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Only the wisest and the stupidest can not change. -Confucius



Some have wanted to know a little about the person behind the fur. Well, here she is in all her glory. The picture displayed here is on the old side, but little has changed since it was taken.
Because in real life, I am quite paranoid about giving out personal information on the net, I won't give out my name, you can, like many do, refer to me as Sabbath, Sabs, or even Sabby. I don't mind it all. I say this, because you can never really be sure if the name I give you is really mine or not. Strange, confusing, but, hey, its the way I am.
To many, it seems I spend a lot of time on the net, doing nothing but role playing or talking to friends, which is true, but not as much as anyone would think. I actually have several hobbies, some of which are hold while others go through phases of inspriration. A few samples of what I do in my spare, non-net time will be seen here in this site in their own little pages. I will say it right now, when it comes to certain things, I am a perfectionist, while others, wellll, lets just say, average is just fine.

The hobbies I am listing are strictly what I do when I'm not on the net, or busy MUCKing.

Mostly I draw what ever comes to mind. Be it furry art, a cartoon, an animal or even a outdoor scene of some kind, I'll draw it. some of my pictures aren't very good, so they remain locked away from sight in a booklet I have so I can use them to learn from. Some of the drawings on the art page are early works and are not characters anywhere but in my own mind or short stories I've written at some point or another.

I know to some, its hard to believe, but I do write. Nothing much, or even known, but its something. I have written the odd poem or two, and am currently working on a story which i call, 'The Way of the Comet', a story about a teenage girl who finds out her heritage and helps those who need her to find their way to freedom. I won't tell any more about it, for you'll have to read what I have so far on your own. The writings and stories I post will be updated as time presents itself.

Yes, this sounds rather odd, but its true. I like being able to get out and try to make the area around my real life home just as beautiful as the ones I describe. Should you be wondering, yes, I do know what I am doing with landscaping, and a little foral design, because I took the course the local vo-tech I went to in school offered. While I was taking the horticulture course in school, I won the silver medal in the state conference in floral design. Yes, it was a long time ago I got that medal, but it was one of my proudest moments.

I know, you see this and laugh, but it true. I do, once in a great while, sit down and take the time to hand sew pictures on fabric. Its just a hobby I picked up while I was pregant with my little boy. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, that yes, I do have a family in real life, just one child, a son, and my husband.

Just like anyone else, I am a collector of several things. One my favorite things to collect are beanie babies, but only certain ones, like the big cat series, certain bears, dragons, equines and other unique beanies that capture my attention. Another thing I collect are horse/unicorn/pegasus figurines. Right now, I have quite a large collection of them, all but a select few are packed away for the time being. Another thing I collect are MU*s. Yes, the web based role game playing forums so many like to get addicted to. I have quite a few now and I am always looking for more unique and fun places to go to role play. Just email me at if you know of a good place for me to check out. If I like it, I might get a character, or appear now and then as a guest to talk or look around.

A couple of litle things some may want to know me in the real world. One is I can be a very sarcastic person, expecially when I'm in a bad mood. I guess that comes from listening to George Carlin a lot while growing up, I don't know. Another is that I'm not as sensitive about my age as some may think, but I won't tell anyone my age. I'll just say that I am staring down the throat of 30 and its not a pretty sight from where I'm looking. the last is, if you haven't guessed by now, is that I am a huge catlover. I have yet to see a cat I didn't like.

For those that really really really really want to know, here is my furry code. Have fun deciphering it.

FZmpstw4acdfmrsw A++++ C- Dm+ H++ M++ P+++ R+ T+++ W Z# S++ RLA/C/CT/M acdn+ d e+ f++++ h++++ iwf++ j p++ s**

Anyway, enough about me now. Time for you to look at the rest of this site, or find something interesting to look at while you're here.