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The Book Gather My Apostles
by Cary Goodwin   copyright 1996

Chapter Three

The Kingdom of God


Cary Goodwin

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But Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Matthew Chapter 6:33 Here the Lord is telling us what to seek first, the first priority. We must seek out the King first, so that we may be able to enter into His Kingdom. The King is Jesus of Nazareth. And the King has spoken, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God has come. It is in the earth now and has been, since the day of Pentecost. It is within you. The promise of the Father, the Holy Ghost baring the New Covenant to mankind, cut with the Blood of the Lamb, came in like a mighty rushing wind. Because of the Victory of Jesus Christ through the shedding of His own blood in His Crucifixion and Resurrecting victorious over death, hell and the grave, man can now enter into the Kingdom of God. Praise be to God forevermore for His great salvation!

When the Kingdom of God was ushered in on the day of Pentecost, the hundred and twenty in the upper room were the first to enter into the kingdom. By the end of that first day the population of the Kingdom of God on the earth, was about 3,120. Acts Chapter 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

After entering in to the Kingdom of God through the new birth, you are a citizen of HIS Kingdom. We must then be Kingdom minded. This can be hard for Americans because we are taught Democracy and we have spent billions of dollars teaching other nations Democracy. Democracy being established in a foreign country, does not mean that they will even have true freedom of religion. Democracy has been proven to be the best form of Government in the Earth, but it will save no one.

I have spent eleven years of my life residing in earthly Kingdoms and twenty years of my life in the Kingdom of God. The earthly kingdoms I have resided in are, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and The Kingdom of Thailand. These are countries that have a King, they are Monarchies. These two countries are not pure Monarchies; the kings do not have all power and dominion over their subjects. But in a pure Monarchy the king does have all power and dominion over his subjects.

In the kingdoms of the earth, the kings appoint men to take care of the different aspects of the kingdom. For example, they might be called the Minister of the Interior, The Minister of Agriculture, The Minister of Communications etc. These Ministers will set up and run the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Communications. This should give you a good idea of a kingdom. These Ministers might even be able to pass laws concerning their responsibilities to the Kingdom they serve. The King, would have the final word on everything. The population of these kingdoms are subject to the Royal Decrees and other laws approved by the King. To rebel against a Royal Decree is to rebel against the King. In many countries in times past and even today, this could literally cost you, your head.

As I write this, I'm reminded of a Christmas, about four years ago. I was in the villages in the mountains of Northern Thailand. I had read, that a Filipino Christian brother was scheduled to be decapitated on Christmas day in Saudi Arabia. It is a capital offense to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Saudi. That is just what this man had done. He was also distributing literature that offended the Muslims. They arrested him and thought it would be humorous to execute this man on Christmas Day, as an example to others. I spent my entire Christmas interceding for this brother. The intercession started about Dec. 23rd and I didn't stop, until I felt peace about noon on Dec. 25th. My mother informed me a couple of weeks later, that they had decided not to execute him, so they just kicked him out of the country. Praise God!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ really does threaten Kings and Kingdoms it is a serious and dangerous matter. It is a matter of life and death, both to the ones who receive the Gospel and to the one who brings it. In every respect the Gospel is A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH.

I have preached the Gospel in Saudi Arabia, by the Grace of God I was not arrested. I have had to stand up to the authorities in Thailand many times, defending the new converts (Police, teachers, village officials, Buddhist counsels, and many individuals). Thank God, I was not arrested or killed. But I have had to deal with the fact that it could happen at any time. I have had to settle it in my mind and spirit that I was willing to give it all for the Gospels sake. I mean literally, as a very real and present possibility. Living like this sometimes makes it hard to watch the complacency and lack of regard for the Gospel, among believers.

When Jesus appeared unto His disciples before He ascended into heaven, He was already Glorified and King of all. In Matthew 28:18-20, When Jesus said, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. This is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords issuing a Royal Decree to His Subjects in His Kingdom.

