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Thu, Jun 21 2007
Friday's Feast #149
Topic: Humor/memes
To join up and create your own feast, go to Friday's Feast, get the questions and browse the comments section for more to feast upon.

Name a funny habit you have.

I make stuffed animals come to life. I've tried desperately tostop, but I just can't help myself! I just start channeling them.

We used to wonder WHY in the world our 2 year old (who is now 15)had a New York accent. Yes, we lived in New Jersey at the time, but none of us had accents. It was the strangest thing. Then one night while I was putting her to bed, I realized her BEAR was talking to her with a New York accent! (Long Island to be specific) It was very funny....and kinda scary. I didn't even realize! Bears kind of take on a life and personality of their own around me....and I obey. (complete with swirling spirals in my eyes)

My oldest daughter, who is now 19, starts talking back to the animal I'm animating and then she gets all embarrassed and hits me! The last time it happened was on vacation 2 years ago. We bought a little stuffed zebra for Maggie. (and by the way, it looks exactly like the picture above!) He kept trying to convince Hannah that he was a donkey and she was arguing with him. Then when we laughed at her, she wouldn't even look at the zebra the rest of the trip....even though he tried desperately to get her attention! I still had trouble even tonight typing z e b r a instead of donkey. (see, I believed him too!) He's a persuasive little runt!

If you could instantly know how to play a musical instrument, which one would you pick?

I have always wanted to play the guitar. However the only instrument I can actually play is the kazoo.

How long is your hair?

About 2 inches past my shoulders.

Main Course
When was the last time you forgave someone, and who was it?

Last of my kids.

What is your favorite kitchen appliance?

Well that would have to be my cobalt blue Kitchenaid mixer! I had been wanting one for years. Every Christmas I would look at them longingly in the stores, drop hints, make the suggestion. Every year it seemed we couldn't afford it. Then one year when we lived in Williams, AZ, the men of the church were planning a night to go to the mall and do Christmas shopping for their wives....all together. So I made my list....there was only one item on it! And that Christmas....I got a diamond necklace.


It seems a friend of Charles convinced him that kitchen appliances were NOT an appropriate gift for wives at Christmas. AAACK! Well, I loved the necklace, but I wanted to kick that man in the shins! (the friend, not the husband) So the next year I told my husband I was getting a Kitchenaid mixer and he let me pick one out on Amazon dot com. ;)

by crickl at 11:02 PM PDT
Updated: Thu, Jun 21 2007 11:52 PM PDT
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Thu, Jun 7 2007
A Mom Anthem
Topic: Humor/memes
Another busy day here. I don't know where my nice relaxing summer is going! It's becoming a monster that must be stopped!

THIS is hilarious. I dedicate this to my children. (knowing that it is best to go ahead and mock yourself before they can do it!) Warning: Go ahead and swallow your coffee so you don't blow it all over your monitor.

Thank you, Anita Renfroe! You're a hoot!

by crickl at 8:37 AM PDT
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Wed, Jun 6 2007
Just for fun: Fleurs
Topic: Humor/memes
A friend of mine posted this on a forum. It's a 'what kind of flower are you' quiz. Since I don't date (my husband would not approve), I based it on friendships instead of dating relationships. I knew I'd be a daisy! "Daisies are the friendliest flower, don't you think?" (guess that quote)

I'm ignoring the hedonist part because I don't like it. I used to live with a fluffy little white hedonist named Millie, so that is a little hard to swallow.

You Are a Daisy

You see the world with an artist's eye.

Finding beauty is easy for you - even in the dullest of moments.

You notice all of the colors of the world, from fresh grass to sunsets.

You are a total optimist and hedonist. You love to drink life in.

by crickl at 10:22 AM PDT
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Fri, Jun 1 2007
Friday's Feast #146
Topic: Humor/memes
The Friday's Feast can be found HERE. To join in, just answer these questions on your blog and leave a comment at the FF sight.

Name something you think is “the best.”

Fudge pie and ice cream. (I'm stuffed from eating at Olive Garden but garlic mouth makes me want chocolate.) Fudge Pie was one of the first things I learned how to bake from scratch as a young adult. My seminary roomate gave me the recipe. It is simple, but has extraordinary taste and texture.

And it reminds me of those seminary days, living in a teensy garage apartment, engaged to Charles and my roomate was engaged too. Fun times! You must cook it just before eating it so it will be nice and hot and crisp on top!

