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Icons from Nasko Kameshev    

St. Ilija, 25x30 cm  


images/Christ the great Hierarch, 19x26 cm,140.JPG

St. Ilija, 25x30 cm



Christ the great Hierarch, 19x26 cm


St.Bogorodica, 25x35 cm (The Holy Mother),250_small.jpg   Crucifix,                    wood carving, 25x30 cm ,280.jpg   Christ ,21x28 cm,150.jpg
St.Bogorodica, 25x35 cm (The Holy Mother)             Crucifix,                    wood carving, 25x30 cm   Christ ,21x28 cm


St. George,20x28 cm_small.jpg St. Joan Baptist, 21x28 cm,130.jpg Compassion, 25x30 cm,180.jpg
St. George,20x28 cm. St. Joan Baptist, 21x28 cm Compassion, 25x30 cm



Entrance to Jerusalem, 24x29 cm ,200.JPG

Entrance to Jerusalem, 24x29 cm

Annunciation,  22x25 cm,150.jpg

Annunciation,  22x25 cm

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