The Kingdom of God, is to all nations, even to the uttermost parts of the earth. It transcends all borders, all languages, all governments and all cultures. Who has the wisdom for reaching all these different places? It is God who sits on the circumference of the Earth. It is the Lord's (King's) job to call men and tell them where to go and what to do when they get there. As we take this Gospel to the lost of this world and they receive it and enter in, the Kingdom of God is expanded in the earth, which is the will of God.

There are so many living under false religions designed to deceive them and keep them from the Truth. Revelation, Chapter 17 & 18. (Chapter Ten)

I described earthly kingdoms and how the kings appoint ministers to take care of the affairs of the kingdom. So has God appointed ministers to His Kingdom. Ephesians Chapter 4:11 And HE (the Lord) gave some, Apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelist; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: We see here that God has indeed appointed His ministers to take care of the affairs of the Kingdom.

Each one of these five Callings, are to be given by the Lord not by man. The Lord prepares each man for the office that he or she is called to. There is an anointing from the Lord for each appointment. We cannot and should not try to interfere with this Order of God.

We see that the Lord made a distinction of the Apostles and Prophets when He told the Pharisees that He would send them Apostles and Prophets and some they would slay and persecute. The Apostles and Prophets, are men chosen by the Will of God to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. To the Apostles we see that the Lord Jesus delivered to them directly, His Will and Direction for the Church towards the fulfilling of His Mission in the Earth. The Prophets we see even in the Old Testament were men who served God only. God was able to speak His Will to these men directly, concerning the affairs of Israel. These men were obedient to God, above all else. As we understand this, we understand why Satan has tried to eliminate the Apostles and Prophets. It is an abomination for a man to call himself an Apostle or Prophet when the Lord has not called him to this office. It is very dangerous.

As Citizens of this Kingdom, we have our orders and we are not without direction. By not being Kingdom minded it is easy for Pastors and Congregations to begin to believe that the Kingdom of God exist only within the four walls of their church and themselves. When this happens, they can see no responsibility to any other serving God in His Kingdom. Such as Apostles, Prophets, Missionaries and other Christian workers sent into the Harvest. We must consider always the entirety of the Kingdom of God. As Saints of the Most High, the affairs of our Father's Kingdom, is our business. If we are to love Him with all our heart and serve Him with all our strength, we must keep our thoughts on the Lord and His Kingdom.

As the Lord said, in Matthew Chapter 6:31 Therefore take no thought saying, what shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or Wherewithal shall we be clothed. Then He says in verse 33, But Seek ye first the Kingdom of God first then all these things will be added unto you. It would seem that it is more profitable for us to keep our minds on the Kingdom of God and you can't think on the Kingdom of God without thinking of the King, Jesus our Lord.. When we put the Lord's business first He takes care of our business. We put forth the effort and He blesses. Amen.

Satan would love to see the Church of Jesus Christ asleep, not moving, not taking back the earth in the name of the Lord Jesus. The enemy of our souls would love to see us blinded to these truths we've been discussing in this book. There are over 300,000 Christian Churches in America. Unless we are moving fulfilling the will of God in the earth, these Churches just become like 300,000 bunkers where people are waiting out the war. And each church is not in itself the Kingdom of God. That would imply that there is 300,000 Kingdoms, just in the United States.

The Kingdom of God in the earth, is always expanding always growing. This means more ministers, more work and more money is needed, not less and less. As the time of the end draws nearer it is as though the Lord has stepped up the pace and the work.

I know in my ministry, the Lord has been telling me in the last two years to build a Mission Center to the Indo-China region and move towards the Vision, He gave me back in 1979. The persistence that I experience in the Spirit of God at times is overwhelming. We must do what we are told.