Fudge Pie

Melt together:
1 stick of margarine or butter
1 square of unsweetened baker's chocolate

1 cup sugar
2 eggs
2/3 cup flour
1 tsp vanilla

Pour into greased pie pan and bake for 30 minutes at 325 degrees.
The texture is crunchy on top, then custard like in the middle.
Serve hot with ice cream.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 highest), how stressed are you today?

3....pretty good but let me tell you why! Today is our 23rd wedding anniversary. Charles has the day OFF and we stayed home, did some chores, swam and lazed around the pool, then went for lupper/linner (that is the word for a combo lunch/supper or dinner, according to Emma) at Olive Garden around 3pm. I feel very relaxed and destressed. We'll make homemade ice cream later....if we want to. (and perhaps some FUDGE PIE)

What kind of cleanser do you use to wash your face?

Neutragena Acne Wash in the pump bottle....great stuff!!

Main Course
Tonight is a blue moon! What is something that you believe only happens “once in a blue moon.”

A totally clean house....every room very tidy and actually CLEAN. A rare occurence indeed!!

When was the last time it rained where you live?

I live in the desert. It was probably in March.

by crickl at 6:11 PM PDT
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Thu, May 17 2007
Friday's Feast #144
Topic: Humor/memes
List 3 emotions you experienced this week.

Fear (woke up from a bad dream, then obsessed about it from 3am -4am last night)
Happiness (laughing with my family on Mother's Day)
Anxiety (I have teenagers)

Name a car you’d love to have.

VW bus with pop up camper (refurbished with a/c)
Or a new Beetle, blue convertible

Describe your typical morning routine.

Wake up to annoying alarm around 7am
go back to sleep
til I am reawakened by teens getting ready for school
bathroom trip
strong coffee (always ready, made by my dh)
Make lunches: peanut butter and honey sandwiches, crackers, fruit
Sit on my back screened in porch and read my Bible and pray
Homeschool Maggie

Main Course
Have you ever emailed someone famous? If so, who, and what did you say to them? Did they reply?

Not email, but I have commented on the blogs of Chris Rice, Beth Moore and Jars of Clay.

No responses that I know of!

Do you listen to podcasts? If so, which ones?

Nope. Oh wait! I did listen to a podcast (I think that is what it was) of some programs on Life fm, an Australian Christian radio station which a friend of mine helps to run.

See comments section at Friday's Feast for more spreads.

by crickl at 11:12 PM PDT
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Mon, May 14 2007
Seven Things I've learned
Topic: Humor/memes
e-mom and Iris have tagged me for the 7 things meme. The instructions for the meme are to list 7 random things about yourself. These are not random things though. I wanted this to be more useful than that this time. If you want random, you can look at my 100 things about me post. It took me forEVER to write it.

So here no certain order....7 things I have learned in my life. I have learned a few more than 7 things in my life, but to comply with the meme, I will post 7. =)

1. Ever since I began learning about the Myers Briggs personality profiles, I am almost obsessed with figuring people out. I love to try to determine if they are an E or I or a P or J. I think it's made me a much more understanding and tolerant person, realizing that a person's personality is inborn. I am an ESFP. If you take the test at the bottom of the page, let me know what your 4 letters are please!

2. Experience is almost everything. The more experiences I have in life, good or bad, happy or sad, the more empathy I have in my head/heart for others. It helps me have a better perspective on life. It helps me to be more merciful and compassionate. This also helps me not to be so afraid to have new experiences.

3. Processing and debriefing of daily experiences is so important to growth. I have never been a muller, a processor or an analyzer. I started this blog over 2 years ago as a creative outlet, but a lot of the time I find myself analyzing or debriefing myself as I write. And I'll be saying to myself...'wow, that's what God is teaching me in this'. I had a hard time doing this all my life (I think I"m a little ADD and can't focus on one thing long enough to feel as if I understand it), but writing it out, knowing it will be read by my faithful handful of readers helps me to organize and process my thoughts and experiences like I've never done before. It is like an incredible gift from God.

Kinda makes me feel more grown up. ;)

3. God is good. I always thought it was true, but now I know it is. I have experienced it, seen others experience it and have seen how something good always comes, even when it took a hard time to achieve it. I don't mean physical blessings or an easy life. The good things are often seen in how it affects or influences other lives, not only our own.

