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Some Frequently Asked Questions About Tattoos

1.Do tattoos hurt?
2.Is getting a tattoo safe?
3.How much does a tattoo cost?
4.What do I do if my tattoo gets infected?
5.What exactly is a tattoo?
6.How long does it take to heal?
7.Why do people get tattoos?
8.How long have you been tattooing?

1.Although some areas are more sensitive than others the overall answer to this question is yes, tattoos do hurt. They are put into your body with needles.
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2.As long as everything used during a tattoo is sterile and clean getting a tattoo is perfectly safe. Use common sense, look around in the tattoo shop your in. Is it clean? Does the Tattooist look clean? Does he look like he needs a bath? Did he get the tubes and needles from a sterilization pouch?
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3.The prices on tattoos can vary widely from design to design. Most shops charge a minimum fee, which means if you get the whole tattoo or chicken out after a dot it's going to cost you at least the minimum. Some shops charge by the hour for certain kinds of work. A small tattoo might cost you 40 dollars while a large one could cost several hundred. Theres no set "tattoo price".
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4.If your tattoo is infected you should do what you would do with any other infected wound. See a Doctor.
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5.A tattoo is basically permanent colored pigments put into the skin with needles in some form of design.
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6.Different tattoos take different amounts of time to heal. A really big tattoo that isn't colored can heal faster than a small tattoo that is fully colored. Your looking basically at one to three weeks.
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7.People get tattoos for many different reasons. Some people just have a love for the artform. Some people just think their really cool. Sometimes people want to put some form of memorial to something on their body. It varies greatly from person to person.
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8. Adam and Robert have been tattooing in one form or another for better than 9 years. For more information on this please visit our about page.
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