One night while I was in Thailand, the Lord appeared to me in a Vision. He was partially Silhouette against a brilliant white light. His appearance and voice, was Power and Majesty. His voice was like the Apostle John wrote about in the book of Revelation. A voice as of many waters, it was powerful. It was the Lord talking to me as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in all Power and Authority about my calling. I listened as long as I could. Then I got up and tried to close it out covering my ears and moving around like a chicken with his head cut off. I knew that I must do all that the Lord Commanded me to do. I am convinced that if the Lord appeared to any congregation speaking to them the way He spoke to me, people would be running out in panic to the parking lot. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a matter of Life and Death! The Lord is not playing games. Our role in this earth in the Kingdom of God is very serious. We will all stand before Him, in His full Majesty and Power. 

Is there an Army in this Kingdom of God? Absolutely, we are the Army of God in the Earth. We are to march forth in the name of the Lord under the same Royal Decree, Liberating the inhabitants of the earth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the power of God unto Salvation.

In this war, that is presently going on, the Apostles under God's System and Order, would be marching at the head, with the Head, carrying within them the Strategies from the Lord or King. With every soul that is saved it diminishes Satan's kingdom. And it expands the Kingdom of God on the Earth. If we the Church of Jesus Christ, the Body of Christ, the Saints of the Most High God, would come into God's Order, putting away false doctrines, the gates of hell could not prevail. It would be exciting, it would be blessed.

Let's take earthly wars for an example: What If the President of the United States and the Generals, adapted a policy of just sending out your sons and daughters on missions with no supply lines, no rescues. They literally, took no responsibility for their troops, once sent out on the Battle fields. Could you win the war that way? How many would survive?

I mean, when they were out of bullets that's it. When they are out of food, that is all there is. This would be like suicide missions would it not. Thank God for HIS power to keep us. For eight years, I lived and worked and fought in this War for the World, with no backup or support from the Army of God the Church. Every time we needed help we would pray. Then the Lord would tell me to go to HIS people. And every time, they would say this is none of our business. If you need help, it must not be the will of God. No, the Armies of the world know that they must backup the troops they send out in every way they can. In Matthew 15:9, But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandment of men. Any Doctrine that hinders the work of the Gospel in the Earth is an Abomination!

What if the President disregarded all chain of command and just told each and every soldier just to fight and win the war anyway they could with no leadership no chain of command? The Army would not be able to move. Each independent soldier, would have his own ideas about how to fight the war. It would be nothing but chaos. There would be many power struggles going on constantly within that army. The war could not be won. Many would die for nothing. Many would die at the hands of their brethren. God would not do it that way. But when we disregard God's ways, we are doing it that way. God has given men, in His army, that He can impart His directions and strategies for the purpose of taking His Gospel into all the earth.

In the Gulf War of 1991, the United States sent night after night, many B-52 bombers, dropping tons and tons of bombs on the enemy troops in the desert. It is called carpet-bombing and the reason for it is to kill as many as possible, and to demoralize those who are left. During this war, they shot many unmanned Cruise Missiles into Baghdad. Great emphasis was placed on an effective air war to save lives. Thank God it was very successful. It was also very expensive.

Thank God for the field Commanders who had the strategy for that war. They were in their place and moving according to their training and experience. It was also ordained of God, that they should be in that place in History. Saddam Hussein, had no men like this and has been known to kill his own field officers.

What if the Government would not send the bombers because there is a danger that they could be shot down? After all, that could mean a hundred million dollars down the tube, just for one. What if they didn't fire the Cruise Missiles, after all, they cost 1.2 million dollars each, more than many of the structures they would be fired at. What if they decided not to use the smart bombs because of their expense? Well, we would have lost many soldiers and who knows, that war might still be going on.

Under the Guise of being Good Stewards, many in the Church move so cautiously when it comes to money, that it begins to make the money look like the Sacred One (the one who dictates Kingdom policy). They seem to expect guarantees that even worldly businessmen do not expect. When a worldly corporation invest in third world countries they have to look at the political climate. When they make these considerations in a country that may not have the same stability as the U.S.A., they have to try to predict how many years of stability they might have and decide whether or not they think they can get their money back before the political climate, changes for the worst. They know that there is always a risk.