4. Friendship is a good investment. I have a hard time concentrating on just one friend long enough to really bond and let myself be known. But it is worth it, even if it does mean it makes it harder to move on, away from the relationship when God leads one of you away in our very transient culture.

5. Laughter is great medicine and making people laugh can be as good or better than counseling with them for an hour. This is good because I am not a gifted counsellor.....but I have been known to make people laugh.

6. People are so right about your 40''s all true. Depressing, but true. So stay out of the sun, floss!, don't lift heavy thing (!), exercise regularly and eat right....please.

7. I don't know much. Sometimes I think I have certain aspects of life or my relationship with God or how the Church should be or marriage or parenting 'all figured out'. I am always humbled to find that there is so much more to it and that my 'knowledge' was so small. There is always so much more to learn about life, my children, marriage, God, His Word or the Church.

Now the hard part. I have to tag 7 other bloggers to do the meme. (but I don't think that many people read this...ha)
So...if they have time to do this, I tag:
And fellow pastor's wives:

by crickl at 12:24 PM PDT
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Fri, May 11 2007
Territorial turtle's tendency toward terrorizing tats cats
Topic: Humor/memes
Here is a video for your Saturday viewing. You just have to watch it to believe it.....a high speed guard turtle. Look at his chomping action when there is a shot of the turtle coming directly toward the camera.

I'm amazed...and I think I need one:

by crickl at 11:37 PM PDT
Updated: Sat, May 12 2007 8:17 PM PDT
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Tue, Apr 24 2007
Heard on the playground today....
Topic: Humor/memes
I've been working, doing after school care at a local school here for about a month. Today I was out on the playground helping some kindergarten boys with their paper airplanes. I didn't know how to fold them and they were waiting for one of the other teachers to come out. So we were shootin' the breeze, chatting, when one of them looks up at me suddenly, as if a thought had just occurred to him,

"Are you a grown up?" he said.

"Yes, I am" I smirked....

"You're not a teenager?" said the other one.

"Nope, but I'm the mom of 3 teenagers."

They about fell off of their bench with amazement.

No problem,'s a common mistake. =)

by crickl at 10:09 PM PDT
Updated: Wed, Apr 25 2007 12:30 PM PDT
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Sun, Apr 15 2007
New fangled things
Topic: Humor/memes
I got this video clip over at Amy's blog, With Purpose. It is hilarious and it makes me dread teaching my mom how to use a new laptop. She is threatening planning on getting one in the Fall, but has never used a computer....ever...before. *oiy with the poodles already!*

This poor monk is learning to use a new invention, the 'book', after only using scrolls. Watch it:

by crickl at 11:30 PM PDT
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Thu, Apr 12 2007
Friday's Feast #139
Topic: Humor/memes
When you were a child, which crayon color was your favorite?

We didn't have very interesting color names in the, generation I grew up in....but Sky blue was pretty cool. Burnt orange was thought provoking, but not a very useful color.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest), how likely would you be to change jobs if it required you to move?

I like changes, but we just made a huge one, so I'm not quite ready for that again! Besides, interstate negotiating of playground monitor jobs is a little silly to think about.

Yep, I began a job at a local school here helping with an after school program...your basic playground monitor really.

Take all the numbers in your birthday and your phone number and add them up, one by one. What’s the total?

67, unless you're calling long distance, then add one. Is this how you find your 'sleep number'?

Main Course
Have you ever “re-gifted” anything? If so, what was it and who did you pass it on to?

Almost every knick knack I've ever received has been regifted and passed on. And if you know me, you may have received one. heehee

Name something you need from the store.

Are you going? Please....if you're going by Sam's Club, pick me up some Naked Juice=Blue Machine, a bag of gala apples and a big barrel of sourdough pretzels....oh, and Emma's pictures from the film processing department and her new contacts from optical. Thanks!

by crickl at 10:10 PM PDT
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Tue, Apr 3 2007
A very good thing
Topic: Humor/memes
For Palm Sunday we were to dress in black, so I needed some black panty hose. At Walmart the night before, I was reading all the boxes of the different brands and not very speedily either. Buying new panty hose is confusing because they all have different 'purposes'. All I really thought I needed was black ones, but then I got sucked into reading all the packages. I finally settle on a new kind by L'eggs brand that claims it is 'anti-cellulite'. At first I wondered if they were for me. (was my wearing anti-cellulite panty hose like making an anti-war person shoot a machine gun?) but then I realized it meant that it makes your legs anti-cellulite-looking! As an anti gravity machine makes gravity 'disappear'....yes, that was the hook. The light bulb went on! I snatched it up and gave them a good home.

