Friend,
If tears spilled today or tonight, realize that you are never, never really alone. Love surrounds each and every one of us. God loves us!! No, I'm not a preacher. If you haven't been told that you are loved enough times today, please let me fill in the gap. I love you--you are loved. I learned that from people who loved me when I felt totally unlovable. I really enjoy sharing the greatest gift of all--and that is love. May our joy be multiplied to you and your loved ones!!

This is your personal invitation to experience
~~my world of dreams and reality~~
by CLICKING the items on this list:

Chase's Treasures
Chase's Turtle Story
Chase's Feeling Feelings
Chase's I Am Home With My Family
Chase's Awards From Others Page #1
Chase's Awards From Others Page #2
Chase's Awards From Others Page #3
Chase's Awards From Others Page #4
Chase's Favorite Links
Chase's Recognition at Cybertown
Chase's Home Page
Chase's Tribute to Mom in Heaven
Chase's Wonderful Dad and His Love
Chase's Birthday Gift for You on Your Birthday
Chase's Reserved Chair
Chase's Special Memories

Thank you for being here!!


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