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What is the 'true' church of Jesus as outlined in the Holy Scriptures?

Have we allowed our traditons and religious beliefs to take the place of the real church? YES! Are we American Christians basically ignorant of the Church of Jesus Christ as outlined in the Holy Scriptures? YES!

Do our modern church organizations effectively represent the Lord Jesus Christ and His teachings? NO! Do our churches accurately model the examples given in the Bible for church meetings and activities? NO!

Did you know that there is no Biblical precedence or Scriptural authority for many of our Christian religious traditions and doctrines?

(PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT WE DO NOT CLAIM THAT ALL CHURCHES ARE WRONG! GOD CAN AND WILL WORK IN MANY DIVERSE TYPES OF CHURCH GROUPS EVEN WHEN THEY MAY BE IGNORING IMPORTANT BIBLICAL REVELATIONS.) The Living church of Jesus Christ was never intended to be a business or a denomination yet that is primarily how the church is run today. The true church was never a one man show with one man as the pastor, leader, teacher, preacher and business manager and yet this is how most churches operate today. According to the Scriptural record in the Bible the church of Jesus does not even have professional ministers and priests, all of the leaders were ordinary folks like you and I. This point is particularly clear in the New Testament because Scripture declares that we are all priests and ministers of a new covenant. Even those who are called to a full time ministry should not take their entire living from preaching and teaching the gospel, except when absolutely necessary. Every minister of the gospel should have some other skill or profession, like the apostle Paul did, to maintain their place and usefulness within the everyday community. Although it is justifiable through the Scriptures to take your entire living from ministry, we are simply pointing out the potential down falls of making a career of the ministry and becoming a "professional" minister. When someone sets themselves up as an authority or teacher of the Holy Scriptures people will tend to come to them for answers rather than turning to God and oftentimes they will be placed upon a pedestal, and this is not good. God wants us to turn to Him and ask Him our questions rather than relying on an imperfect man

We have seen first hand many abuses of power within the institutionalized churches, where arrogant self promoting men lust for power and money under the guise of Christian ministry. Instead of promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ and furthering His cause, they promote themselves into a ministry 'career' to gain fame and fortune for themselves. In the true church people are not like that and particularly not the leaders! Those whom God lifts up as leaders and elders within the church body are the most humble and self sacrificing of all. These are those people who have power and wisdom from God but would be the last to tell you so. They strive to prefer others over themselves and to lift up and encourage others in their various gifts and callings. The true ministers of God neither expect nor take their entire living from the gospel except when necessary. And they very rarely, if ever, refer to themselves as pastor or prophet because of their sincere humility before Jesus Christ. These true pastors, prophets, teachers and leaders consider themselves dispassionatly and see themselves simply as one of a body of equals. The true ministers and leaders of the church of Jesus Christ do not use the gospel to get influence and personal gain. Rather they sacrifice themselves even putting their reputation and their livlihood on the line just to proclaim the unadulterated message of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. In Jesus time the religious people hated him because he was not afraid to point out their hypocrisy. It is no different today for true believers in Christ Jesus, religious people will hate you for telling the truth because they don't really want to hear it. Even Christian brothers and sisters will be angry and shun you when you bring up certain Scriptures that condemn thier "religious" traditions and practices.

The true church of Jesus Christ is a spiritual body of people that transcends the boundaries of every denomination and religious organization. It is not limited to one religious group or denominational system of thought. The true church is an un-orthodox group of believers who truly love one another and who actually bear each others burdens just as described in the Bible. Sincere Christian believers will not allow petty differences or minor problems to cause division and back biting among themselves. The Living remnant church has only one leader and authority which is Jesus Christ and none other. It is organized, guided and facilitated by elders who are faithful Spirit filled men and women who are all equals. Everyone in the fellowship including children and visitors are equally important and an effort is always made to lift up those who are down, strengthen those who are weak and to encourage and support those who are lacking in confidance and motivation. Mature members of the remnant church of Jesus Christ will often prefer others over themselves particularly during worship services.

Some of the signs that will help clarify if a fellowship is indeed a part of the true church of Jesus Christ as described in the New Testament Scriptures;

Unity of doctrine,

The presence of God is awesome in the assembly,

Sincere love for God and others,

filled with the Holy Spirit,

Always thankful,


There is freedom and liberty in the assembly,

Edifying and building up other other people,

People are generous, patient, kind and forgiving.

The true church is a community, a family,

good close friends who love God and believe God together.

On the other hand the church is not a business organization nor is it a denomination. And the ministry is not a profession or vocation but a loving self sacrifice and compassionate service! Any minister or Church leader who promotes themselves by using certain flattering titles, such as pastor, prophet or apostle is ignoring the teachings of Jesus, and is seeking glory for themselves. If they seek honor and recognition because of thier leadersip positions then do not follow them! If on the other hand they lift up Jesus and selflessly give of themselves to encourage and edify others, then you may listen to them and honor them.
