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crickl's nest
Thu, Jun 21 2007
Friday's Feast #149
Topic: Humor/memes
To join up and create your own feast, go to Friday's Feast, get the questions and browse the comments section for more to feast upon.

Name a funny habit you have.

I make stuffed animals come to life. I've tried desperately tostop, but I just can't help myself! I just start channeling them.

We used to wonder WHY in the world our 2 year old (who is now 15)had a New York accent. Yes, we lived in New Jersey at the time, but none of us had accents. It was the strangest thing. Then one night while I was putting her to bed, I realized her BEAR was talking to her with a New York accent! (Long Island to be specific) It was very funny....and kinda scary. I didn't even realize! Bears kind of take on a life and personality of their own around me....and I obey. (complete with swirling spirals in my eyes)

My oldest daughter, who is now 19, starts talking back to the animal I'm animating and then she gets all embarrassed and hits me! The last time it happened was on vacation 2 years ago. We bought a little stuffed zebra for Maggie. (and by the way, it looks exactly like the picture above!) He kept trying to convince Hannah that he was a donkey and she was arguing with him. Then when we laughed at her, she wouldn't even look at the zebra the rest of the trip....even though he tried desperately to get her attention! I still had trouble even tonight typing z e b r a instead of donkey. (see, I believed him too!) He's a persuasive little runt!

If you could instantly know how to play a musical instrument, which one would you pick?

I have always wanted to play the guitar. However the only instrument I can actually play is the kazoo.

How long is your hair?

About 2 inches past my shoulders.

Main Course
When was the last time you forgave someone, and who was it?

Last of my kids.

What is your favorite kitchen appliance?

Well that would have to be my cobalt blue Kitchenaid mixer! I had been wanting one for years. Every Christmas I would look at them longingly in the stores, drop hints, make the suggestion. Every year it seemed we couldn't afford it. Then one year when we lived in Williams, AZ, the men of the church were planning a night to go to the mall and do Christmas shopping for their wives....all together. So I made my list....there was only one item on it! And that Christmas....I got a diamond necklace.


It seems a friend of Charles convinced him that kitchen appliances were NOT an appropriate gift for wives at Christmas. AAACK! Well, I loved the necklace, but I wanted to kick that man in the shins! (the friend, not the husband) So the next year I told my husband I was getting a Kitchenaid mixer and he let me pick one out on Amazon dot com. ;)

by crickl at 11:02 PM PDT
Updated: Thu, Jun 21 2007 11:52 PM PDT
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Thu, Jun 21 2007 - 11:45 PM PDT

Name: JHS
Home Page:

Ok, you're kinda scaring me with that animal thing, although I used to make my kids' bears talk to them, too. Rupert woke Matthew up every morning for years and sounded suspiciously like #1Son's bear, Bubba. :-)

Thu, Jun 21 2007 - 11:49 PM PDT

Name: Stacey
Home Page:

Great Feast. I enjoyed the story about the zebra. No wait the donkey. No it was the zebra who was trying to convince your daughter and apparently you, that he was a donkey. That is too cute. I love how your daughter got her New York accent as well. LOL

Fri, Jun 22 2007 - 6:47 AM PDT

Name: And Miles To Go...
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We share the same dessert--aren't they wonderful?!

Fri, Jun 22 2007 - 9:17 AM PDT

Name: Lori
Home Page:

I loved your appetizer, although, I wouldnt say that too loud. The men in the white coats might hear you;)

Fri, Jun 22 2007 - 10:17 AM PDT

Name: joannmski
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I am with you. I would rather have a great kitchen appliance than a diamond any day!

And my husband used to be a jeweler...people wonder why I am not dripping with jewelry.

Sat, Jun 23 2007 - 1:11 AM PDT

Name: Alida
Home Page:

some years I want an appliance and some years I want the jewelry! I think I like my Christmas gifts best when I get asked what I want! LOL

Sat, Jun 23 2007 - 2:46 AM PDT

Name: e-Mom
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My husband used to say that the only instrument he could play was the stereo. (That dates us!) Welcome to the world of kazoos.

Lol, this is too cute: "Then one night while I was putting her to bed, I realized her BEAR was talking to her with a New York accent!" You are too funny Christie. I love your sense of humor. Thanks for brightening my day.

BTW, I'd be satisfied with either the diamond necklace OR the kitchen appliance. Don't own either one. And you said your husband was a pastor? He's one dudely dude.

Hugs, e-Mom

Mon, Jun 25 2007 - 8:09 AM PDT

Name: HeartSong
Home Page:

What fun! I don't think I have a favorite appliance. I'm dissatisfied with all of my current ones. (Ick! I am feeding discontent. Better stop.)

Have fun with the stuffed animals. Someday you will do this with your future grandchildren, and they will adore you for it.

Tue, Jun 26 2007 - 9:11 PM PDT

Name: Iris
Home Page:

The story about the zebra is just too cute...I love that you make little stuffed animals come alive :)

Too funny about your mixer and the diamond necklace. I know, I have been wanting one of the awesome kitchen mixers too (in red to go with our coffee-maker :)) - but still waiting on it :) - Maybe I just have to take the initiative like you did.

Thank you so much for sharing a little more about you.

Blessings to you and yours.

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