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She isn't on the evening news.
You won't find her in the headlines.
She lies waiting in the darkness.
No one knows she's there until she strikes...

Her eyes are glaring and alert.
Her smile is wide and evil.
Her intentions are beyond malicious.
We are all her victims, many times over...

She hides in the shadows of your heart.
Watching, waiting for perfection.
The time when you've never been happier.
Then she rips your life from beneath your feet...

She delights in your agony.
Laughs out loud at your sorrow.
Wants you to rise above it and start over.
Just so she can strike again and again...

You can never defeat her or hope to win.
She thrives on your destruction.
She hungers to watch you falter.
To watch you struggle to survive, hoping you lose...

She is a thief. A killer of souls.
You can never escape her wrath.
She does not leave when you find new hope.
Instead, she sharpens her skills, and she waits...

- L.C. 1999