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Angel My Mom Angel

This picture was taken in December of 1997--just prior to Mom going to Heaven.
Ethelyn was born into this life on June 3, 1920, and she entered into Eternal life on January 26, 1998.

This page is dedicated to
my precious and loving Mom!!

Mom loved pink roses:

Rose for Mom
Thank you to sweet Shanni for making this lovely gift (above) for me to display with great appreciation for my wonderful Mom.

Pink was always Mom's favorite color. Although Mom isn't here physically, her spirit has never ever left those who love her--nor those who have met her after her transitioning.
Below is a very nice note and a trophy for Mom from special friend Maria:

Dear Chase,
After visiting Mom's Page, I went to my drawing board and came up with this little gift to pay tribute to your precious Mom on her birthday. I hope you enjoy. Lots of love to you.
{{{angel hugs}}}

Maria's Gift
Thank you so very much for this special Angel from special you, Maria!!


Also, a sincere thank you to Shanni for the welcome banner and for framing the picturesof Mom and Dad!!
It is with the utmost admiration that I share memories of this dynamic lady with you, my visitors. Ethelyn is my Mom. Even though she is in Heaven, her love remains on this plane, too. It is my great honor to introduce you to my Mom--as this page is totally devoted to her. She is the greatest person I have ever known, and I thank God for giving me the best Mom for me. She really loved to dance. Below is a picture of Mom and Dad dancing together:

Candle Rose Mom and Dad Dancing Rose Candle

To share Mom's Love with you, here is a letter that I have revised from a previous letter that I wrote.

Dear and Precious Mom:


It's with deep heartfelt appreciation to Roger for asking me to tell him our family's "Turtle" story and by following my dreams that my website first appeared in 1998, and several months later I dedicated to you, Mom, this page of love on my website. By the way, is Turtle in Heaven with you? I love and treasure you, Mom!! I strongly sense and fully believe that Heaven is so much nicer with you being there.

I remember how excited you always were when I shared with you about my extended family. You were always interested in hearing about the "kids" I have been blessed to have as sponsorees in AA, my friends who I have met through the computer, and even the ones who I wanted to help in the past but couldn't reach. Your encouragement and support were always there. I always had someone who loved me unconditionally. I continue to share your love that you demonstrated and expressed.

The last week that you were on this plane, when I told you that you were my hero, you really touched the core of my soul when you told me that I was your hero, too. The song playing in the background demonstrates the role you have played in my life. We shared so many wonderful times together--from the very beginning when you first called me your "little shadow" to those last few days together when I told you that "I will always be YOUR little shadow." You really made me smile whenever I watched you talking with the little animals, too.

I always treasure and treasured hearing different ones complimenting you on the ways that you helped them. Rev. Roy even commented on how you stood out above others in the church, because you would OFTEN be seen helping those who many people wouldn't spend any time with at all. You have taught me to love others, and not merely by words, but by action.

Mom, when it was time for you to go "Home," a part of me really wanted you to stay, but I also knew that it was time for you to give up your battle with leukemia. God answered my prayer when He took you with such gentleness to Heaven. I am so very grateful that Dad, my only brother Warren and his wife June, and I could all be there with you when it was time for you to cross over to Heaven. I'm sure that you know that we all greatly miss you. It meant so very much to me when you said that you would take my message to God that "I love Him" and that you would be saving a place for me--when it is time for me to leave this plane.

Your love and zest for life have been with me all of my life, and you truly are "the wind beneath my wings." I always loved the way that you wore a little flower in your hair. It was so precious when little ones and older ones, too, would remark so favorably about that little flower. Your special trademark was always there. I remember you sharing about when you were a young girl and taught yourself the lesson of enjoying your own company, and I greatly appreciate having learned that valuable lesson from you: "If I can't enjoy my own company, then how can I expect others to enjoy being around me?"

I always treasured the time when I would listen to you pray. There was one request that was always included: "Lord, Be with the sorrowing and suffering--both near and far and whether we know them or not." Those were the people who you were often helping the most.

Even though Warren and I are your only kids by birth, the "kids" who have called you Mom are quite numerous. One of them is Woody, who you met through my being in the Air Force with him in the late 1960's and your pen pal for the rest of your life; he wrote me a note in his sympathy card: "Mom was a very fine lady and enjoyed Her Family, real and extended." That really sums it up.

Tim, one of my treasured friends on the internet, wrote to me: "Your Mom is now dancing with the Angels." Tom, another great friend here in Tucson, told me: "Your Mom is teaching the Angels to Polka." Many, many others knew how much you really loved to dance--all the way through your entire life.

In your later years it was so wonderful how you got Dad out on the dance floor, too. You two sure added quality to those dances, and you had your own unique sequences. Everybody enjoyed watching both of you together. Mom, I know you are smiling from knowing that Dad is continuing to go to the dances--several times a week--just like you both enjoyed doing together. He misses you and we all do, but you taught us how to view death. You said that as long as there were no goodbyes, there would be no room for any helloes. You also shared a loving God with our family and made it very clear that this life is not the only life. Your words about "Keeping others alive in our hearts doesn't allow them to be dead" are words that still and always will comfort me.

Dad and I frequently enjoyed trying to get the other one to be dumb enough to bet that by the time we got back to the car (or wherever you were) that you would be talking with someone. We both KNEW that you would be. You never ever knew a stranger; that has forever deeply impressed me. Dad and I still have our weekly phone chats and always end our visits with: "I love you Son" and "I love you Dad," respectively. Dad sends you love from him, June and Warren, and the rest of our family. We wish you the very best of the best in Heaven.

Some quotes really touch my heart, and here's one from another card--your Friend Evelyn wrote such a nice comment to our family: "God needed a new star; so, He took you (Mom). Now the Heavens are brighter."

Mom, please feel my love for you--it never stopped and it never will. I am so very grateful to continue sharing your love with others, Mom!! Now go get those other Angels and dance, dance, dance. Dance like never before.

Before closing this letter, I share with you some joy that I received from my very special friend Kathy who I met through the Internet. She said that every time we hear thunder it is because you and her loved ones in Heaven--her Mom Kathryn and her Son Darren--are up there dancing and really having a great time of celebration. So, once again, dance, dance, dance. I love you with all of my heart, Mom!!

I love you

Your older son,

PS. As I'm sure you know, the "Pennsylvania Polka" was played at your service and the following Sunday as the postlude in church. Ann (the pianist/organist) honored your request with such charm and dignity!!

I love you

Candle Shanni Gift Candle

This is your personal invitation to experience
~~my world of dreams and reality~~
by CLICKING the items on this list:

Chase's Wonderful Dad and His Love
Chase's Birthday Gift for You on Your Birthday
Chase's Reserved Chair
Chase's Special Memories
Chase's Tears of Joy
Chase's Treasures
Chase's Turtle Story
Chase's Feeling Feelings
Chase's I Am Home With My Family
Chase's Awards From Others Page #1
Chase's Awards From Others Page #2
Chase's Awards From Others Page #3
Chase's Awards From Others Page #4
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Chase's Recognition at Cybertown
Chase's Home Page

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