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In the Parish Hall, the girls and I got ready, and we had only
hours to go... As for the boys (and lady), I don't have any
pictures available just yet to share in this page. When they are
scanned into the computer, they'll be here!
The Wedding
In sickness and in health, we vowed to stay together. The ceremony itself was a beautiful one, and I'll remember it
always! We had three people officiating the marriage; one was our beloved Fr. Jerry from Gallaudet, who signed and
voiced the whole ceremony. The other two were the residing pastor and deacon of Paul's home church. It was also
very special because my grandmother, who was sick with cancer at the time, was able to join my parents to see me
get married. We lost her to the illness not even a year later. She is very much missed among us.
My parents and my grandmother, all getting a little teary eyed to
see their daughter and grand-daughter walk down the aisle.
Relatives I had not expected to come, but was very delighted they
did: Uncle Don, Aunt Linda, and Aunt Frida (Uncle Ron is there,
but you can't see him)