And they work! I felt very smooth and secure all morning. And they didn't gradually roll down at the waist as time wore on, like control top hose. They are sturdy too! No runs, whereas, I usually can wear hose only once before they are ruined. (I usually buy the cheap ones) It got me thinking on what else they could make out of this wonder material! (I still don't know what it's called and the box is gone) I wish they could just go ahead and make all clothing out of it .....shorts, swimsuits, capris, sweat pants. Why waste a good thing? =)

Then at practice early on Sunday morning this was the conversation between me and a very thin teenage girl sitting next to me : (I so need to learn to just keep my mouth shut)

Me: I got new panty hose
Me: ....they’re anti-cellulite!
Jeana: What does that mean?
Me: (suddenly realizing that she may not even know what cellulite IS and not wanting to explain it) It means they're TIGHT.
Jeana: (chuckling) Ooooh.


by crickl at 10:49 AM PDT
Updated: Tue, Apr 3 2007 10:09 PM PDT
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Sat, Mar 31 2007
Friday's Feast #137
Topic: Humor/memes
What are you proud of?

My husband! He is my best friend, he's my pastor and he reads my blog. (which makes me proud too) And my daughters. They are each growing into really cool young women with a heart for laying down their lives and following God.

What is the best thing you’ve ever won as a prize?

I never win things, but a friend once entered me into a contest and I won (in her name) this really cool wooden bench for a front porch. It was very country looking, which fit our house in Williams great, but our house in Phoenix is southwesternish, so it now resides at my friend Lisa's house.

Name something you do that is a waste of time.

Probably this meme.....but mostly sudokus...what is the plural of that? Sudoki?

Main Course
In what year of your life did you change the most?

That is a hard question. I feel like there have been several of those kinds of years. Good grief...I started listing them and it's way too long! It goes something like this though: years when there was great personal loss (my brother, friends, 2 preborn babies, my dad) or gain (marriage, babies, friends) or some kind of spiritual decision and there have been several.

Where is a place you consider to be very tranquil?

Floating in my pool, lying in the hammock when we're out camping, my screened in porch on a cool morning.

by crickl at 1:35 AM PDT
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Fri, Mar 23 2007
Friday's Feast #136
Topic: Humor/memes
Please read:First a general announcement. I learned this morning that my blog is causing some frustration with pop up ads. I do not see the pop up ads usually, because I am on a MacIntosh computer. (most of those ads are not formatted to pop up on Macs) So if you could...even if you never, ever comment.....please drop me a note if you are getting pop ups or if they are keeping you from leaving comments, just email me a short note?? My email is: crickandchas at yahoo dot com. This will help me to write an email to my blog provider (angelfire) and let them know of any trouble people are having. They are usually good about fixing things.

I did notice that all the ads are gone from my actual page. (at least from my computer) So maybe these pop ups are replacing the ads on the page. I'm really sorry if it's causing frustration. I used to despise pop up ads when I had a pc.

Thank you to M for letting me know!

Now here's the feast:

Who is your favorite news anchor/reporter? Why?

I like the evening news anchors on our local Fox channel here in Phoenix. They are not too serious, they seem to be informed and not just reading a script, and they seem to be neutral in their opinions on social and political things.

Name 3 foods that are currently in your freezer.

1. Christmas biscotti, pfeffernuese cookies and undecorated gingerbread boys....I don't know what I"m keeping it for. I should put it out to be eaten!
2. Meat....a box of preshaped burger patties from Sam's club, a bag of boneless, skinless chicken breasts from the club also, corned beef, and steaks and pork chops I found on sale!
3. Lots of caked up frost in my outside freezer. My husband has informed me that we WILL empty out that freezer before summer (it pulls a lot of energy and runs too much in summer to keep cold) and just use our side by side freezer. So I will be cooking a lot in April!

If you were to have the opportunity to name a new town or city, what would you call it?

cricklwood or Actually crickhollow is a town in the Fellowship of the Rings book.

Main Course
What will most likely be the next book you read?

A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains, the diary of Isabella L. Bird. She was a middle-aged English lady, who in 1873 in the autumn/early winter, set out on horse back through the Rocky Mountains, mainly the Estes Park herself! I've read it before several years ago and my husband found it for me again on Amazon. If you have a chance to read it and love Colorado, you'll love it.

