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Tues. July 9th, 2003.

The whole point of this site is mainly for me to put on public display my portfolio of writing & art. I am a very creative person, and I have to let a lot of this out.

My ulterior motive, if you can call it that, is that I'm pretty introverted at times. I live with two people are are very much extroverts (my mom and brother). I have quite a few friends who I enjoy a lot; point is, I need to come out of my shell, and this is part of my attempt to do so.

They say that when you view a piece of art, you have to keep in mind that that art is the artist baring his or her soul for you. Well, that's what I'm trying to do too.

So if you find something here that offends you, I'm sorry. The site's PG, and anything that isn't quite PG was meant in good taste. Like, wasabi good taste, anyway. I love the stuff on my sushi, but some people just can't handle it. hehe...

One more thing; pay attention to the magical (c) at the bottom of every page. It's there for a reason. 'nuff said.

If you like my art, wanna print it or keep it as a wall paper, feel free to do so. Just don't distribute it without asking me.

Thank you for reading this. Enjoy the rest of the site.