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Sophomore year's Spring break in Arizona gave me the
nice tan you see here... Well, I had to compete with
Alyssa since she always got darker faster!!!
Charlies Angels!
A dear friend, who was also a very talented photographer had
us model for her. That was a lot of fun to do!
My fourth and fifth year were the big years for me. So many
dramatic things came about in my life.
On the left is a picture of Anne, my roommate that year,
and I all dressed up for the Homecoming dance. That dress
is, by far, one of my favorite evening gowns I ever had.
Unfortunately, I was unable to keep it due to a life
changing accident on our way home from Hard Rock Cafe
in DC, which was where the dance was held. It was a God
given miracle that I survived. To tell you more about it, it'd
take a page or so to do so.
On the right, my talented photography friend, who did the
picture above it, was hired by us to take our engagement
pictures. Our engagement was one of the best highlights of
my years at Gallaudet. He proposed to me right in front of
the Lincoln Memorial, my favorite place in all of DC!
Below, you see the end of my years at Gallaudet, which was
long a-waited. I finally had finally done what I had aimed
to do- Graduate with a B.A. degree!
I was fortunate to graduate with many dear friends, including my
fiance. From left to right: Alyssa, Marva, Anne, and myself. In
our last year together, we had grown much closer than the years
"MOM! DAD! GRANDMA!I did it! "
My folks, my younger brother, and my beloved
grandmother were able to see me graduate, and that
was the best part!