In the Church, we are called to go and to make disciples of the nations. To do that, there has to be a financial investment. But this investment, is not always going to yield a financial reward, neither was it intended to by the Lord. It is money invested in the Kingdom of God. No one likes to suffer any loss, whether it be the Government, Business, or the Church. But in a war planes are lost. Business can be lost in a war. Churches and mission centers can be lost. You cannot stop fighting the war because of fear of loss. There is a new doctrine moving among Pastors that says there has to be a win, win situation. The only doctrine that should drive and motivate us, is the souls of man perishing, when they don't have to. We cannot be paralyzed by fear of risk.

The Lord knows, it is hard to sit in a Country Club atmosphere week after week with no persecution, and realize the truths of what I'm writing in this book. That is another reason why these voices must be published and heard. A Country Club wanting to build another Country Club, would only look for a place of total safety

and a place that has a ready membership. That is a people of affluence, who could afford to pay the membership dues. This attitude or spirit has no place in the Church of Jesus Christ. Country Clubs black ball, those who don't fit their image. If you view God's Kingdom from a Country Club perspective, you will not be able to make good decisions pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

One night in Asia, the Lord really impressed me to write a Minister in the States to ask for his help. This brother knows what it is to have a vision from God. I spent the entire night writing this letter. The response was a letter telling me that miracles were whizzing past my ears every day and I just wasn't smart enough to recognize them and he sent a copy of his latest book on faith. I read his book and the miracles must have still been whizzing by my ears, only now, I'm twice as stupid, because I had read his book. Jesus is the Author and finisher of our faith, and He has come to Save the World.

I remember going to the Lord after that and commanding to know why he had me write this man. After all, I had written most of them in times past. The Lord spoke clearly to me that day. He said, "That man knows he could help you. You know he could help you and I know he could help you." There was nothing I could say after that.

James Chapter 2:14-20, What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? Can Faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

I tell you right now, there are many SENT OF GOD, out in the fields doing the will of God and their supply lines are cut by the Devil, because of the false doctrines that make Christians think this is none of their business. If they get thrown in jail because of their work, there is none who will come get them. If they're killed in the line of Duty, no one will even try to learn their name. They do it unto the Lord, but they could do so much more with the help of God's people.

I remember when I was over in the villages; I received a videotape of TBN. On this particular tape, there was a nationally known Pastor who was preaching to edify the Saints. During his sermon, he just flat told his audience, he wouldn't go anywhere with them behind him. I knew what he was talking about. But I also knew, from first hand experience, that if the Lord commanded him to go, he would have to. There would be no other choice...except disobedience and rebellion to God.

Let's take another example: In your city there is a thirty-car pile up with many injured and dead. The State and City, they spare no expense to save as many as they can. Every resource at hand, helicopters, rescue operations, manpower, jaws of life, Doctors, Nurses, hospitals all thrown into motion, sparing no expense to save even one life.

But what of the eternal souls of men that can now be saved. How does the Church of Jesus Christ respond? Make no mistake they are the only ones who can bring these life saving necessities to these men everywhere. The Church has laid on it, the greatest responsibility ever given to any men throughout history. Can we take it as a light thing? Can we consider it just as an optional function of our weekly activities? The Gospel really is a matter of life and death.

What would happen to all the officials in your city, who were made responsible to take care of these emergencies, if they would not spend any

money to save even one life. After all, there is no budget for this, at this time.

Would the population of the City, reward these men for protecting the money, for being such good stewards of the money? I don't think so!

There would be such a loud cry of indignation coming from that City, that it would be on News Casts all over the world, that same day. Wouldn't their neglect, be likened to murder? And everyone responsible, would be looking for a new job, in a new City, and a new lawyer to defend them, from all the civil suits and criminal charges. Is this a fairly accurate description? Look at our function in the earth from God's perspective.

Make no mistake, God will judge these things and does judge everyday. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required. Luke 12:48

Again I say, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is a matter of Life and Death! If you truly have no burden in your heart, for the saving of the souls of mankind everywhere, just repent and ask the Lord to give you a real feeling for the matter. This is one prayer, I know you will receive an answer to. If the word souls is too abstract to hold meaning for you, just say people. I pray to God that this book will help you to focus on the things that the Lord holds dear. We must strive to do the will and desires of God's heart first. Then I know, He will, with great Love and desire, grant the desires of our hearts.

