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oil on canvas painting from Daniela Markova  

star,100x80,oil.jpg (43312 bytes)    

Woman with bird,41x43,oil.jpg (39385 bytes)

'Woman with bird',41x43


clouds,100x80,oil.jpg (37687 bytes)

'Star'  100x80cm

'Clouds' 100x80cm


faces,80x65,oil.jpg (52622 bytes)   figures in blue,100x80,oil.jpg (41283 bytes)   faces,oil,50v45.jpg (48239 bytes)
''Faces I" - 80x65cm   "Figures in blue" 100x80cm    "Faces II" 50x45cm


light,81,65,oil.jpg (47680 bytes) church,81,65,oil.jpg (38017 bytes) light,72x56, oil.jpg (45974 bytes)
"Light" - 81x65cm "Church" 81x65cm "Light II" 72x56cm


kiss,80x65,oil.jpg (43696 bytes) Figure with birds,100x80,oil.jpg (50518 bytes) over the town,100x82,oil.jpg (41830 bytes)
"Kiss"  80x65cm "Figure with birds" 100x80cm "Over the town" 100x82cm


tear,100x80,oil.jpg (45882 bytes) tenderness,41x33,oil.jpg (32299 bytes) Two figures,92x73,oil.jpg (32149 bytes)
Tear - 100x80cm   Tenderness - 41x33cm   Two figures -  92x73cm

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