Thank you for visiting my website.

(my picture from October 4, 2024)
Here's my latest treasure as of July 11, 2024.
My 37-year medallion:

Sobriety is my most-treasured gift,
and I enjoy sharing it with others.
I've been sober since July 11, 1987.
Thank you to Robbie and Pip for this very special medallion.
--just a little reminder--
You are loved.
On my 76th birthday, August 15th of 2022, I self-published two more short-story ebooks. I'm giving away copies now of Harvey Hunk and His Family and Doorway to Death.
You can download a FREE copy of each of these at Smashwords.
Right click on the Download button; then, click "Open link in new window" in that menu:
Previously, on my 75th birthday, August 15th of 2021, I self-published another short-story ebook. I'm giving away copies now of The Boy and the Mask.
You can download a FREE copy at Smashwords.
Right click on the Download button; then, click "Open link in new window" in that menu:
On October 18th of 2020, I self-published a short story that I wrote in 1975 but waited a long time to make it available. I'm giving away copies of it, now: Queen Gloria.
You can download a FREE copy at Smashwords.
Right click on the Download button; then, click "Open link in new window" in that menu:
Since August 15th of 2020, my 74th birthday, I've been giving away copies of a mystery novel I wrote: Cry for You; Cry for Me; Cry for Them.
You can download a FREE copy of this ebook at Smashwords.
Right click on the Download button; then, click "Open link in new window" in that menu:
The Chase Story -- My First 70 Years
Some more good news: You can download a FREE copy of my Chase's Dream Journal. It's my other ebook at Smashwords that I self-published on my previous birthday on August 15, 2019:
Right click on the Download button; then, click "Open link in new window" in that menu:
In August of 2016, on my 70th birthday, I self-published my autobiography. The title is The Chase Story -- My First 70 Years.
Today, you can still download a free copy of this autobiography ebook at Smashwords.
Right click on the Download button; then, click "Open link in new window" in that menu:
Thanks for sharing in my joy!!
You are loved.
"This too shall pass." These four words have helped me get through some of the most challenging times in life, and they are my favorite four words. Whenever I am facing an uncertainty or fear that seems too difficult to solve, I often ask one of my friends to quote my favorite four words. After hearing it the first time, I ask for the phrase to be repeated, and then I ask for it to be repeated one more time. By the third time the other person has told me this, I truly believe that the other person believes that it will pass.
This gives me hope and (either quickly or slowly) I will come to believe, too, that it will pass. After I fully believe that it will pass, the situation has changed from being a problem into a source for the solution. The real gift is getting to share this with others when they are going through a challenge or conflict.
My goal for many years has been to encourage others to hope and to not give up, and this is one of my ways for accomplishing that.
You are loved.


Dream, dream, dream; then, follow your dreams
into reality. They can become treasures to share
with others--to begin new dreams of their own.
Dreams, Feelings, and Encouragement:
These three words are the focus of my website.
I really, really enjoy observing and following
the DREAMS that materialize for others.
Expressing our FEELINGS truly enhances
the depth of genuine friendship.
ENCOURAGING others is a treasured
gift to both the giver and the receiver.
Prior to having my own website, it was only
the beginning of a dream--until Roger
(mentioned in my "Turtle Story") encouraged
me to make it happen. Ever since 1998 this
website continues to be a reality and my
dream is continuing to unfold.
Encouragement is a gift that really works.
It's been a joy sharing this process with you.
I sincerely encourage YOU to follow your dreams:
into reality and beyond.
Tears of joy are included within the pages of my website,
and they have been instrumental in creating this website.
Tears are definitely a form of healing and cleansing.
If you experience these tears (that gently spill),
it is my intent that they be fully experienced as:
This is your personal invitation to experience
~~my world of dreams and reality~~
by CLICKING the items on this list:
Chase's Tribute to Mom in Heaven
Chase's Wonderful Dad and His Love
Chase's Birthday Gift for You on Your Birthday
Chase's Reserved Chair
Chase's Special Memories
Chase's Tears of Joy
Chase's Treasures
Chase's Turtle Story
Chase's Feeling Feelings
Chase's I Am Home With My Family
Chase's Awards From Others Page #1
Chase's Awards From Others Page #2
Chase's Awards From Others Page #3
Chase's Awards From Others Page #4
Chase's Favorite Links
Chase's Recognition at Cybertown
Thank you for being here!!
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(a separate window will open for doing this),
CLICK "Sign my Guestbook"--below this line:
NOTE: RIGHT CLICK "Sign my Guestbook" and then select "Open link in new window" if the above link isn't working.
You can VIEW my PREVIOUS Guest Books by clicking the links below:
Click here to VIEW my very first filled Guest Book
Click here to VIEW my second filled Guest Book
NOTE: RIGHT CLICK "Sign my Guestbook" and then select "Open link in new window" if the above links aren't working.
To contact me by e-mail,
please click the link below this:
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If the email link doesn't work for you, you can email me at the following address:
Copyright © 1998-2024--Regarding personal text, design and layout, Chase (chase4ever+webaf@gmail.com). All rights reserved. Disclaimer: If anything is owned by you, please let me know so that I can give you credit for it or remove it. I make no money from this website and it is my intent to take no credit for anything that belongs to someone else. Thank you.
I greatly appreciate Angelfire for providing the space for my website.