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Chase's Awards From Others



I share the love behind these awards with you, my visitors.
Thank you for sharing in my joy of experiencing a little bit of "Heaven."

This Honor Award from Sir Lancelot is a very special gift from a Very Special and Kind Man:

Sir Lancelot Award

Ye have done a wonderful job creating thy homepage. It is definitely a place of honor :-)
Sir Lancelot

Sir Lancelot: Your very special way with words and your Honor Award both mean a lot to me. Thank You for this very classy award.

My Precious adopted and chosen Sister Marge gave me this "Touched by an Angel" Award:

Marge Award

Next time you update your page, please add the attached award because you and your page are truly "touched by an angel." I would be honored if you choose to place it on your page.
Luv ya, my Big Brother in Jesus!!
:-) Marge

Dear Sister Marge: Thank You for this really lovely Angel from Lovely You. I have truly been Spiritually blessed ever since we met. Again, thank You!!

This Heart Warming Site Award from the Very Lovely Michele is an award that really touches my heart:

Michele Award

Hi Chase,
I loved what you have done to your site!
I would like to offer you DEGE'S HEART WARMING SITE AWARD.
All of my awards were made from the original artwork of
my son Anthony, and are given in his loving memory.
A link to your site will be placed on DEGE's Awards page.

Dear Michele: I am deeply honored to display Your Angel Son Anthony's Artwork with your Special Touch included in this wonderful gift. I have treasured knowing You ever since You first entered my Mom's name into your Eternal Flames Page at your very Inspiring Website. Thank You for this very special award.

I greatly appreciate Sue from the LaughIn Team for sending me this very nice award:

LaughIn Award
Hi there, feeling good? is the place to be!

A link was sent to me by way of one of our friends to view. After viewing this site I visited some of your other web pages and I have to tell you I found your web pages done with great expertise, workmanship and the visit there was simply inspiring. Because of your dedication in creating a superb web site, I would like to present you with our "Best of the Net" award. Your URL will be posted on our web page that received over 3500 hits last month. Please accept our award and wear it proudly... as pleased, as we will be honored to display your link.

Thank You Wonderful Sue and your team at LaughIn for this very special gift.
Also, thank You for displaying my link at your LaughIn Website.

My Darling Little Sister really knows how to spoil me with this next award:

Sis Shanni Award

Shanni's Birthday gift to me--including this award--and her loving words always touch my heart.

Dear Sis Shanni: You are always happily surprising me to the max. It means so much to me to be "wanted" by Wonderful You. Thank You so very much for this superb birthday present.

Special Angel gave me, for my 14th AA Birthday, the following award:

Special Angel Award

Dear Chase,
I know we talk rarely but your never away from my prayers.
I thank you for sharing your life with me.
Congradulations !!
You've worked very hard and God knows it ..

Special Angel: You definitely added joy to my special celebration on July 11th of 2001. Thank You for adding this special touch and for this wonderful gift.

Shanni, my Little Sister, is so sweet; she has given me two more awards that were gifts for my August 15, 2001 Birthday:

Shanni Award


Shanni Award

Here are a couple of awards for all
the love you share in your homepage
and on the internet. You do have a

Sister Shanni: You always know how to make me smile. Thanks for touching my heart again--with your special gifts.

Warm-Sharing Friend Spidey presented me with the following gift for my 15th AA Birthday on July 11th of 2002:

Gift from Spidey

Wonderful Spidey: You always touch my heart with your unconditional love and many acts of kindness. Thank You for the reminder of the importance of a single "Step," and Thank You for this very nice gift.

Also for my 15th AA Birthday, my Chosen Little Sis Marge sent me this gift:

Gift from Marge

Marge: Thank You for the love that You continue to extend to all of us. I treasure your beautiful gift, too.

Thank You for enjoying these gifts with me.

This is your personal invitation to experience
~~my world of dreams and reality~~
by CLICKING the items on this list:

Chase's Favorite Links
Chase's Recognition at Cybertown
Chase's Home Page
Chase's Tribute to Mom in Heaven
Chase's Wonderful Dad and His Love
Chase's Birthday Gift for You on Your Birthday
Chase's Reserved Chair
Chase's Special Memories
Chase's Tears of Joy
Chase's Treasures
Chase's Turtle Story
Chase's Feeling Feelings
Chase's I Am Home With My Family
Chase's Awards From Others Page #1
Chase's Awards From Others Page #2
Chase's Awards From Others Page #3

Thank you for being here!!


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I greatly appreciate Angelfire for providing the space for my website.