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<i> ECCLESIA AGAPE CHRISTIAN EMBASSY</i> "but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life." "If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me as the Scripture said, From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water."

John4:14 & John 7:37-38

Are you really hungry for a vibrant church fellowship that goes much deeper than a Sunday social club or a dry monotonous religious tradition? Are you really thirsty for those living waters that become a spring of eternal life and unquenchable joy within you? Then perhaps you are ready for the Living church of Jesus Christ which is not a denomination, a building or an organization but is really a community of people who truly love one another and who worship together in the 'temple' daily.

The time has come brothers and sisters to unite as mature Christians in fellowships of mutual support and love. The home church model is more true to the New Testament record. Make a positive change and invest in a future of meaningful Christian fellowship, long term supportive relationships and powerful corporate prayer and worship. Think of the security and comfort of knowing that you have a spiritual family who believe and trust God with you, this would be a solid support system no matter what storms may come or what the economy looks like. You and your family will have the assurance of provision and protection even in the most difficult and trying times because as a righteous community of believers, God Himself will provide for us and help us in times of trouble.

Based on the prophecies of the Bible and on the present state of our global economy it is clear that we may see dramatic changes in many areas of our society. It is painfully evident that the fast pace and loose morals of our modern society is quickly dividing us against our neighbors, breaking up families and degrading the quality of life in general. And it may not be long before a whole new world order is implemented which would mean many challenges and hardships especially for us Christains. When we look around at our modern culture and see the chaos and insanity of the world system we should be even more motivated to unite with other like minded families to make plans and provisions for an uncertain future. But regardless of any trends of human society as Christians we should begin to follow the direction of Scripture and unite together and "be of one mind", "having all things in common." Let us not be caught either unaware or unprepared!

There is strength in unity and in numbers, but there is even greater strength in knowing and believeing the Lord and His word together with others. When we believe Him and trust Him together and endeavor to carry out and live His word, rather than just talking about it, then He will show up with great power and glory to meet our needs and lead us in the path of righteousness and Life. Our God is not slack concerning His promises but we must really believe Him and act on His word to see Him manifest His power and glory.

The Lord Jesus told us to "fear not", so instead we choose to have a positive unshakable faith. And though there are many challenges and potential crises in our modern world we believe that the only answer for many Christian families will be to unite in loving New Testament Christian fellowships that are not religious businesses or places of Christian entertainment. In this way we will focus on the Lord and look to Him as our help, our strength and sheild, rather than looking to modern church organizations and professional ministers for guidance. We will give our energy and full attention to the Kingdom of God and His righteousness instead of focusing on all of the problems in the world around us. In so doing we will not only attain greater balance and stability in our own lives, but we will then be empowered to have a positive impact on the local community by showing them the immeasurable Love and Grace of Christ Jesus! God is faithful!

"If God be for us who can be against us?"

Romans 8:31

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And e-mail any questions or comments to us and we will respond promptly.

We are simply elders and teachers in this evangelistic and apologetic ministry which we call ECCLESIA AGAPE CHRISTIAN EMBASSY. Our purpose is to preach and teach the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, to pray without ceasing, to sincerely love and care for others, and to be led by God's Holy Spirit in all things. We desire to see God build His church by bringing together the remnant Body of Christ here in Arizona. We will give everything in Jesus name to build and pursue godly Christian relationships to the end that we become a strong body of believers who have a powerful presence and a noticeable effect on the surrouding community. We also make it a point to defend the faith but also to take a stand for the name of Jesus and the inspired Scriptures of the Holy Bible. If you are a mature Christian who is ready to be REAL, and accountable to other "elders", who desires the New Wine skin and is tired of the old worn out religious systems and doctrines of man- then please contact us for upcoming meeting times.

(Please contact me through email and or give me a call 928-451-4877. Thanks! Amariah)

The following pages and links contain some more specific information about the proposed community, our beliefs and other related topics. Please read on...

Amariah Raphael P.O. box 3676 Sedona Az. 86340 928-451-4877

Community vision and plan
Doctrinal Statement of belief
The true church of Jesus Christ
Who we are
Christian links and webrings
Transformational library (My wife LaRae's web page