Remember, you are a citizen of the United States or whatever your country is and a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Your citizenship to a nation here on earth, now in this time, will end when you die. Your citizenship in the Kingdom of God is for eternity. Therefore, it is to our advantage to be Kingdom minded now. The affairs of The Kingdom of God are our affairs. The Lords business is our business and our business is His business. Amen. His mission is our mission.

In Matthew Chapter 6:19-21, But lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. I submit to you that the only way to put your treasure in heaven, is to invest it in the Kingdom of God on the earth. That is the work of Jesus Christ in the earth. He says that it is laid up and protected, you are loaning to the Lord. And He will multiply it back to you even a hundred fold. Who else but the Almighty God could make this claim? 

In this Chapter, I have showed you examples of earthly Kingdoms. What would happen if you, as a citizen of one of these Kingdoms, decided to do away with the appointed Ministers of State appointed by the king of that Country? You would become an enemy of the King, a revolutionary. The King would then bring all of his Armies, if necessary against you, to stop this lawlessness. You would be an enemy of the King and His Kingdom. Would you expect to be rewarded by the King? I don't think so.

And what if there had been a rebellion in the Kingdom and you were still faithful to the King? How would you help the King restore order in his Kingdom? You would listen to and follow the orders of those sent by the King (the offices of Ministry appointed by the King) and the King Himself. But you would not listen to or help those who are of the rebellion. Isn't that right? It is Satan that has rebelled against God. When you slay and persecute Apostles and Prophets you are helping the rebellion against God.

I would like to draw another parallel. In the earthly Kingdoms we have described in this chapter, I used examples of Ministers of State appointed by the King. Let's say the King appoints this one man to be Minister of Communications. The King calls the man to present the appointment. The man says to the King, O King I am not worthy of this high office, I accept it in full humility. But I do not want the rest of the population to know that I am the Minister of Communications. After all, they will think that I have too high a regard for myself. They will think I am prideful. Now, nobody in the Kingdom knows where the Minister of Communications is. You can't find the office. Would that country have a good communications infrastructure? No! I know that this is ridiculous, but this is the way we do God, in His Kingdom.

There are many in the Kingdom of God, who are called by God, to be Apostles and Prophets who will not tell anyone. I am sure the persecution from the Church has something to do with it. But they have bought a lie that says it doesn't matter.

In an earthly Kingdom, if someone responded to the King in this manner the King would just say forget it. We will find someone else. After all, the King is trying to get the job done. It is no different with God. He has a job to do and He knows who to appoint, for each task at hand. The difference with God is, He calls and trains men even from birth, knowing their destiny. He will not repent of calling you, so it is you who will have to line up with His Will, take responsibility for your Calling. For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. Romans 11:29.

I have given you these analogies, to give you a working understanding of the Physical and spiritual workings of God's Kingdom, so that we might be able to serve Him, as we are supposed to. I think many in the world call the Church hypocrites because they seem so often, to oppose themselves and the one they claim to serve.

There are many Churches today, that care not for the affairs of our Lord's Kingdom. Many not called by the King, are leading the Kings people. Satan has for 2000 years been trying to cause a revolution against God, within the Churches. We must be smart enough, wise enough, not to be duped by God's enemy and our enemy, Satan.

In Luke 7:28 For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist; but he that is least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he. Here the Lord is telling us quite clearly that among men born of women, there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist. Then, He tells us that the least of us in His Kingdom are greater than that. I don't care who you are in this world. I don't care how much money you have. There is no one in this world who regards you as highly, as the Lord is regarding the least of His Saints in His Kingdom. Shouldn't we be Kingdom minded and mind the King .

To Chapter Four    Apostles and Prophets

The Book Gather My Apostles
by Cary Goodwin   copyright 1996

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