What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?

Well this question is a little uncomfortable for me since I'm married! But the first thing I notice about anyone I meet is their eyes and eye contact. I have no idea why.

by crickl at 9:53 AM PDT
Updated: Fri, Mar 23 2007 9:56 AM PDT
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Thu, Mar 15 2007
Friday's Feast #135
Topic: Humor/memes
**Get your own Friday Feast menu here.**

Name two things that made you smile this week.

1. We saw a guy dressed up like Uncle Sam, waving a little flag, advertising an income tax service on the sidewalk of a busy intersection. He was leaning out, almost into oncoming traffic, staring with a silly smile on his face, making eye contact with oncoming drivers and just frozen with that silly smile. (I couldn't help it) I'm glad he likes his job so much.

2. A commercial came on a few nights ago advertising the television show Malcolm in the Middle. The boys' frog had died and they were all gathered for a backyard funeral, when all of a sudden one of them lights a fire cracker rocket and off it went, ''shooooosh'', into the sky.

Then one of the boys quips, "May he rest in pieces." (they shot the dead frog into the sky on a fire cracker!) I half choked, it caught me so much by surprise. I *instantly* found myself in pieces, snarfing and choking and laughing so hard I think I had an asthma attack.

My daughter, who was sitting there watching it too, just looked at me like I was nutso. I guess some people just don't have a very well developed sense of humor.

Fill in the blank: Don't you hate it when ________?

Don't you hate it when people don't find something the slightest bit humorous when you are having an asthma attack from laughing so hard? *sheesh*

When you can't go to sleep, what is your personal remedy to help yourself drift into Lullabyland?

Web Sudoku

Main Course
What is something about which you've always wondered but have not yet found a good answer?

March Madness =(

What is your favorite pasta dish?

1. Seafood Alfredo
2. Jumbo ravioli (stuffed with Ricotta cheese, covered in red sauce and lots of cheese)
3. Chicken Linguini (cooked pasta...sometimes linguini....tossed with leftover chicken, crumbled bacon, shredded cheddar cheese and any kinds of cooked veggies....the sprinkle with parmessan cheese...yum!)

by crickl at 8:27 PM PDT
Updated: Thu, Mar 15 2007 10:18 PM PDT
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Thu, Feb 22 2007
Friday's Feast #132
Topic: Humor/memes
Where on your body do you have a scar, and what caused it?

On my face I have a 2 centimeter scar from when I was 5 years old. I was sitting on the edge of my neighbor's driveway, eating popcorn. (no microwaves back was actually popped on the stove top then drizzled with real butter and salt) My neighbor's dachshund, Molly, was sitting next to me watching every kernel from the bowl to my mouth *crunch*, bowl to mouth *crunch*, bowl to mouth *crunch*.

I noticed her intensity in watching me, so I hammed it up.

Bowl, waving it in front of the doggie's face, to my mouth, *crunch*

**BITE** "yeeeeeooooowwwwwwww waaaaah"

I was rushed into neighbor's house and set on the kitchen counter. I remember screaming my head off, the unchewed popcorn still sitting in my mouth. It was very traumatic. No stitches, just a big bandaid and put to bed. From then on, whenever I was at their house and Molly would come prancing in, I would jump on the furniture and scream. I must have been very annoying!

What is something that has happened to you that you would consider a miracle?

When Jesus drew me to Himself and took me as His own. Spiritual rebirth is a huge miracle.

Name a television personality who really gets on your nerves.

Oh I could name a lot! I'll have to say a certain, unnamed news show anchor who talks over the people he is interviewing and doesn't let them finish their thoughts. grrrrrrrr My husband likes to watch his show and if I"m in the room, he drives me crazy going 'blahblahblah' louder than anyone else on the show!

Main Course
What was a funny word you said as a child (such as "pasketti" for "spaghetti")?

Whatever I may have mispronounced was at once humiliated out of me by my older siblings. They were all teens when I was little. You didn't get away with things you could be made fun of around our house! So I have no memory of saying cute things like that....I feel robbed! ;)

Fill in the blank: I have always thought ______ was ______.

I have always thought making people laugh was a great talent to posess. (it's too bad dachshond's don't have a better sense of humor....sheesh)

To join the Feast, click here!

I am off for our annual women's retreat tomorrow.......back on Sunday!

by crickl at 10:38 PM PST
Updated: Thu, Feb 22 2007 10:46 PM PST
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